There are few issues in life that cannot be solved via the careful application of a truly enormous ego. Knowledge is power!JWAN said:Im not apologizing for anything Im just amazed that you think the whole gaming community falls into your opinion of a video game.
Then you aren't very good at A) Arguing or B) Reading, as this last statement aptly illustrates - nowhere in any of my posts was there even the suggestion that Farmville should be banned, or that individuals should have their rights to 'play' incredibly lame things (for entirely imaginary quantities of fun) curtailed in any way. Of course they should be allowed to piddle away their free time doing monotonous thankless work masquerading as entertainment for people with such exceptionally dull lives that a heaping serving of repetitive tedium is perceived as a marked improvement*. Next you'll tell me I want to ban 'staring fixedly at nothing in an ultimately futile attempt to discern individual oxygen molecules with the naked eye', an equally valid waste of exceptionally boring people's time.JWAN said:Im not defending the game Im defending peoples right to play what they want. Are you the child of Atkinson or something?
All you'll find in my previous posts is mockery that hit a little too close to home for your sensibilities, and your latest response is either a transparent attempt to make me look bad via comparison to gaming culture's public enemy #1, or proof that you are bloody terrible at skimming and should probably read things through in the future. Either way I win, huzzah for me!
[small]*Just because I agree that you should be allowed to do something doesn't mean I agree to refrain from ruthlessly mocking you for doing it.[/small]