Dragon Age 2 is superior to the first despite what everyone says

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
Kahunaburger said:
DrVornoff said:
To the game's credit it had a much more vibrant and memorable aesthetic,
I'll agree with "memorable."

Let's take a walk through what I like to call... The angry gallery. Cue the music:



New member
Dec 25, 2008
Are we talking about that pile of week old donkey afterbirth they crammed into a DVD and called Dragon Age 2? Well whenever this topic comes up I'd be amiss if I didn't relay the tale of my neighbor's dog shitting on my walkway. You see nobody likes dog shit on their walkway so I had to go clean it up. Having nothing better to clean it up with I used my Dragon Age 2 disc. Well upon seeing this my neighbor came out of his house as angry as I've seen a person. He couldn't believe I was getting a Dragon Age 2 disc all over his dog shit.

That being said I'll go against my better judgement and assume the OP isn't simply trolling. However, rather than go into detail I will simply list DA2's many flaws in bullet points.

* Nothing but a poorly made cash grab as evidenced by a development period of a year or less.

* One dungeon copy/pasted through the entire game

* Combat artificially extended through waves of mobs that simply appear out of thin air.

* There is more personality to be found in my morning shit than there is to be found in the majority of NPCs

* The entire story takes place in a single city and is poorly connected from one act to another leaving the player unable to give a shit.

* Combat dumbed down to the point of (and I quote random Bioware employee) "When you press a button something awesome has to happen" *See video below for further explanation*

* Kirkwall was totally and completely lifeless and saw no advancement from one act to another.

* Outside of main character you couldn't upgrade individual equipment on any of your toons.

* Players' actions had ZERO consequences.

* Was written in part by a person who was on record saying the following "Yes! This! You guys have no idea how cute Merrill is. I work here and and I still squee when she says things I haven't heard.

There's a lot of this in the writer pit:

Merrill (in-game): (something unbelievably cute)
Mary: Hee hee.
Sheryl: She's so adorable I love her and want to hug her omgIcan'tbelievehowadorablesheisCAN-I-NOM-HER-HEAD?!
Mary: ... No."

. . . . buy yeah other than that Dragon Age 2 was just tops fella. And for everyone who enjoys hearing about how awesome things happen with a mere press of a button in Dragon Age 2 here's an EA/Bioware rep to explain it to you over and over and over


Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
DrVornoff said:
Huh. For some reason that thing with the eyebrows never happened for me. Weird.
Ehh, to be far when it happend to me I wasn't exactly playing it on the highest settings, and it was generally more amusing than annoying.

I should point out that I don't hate DA2 as much as my jokes may suggest, it's just that it's a lot more fun to make jokes about DA2 than the original. The worst thing you can say about DA:O is that you found it dull, which while it is a pretty huge point against it doesn't make for good comedy.

Flailing Escapist

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Apr 13, 2011
Vivace-Vivian said:
I also think Dragon Age 2 was better for many of those reasons. Also it was actually fun, unlike DA:O.
That reminds me of these kids who were a year below me in high school. They tried to tell me that Fallout 3 was better than Oblivion because the controls and gameplay were more "fun".

Of course its subjective but thats not my point.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
taiwwa said:
How was DA1's combat any better? yeah in DA2 there's a lot of tapping. In DA1 there's a lot of watching auto attack.
That's because you played it wrong by not choosing mage origin, and then rolling 2-3 mages deep on nightmare mode without pausing. Can't blame the developers for your insisting on playing in the most boring way possible.

taiwwa said:
Better plot and story
Sure if you like disjointed meandering political discussions that railroad you down a set path without any visible reason to do so. Episodic content? Sure. A singular cohesive game with a consistent direction? No.

taiwwa said:
Much better art.
taiwwa said:
Lastly the art is fantastic. I'm guessing that DA:O must have been in development a long time because some of the art looks quite dated. But in this game they revamped the game models
No shit its later in time and the graphics industry moves fast.

taiwwa said:
Faster combat while keeping the same abilities as the original.
Fights lasted way longer in DA2 than DA because they would throw wave after unending wave of shitty units at me. In DA I could just herd them, nuke the whole pot, and be done with an area in 30 seconds. Unless you mean like revenants which were gay as hell and pretty avoidable too.

taiwwa said:
the combat was very slow and kind of annoying
Yes so annoying, not at all like DA2s combat where any damage = fly backwards and take 5 seconds getting up. Because forever stun locked by unavoidable enemy arrows = the best gameplay ever. If there's one thing I love in a game it's watching my character flop around on the ground for 30 seconds while my controls are unresponsive and the enemies kill me.

taiwwa said:
And for all the complaints about the combat, I don't find it any less deep than DA:O. All of the same abilities are still there.
Number of abilities is not synonymous with depth.

taiwwa said:
Biggest improvement is in the elven models.
lol what?

taiwwa said:
Only thing that DA:O has over DA2 is Morrigan and Alistair.
Really? Alistair? The guy who 90% of his dialogue was him whining?

taiwwa said:
I honestly think that people who prefer DA:O over DA2 (and by the same token Mass Effect 1 over ME2, ME is far superior but that's a different thread) really are into geeking out over lots of menus and stats but kind of miss the point that is storytelling experience.
I could give less of a shit about menus and stats. DA was better than DA2 and ME2 was better than ME, for oh so many reasons. And no, DA2 isn't a horrible game. It just made a few really horrendous decisions and by comparison to the origional DA is a step backwards.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
yogibbear said:
DA2 was awful compared to DA:O.

Anyone that says otherwise has brain damage or is a troll.
That seems pretty harsh. I like Dragon Age: Origins much more than Dragon Age 2. I don't see the need to insult people that disagree with me.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ah you have been secluded for too long OP, I'm sure that in your room all your opinions equal facts but out in the real world it's not quite like that.

DA2 is RPG for the casual age, less content, less dialogue, less decisions, less complexity,... just so the players can have a stroll through without any effort, or get confused on any major story.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I really hope OP is mistaken, because I had the choice of buying both for cheap yesterday and I went for Origins because of the huge shitstorm when DA2 came out.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
rob_simple said:
I really hope OP is mistaken, because I had the choice of buying both for cheap yesterday and I went for Origins because of the huge shitstorm when DA2 came out.
You made the right choice. Whether you like DA:O or not it is easily the better game. DA2 is just a rush job. That it came out even remotely coherent was a miracle. Barely over a year of dev time, tons of bugs, completely unbalanced combat, nearly all strategy thrown out a window, some of the craziest launch DLC I've seen ever (seriously how many places did they partner up with), some of the ugliest models I've ever seen for characters and a worthless plot with horrible writing. If you don't like DA:O then sorry but at least you got the better game.

Soviet Heavy said:
Kahunaburger said:
DrVornoff said:
To the game's credit it had a much more vibrant and memorable aesthetic,
I'll agree with "memorable."

Dammit I miss that Let's Play. It might not have been the one that Something Awful wanted, but it was the one the game deserved. I wish they hadn't gassed it.
I miss that too. I was actually thinking of registering for Something Awful because of that but then they locked it and when I checked the reasoning it was because they didn't like it. Yeah I'm not going to pay $10 to register for a forum where they can ban me because I'm not good enough for their taste. Screw that.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Dragon Effect 2 was an awful game that ruined everything that was great about it's predecessor.

They changed the combat which was one of the main selling points of DA:O.
They changed the art style - the only positive change was the Qunari, they absolutely butchered the Darkspawn so much that they look stupid now and the elves.
It had a nonsensical ridiculous plot.
It had stupid anime combat instead of gritty Lord of the Rings style fighting.
They retconned every decision you made in the previous game.
They ruined the carefully constructed atmosphere of the first game and made it utterly generic fantasy tripe.
They removed Origins stories in favour of some static snidey protangonist who's family just died.
The rise to power concept was implemented terribly.

It will never be forgiven unless they make DA:O2.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
i do agree, i think DA2 is a great game, dont get me wrong DA:O was a great game too but i think i liked DA2 better, i actually also think that the story in the DA2 was more immersive because it was more tighter put to place, DA:O story was somewhat generic and all over the place


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Bara_no_Hime said:
taiwwa said:
Story: if I'm not mistaken, you still end up fighting dragons in DA1.
I was with you (I very much enjoyed DA:2) until you said that. What?! You say that like the dragon slaying (other than the last one) is actually part of the main plot.

You fight three dragons, max in DA:O. Two optional ones and the final boss.

... unless you're counting drakes, I guess, but they make a pretty big deal of making sure the player knows the difference.

Did you... play DA:O? If you only played DA:2 then you really can't compare them.

Edited to remove spoilers.
Honestly, I forgot what exactly happened.

My point kinda is that you don't have that much choice in DA:O. YOu basically get to choose a "winner" NPC at the end of each quest, but you're still more or less going along the same course.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I also found the first one boring, but I made myself play through it. It's nothing special and I was against the thought of getting DA2, because I disliked the first one. DA2 was much better though and I found it more fun to play.

El Dwarfio

New member
Jan 30, 2012
taiwwa said:
I love it when I turn on the internet and have someone tell me what I should think.

Yo sir are clearly a king amongt men, your opinion should be law and everything shrinks beside your greatness.

#if only I possessed the sagacity that you clearly wield.

I thanks you once again.

Jon Shannow

New member
Oct 11, 2010
A problem I had with 2 is that you still have the same companions 10 years on. In Origins I could accept it as you needed them to stop the blight. But in 2 if I have to wonder why i'm still sticking with the crazy possessed mage and why I can't just go out and get some more normal friends


New member
Aug 24, 2010
The best thing the gaming community ever did for me was hate on DA2. I had pretty high expectations initially and the criticism it got drove those expectations into the ground. When I finally got it there was no way I could be disappointed. But then the opposite happened - I absolutely loved it. The adventure was brilliant; dull in places certainly but fantastic otherwise with some truly epic and memorable moments. And I'm sure I would have been gutted if my expectations had not been lowered


New member
Nov 14, 2011
taiwwa said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
taiwwa said:
Story: if I'm not mistaken, you still end up fighting dragons in DA1.
I was with you (I very much enjoyed DA:2) until you said that. What?! You say that like the dragon slaying (other than the last one) is actually part of the main plot.

You fight three dragons, max in DA:O. Two optional ones and the final boss.

... unless you're counting drakes, I guess, but they make a pretty big deal of making sure the player knows the difference.

Did you... play DA:O? If you only played DA:2 then you really can't compare them.

Edited to remove spoilers.
Honestly, I forgot what exactly happened.

My point kinda is that you don't have that much choice in DA:O. YOu basically get to choose a "winner" NPC at the end of each quest, but you're still more or less going along the same course.
In DA2 you get to chose something at the end of the quest...but it makes no change at all cos you end up railroaded down the same path of KILLING EVERYONE whatever happens.

No chance to save your mum, no chance to negotiate with the Arishok, no chance to save the Viscount.

The lack of choices in DA2 is painful.