Dragon Age: Inquistion - Can Bioware Survive Another Misstep?


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Mar 28, 2010
Raikas said:
No one is disagreeing with that. What I'm challenging is the idea that that's a major selling feature for a large portion of the potential audience. Yeah, they used for Origins, but if the vast majority of gamers were interested in playing it for other reasons (and given that most people didn't make use of the different origins, certainly suggests that other features were a major draw for most of the people buying the game.
Well, that goes back to my earlier commentary about DA:O, its design, and its place in the pantheon of BioWare titles. The game was an unexpected sleeper hit, and reached an audience far beyond its target demographic. The game was initially conceived as a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series, and a nostalgia-invoking title for the party-based tactical RPG crowd -- it was never really intended to have broad appeal, as far as I've been able to tell.

You could definitely make the case DA2 was BioWare's and EA's attempt to broaden the series' appeal and generate higher revenues, though.

Eh, you could just as easily mock DA:O's story with "Do you kill the dragon and die with it, or do you hook up with Morrigan and kill the dragon and survive?" Neither game had a terribly complex plot (although I might argue that at least DA2 tried a little harder along those lines, even if that meant that when it failed, it failed more strikingly).

I mean, I actually liked both games (although for different reasons), but the main plot wasn't one of those reasons for either one.
I'm a bit more forgiving towards DA:O's final choice(s), being that it was an eleventh-hour revelation intended to ratchet the tension and stakes of the game's resolution. DA2 made it pretty clear from an early point (despite every failed attempt otherwise) that by the end of the game, you would be forced to choose between one of two flavors of assclown. Sure, DA:O's story was simplistic, but in its case the devil was in the details and influenced heavily by the player-character's own viewpoint -- details DA2 lacked outright, or managed to trivialize in the course of a grander narrative.


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Jun 7, 2013
The Madman said:
As much as people complain, Mass Effect 3 was a huge success despite its ending and even Dragon Age 2 did alright sales wise. Maybe not the surprise hit that origins was, but it did well enough to warrant continuing the series.

So even if Dragon Age Inquisition were the worst game since Superman 64 Bioware would probably be just fine.

I don't think Bioware will go under if they screw up DA:I (even to the point of Simcity BAD). Nomatter how badly they do it, EA will keep them alive through necromancy and other means but they will not be allowed to die. There is still plenty to be milked out of Bioware such as Star Wars, Mass Effect 4, Dragon Age and others. They need this RPG Ex-powerhouse to keep them in the fight against the likes of Blizzard and other RPG companies.

Because in the mind of EA, they have to fight and dick everybody for people's money--- even the customers.

Them fighting Activision (COD) with Battlefield and Blizzard (WoW) with SWTOR and others means just that.

Lictor Face

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Nov 14, 2011
Orc Town Grot said:
There is a infectious tradition of attributing qualities to Bioware games that simply don't exist. Baldur's Gate 2 was great on the basis of the Dungeons and Dragons rule-set developed by other people, and a PERFECT UI (and awesome portrait art)

That game system UI is so enjoyable to use that we tend to ignore the poverty of the level design, or any other weaknesses in the game. We are having so much fun checking our stats, tweaking our saved spells, and re-organizing inventory, that we don't notice that the game itself is a bit dull, or tedious. Wandering one hundred maps chasing up 100 silly plot points.

All the other big Bioware titles have a large number of imperfections: in world design, in game mechanics, in inventory, level design and so on. Also of course UI, which never retained the BG2 standard of perfection. Neverwinter Nights 1 must be the most boring bloody western RPG ever made. I dare anyone to re-install it and try to play through act 1 without going insane at the glacial pace at which you can onlock the city, and the sheer number of boring-as-hell encounters. It takes a serious waste of real time to level up your character or find any good gear, and its a pain in the arse lugging, selling and organizing loot. NOT FUN! Besides NWN1 DA2 was a MASTERPIECE!

Likewise I have said before, if you have not played the entirety of NWN1 and gave up after the first Act, you frankly have no right at all to criticise the game as a whole. The fact that many people actually felt that NWN2 was a step down from NWN1 should speak VOLUMES about the original.

Please please please don't call DA2 a masterpiece or I might question how your mind works. DA2 is MANY things. It is bad, it is a step backwards, it is mediocre, it had pretty good combat, it had hash story.

It is NOT a masterpiece simply because it did nothing for the over-arching plot other than that frankly awful LOL MAEGS VS TEMPLES plot 'twist' ( I was expecting an all out war between the qunari and the humans. Which frankly, would have made DA:I's plot a lot more exciting instead of the bland "freedom" mages and the sterile "screw freedom, I heart safety" templars.


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Oct 5, 2011
Eacaraxe said:
Raikas said:
I don't disagree that it's a well-established feature, but I'd still argue that a feature that very few people use can hardly be a strong selling point.
The game was titled after the first hour of each playthrough (the origin story). The origin stories were a huge chunk of the pre-release publicity and advertising, that your perspectives of the game's conflicts and questions will be directly shaped by your character's origin story, and that origin stories continue influencing game content (in admittedly oft-small ways) well beyond the prelude. BioWare did come through with that, too.

DA2, on the other hand, reduced that to "you're either an apostate, or your sister is one. Which do you like better, Swording Things for She-Jesus, or Spelling Things for FREEDUMBS?". Don't even get me started on the damn ending, which asked you "if you had to side with mass-murdering lunatics, would you prefer them to have swords or magic?" without even the potential for a third solution in the form of concluding both sides are fuckin' morons who no longer deserved the privilege of continued breathing, or simply doing the smart thing and getting the hell out of dodge. Overselling a "both sides are bad" narrative I can at least understand, but doing it without alternatives to doing the stupid thing and choosing a side I can't.
Did you really find origins to be as game-changing as Bioware would have you believe? Because I played through as an Elf and as a Human and the only difference is that a female human could become queen and an elf woman could only become a consort. Both ended with a still image and some text, and neither had any ramifications on anything in later games. It's ridiculous to argue this as a thing superior to DA2. At most, I could agree that origins and whether Hawke was an apostate or not are similarly inconsequential, but saying origins were legitimately good and not oversold junk that barely changed the main course of the game is just untrue.

Also, to others saying BG2 was great...Really? I agree with the person that said it had a fantastic UI, but I found that shit was tragically boring. The companions were, at best, fun distractions to the drudgery of the gameplay. For comparisons sake, I very much enjoyed stuff like Icewind Dale 1 and 2 and Fallout 1 & 2. I just found BG1 and 2 to be pretty shit.

My hope is that DA:I toes a line between Origins and DA2, edging closer to DA2. I found DA2 to be the far more compelling experience (although DA1 had Morrigan and Zevran, whom I loved, and while DA2 had Isabella, Aveline, and Varric, who were great, it was poisoned by Fenris). Enjoyed the combat more, enjoyed the characters more, enjoyed the story a bit more because I cared more about the adventures of Hawke than the generic world-saving adventure of the Grey Warden in a world that wants to be LotR and ASoIaF (I find that DA2 just really fucked up the frame narrative and reused assets too much).

I can't remember if I said this in this thread or not, but the only game I've found that I hated from Bioware besides ones from the BG series was Jade Empire. DA:I doesn't look like it's shaping up to be as atrocious as that, so I'm pretty hopeful. A bit concerned they're going back to letting us choose a race, because as someone else said, I'm just picking to be a human, a skinny human, or a short, stocky one, and like Origins, there will probably be no meaningful differences (and it might come with the loss of Mass Effect style dialogue, which would be a fucking tragedy), but still hopeful.


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Apr 8, 2010
Gor Kur said:
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Only someone with their head in the sand, or up their butt, will trust BioWare again. Despite all the apologists on here lying and saying their last three games didn't suck, they sucked, and the next game will probably suck too. I do not buy EA or BioWare games new anymore and I won't again.
Here's the two MASSIVE flaws with this ridiculous argument (which seems to be the big statement by bandwagon jumpers).

1) You may not have enjoyed ME3, DA:II or TOR, and that's fine but there are others who did. In the world of MMO's TOR is a superbly crafted, well storied and fairly in depth MMO, DA:II while suffering from repetitive dungeons had a good story, an excellent premise, and VERY well defined characters. ME3 was a extremely well crafted game minus the last 5 min, and if you let 5 min ruins 40 hours, then its your loss.

2) Saying "I will never trust BioWare again" is such a childish and frankly ridiculous argument. No one care's if you, or him, or that guy over there "Trust" Bioware, or EA, or Activision, or any other dev/publisher. They want you to like the game and buy it so you will be interested in their next one. No one Trusts Activision or EA to look at the best intrests of the consumer, Yet Battlefield and Call of Duty continually pull in retarded $$ numbers.

TL:DR - Try a little less parroting of the popular opinion, and a little more actual conversation. Or there is always more Call of Duty to play


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Jul 3, 2013
Tragedy said:
If they didn't know what was wrong with DA2 before they even released it will imply a certain virtuosic example of being stuck deep into their own asses.
Can someone please tell me what was wrong with DA2? i recently finished playing both Origins and DA2 and honestly, i preferred the second game. origins was a great game and all, but DA2 was just more fun and the only consistent complaint ive heard about it was the reused areas, which i was fine with.


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Nov 21, 2008
I liked SWTOR and ME3.

I liked DA2 also, wasn't the best, but I still enjoyed it.

People are just looking for reasons to get angry now. Bioware isn't dying, not yet, not next year.

Brian Tams

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Sep 3, 2012
Yes, simply because they have a large fanbase that will lap up their work and defend it with their dying breath. They're a lot like Bungie in that regard, who's fanbase sees the developers name AND NOTHING ELSE.


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May 14, 2010
Bioware? arnt they the devs who used to make good games? joking aside, 3 strikes for Bioware already.

DA-2 = Strike 1 = Dumbed down so much is silly, with a badly made story and a single environment
SW-TOR = Strike 2 = turned one of the best RPG's into an MMORPG and a mediocre one at that
ME3 = Strike 3 = Well machines killing organics to protect them from machines (best logic of the 21st century there) all lead by a god child need i say more.

A 4th strike wont make much of a difference, ill test the game out but i probably wont buy it.


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Sep 4, 2012
Brian Tams said:
Yes, simply because they have a large fanbase that will lap up their work and defend it with their dying breath.
Or maybe there are just people who still like their games, or who are new fans because they prefer the more recent games.

While I don't doubt that there are a few people who are pure fanboys, most of the talk about trusting companies or loyalty to companies (and the flip side, with people talking about betrayal) is just talk. Most people are not going to have a that kind of feeling for any particular studio.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
What is with all the sensationalism here lately? Will Bioware die because of their missteps? Um. What? Look just because you don't like a game, doesn't mean the games are bad! Did the ending on ME 3 prevent you from buying it? What about Dragon Age 2, did you buy that? Were the games perfect to you? Odds are probably not, but you show me a perfect game and I will show a flaw in it. Goodness gracious folks this is getting ridiculous. You don't have to like them, but to assume that suddenly one game can make or break a very productive studio whose most recent products have made tons of money and good to very good games in the past is ludicrous.

TLDR: No. Not even close. Bioware is one of the few companies out there that despite the errors they have made in the past has enough credibility to continue to make their games and cultivate a fan base.


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May 6, 2011
I loved Mass Effect 3, but the shaking writing during pretty much only the first mission and the ending and the fact they were bought out by EA do have me a bit worried. Combined with DA 2 being a Medicore game and I have to admit DA3 is in many ways mmy personal test to see whether Bioware still "has it" or not. I still find people who claim Mass Effect 3 having a bad ending and DA2 being a "meh" means the company is dead over-dramatic, but we shall see.


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Jul 3, 2013
the hidden eagle said:
Cruickshank said:
Tragedy said:
If they didn't know what was wrong with DA2 before they even released it will imply a certain virtuosic example of being stuck deep into their own asses.
Can someone please tell me what was wrong with DA2? i recently finished playing both Origins and DA2 and honestly, i preferred the second game. origins was a great game and all, but DA2 was just more fun and the only consistent complaint ive heard about it was the reused areas, which i was fine with.
The story was a mess,the combat yet fun was completely tedious and was used to pad out the game.There are many more like the bad character hands(those skeleton hands still creep me out)outside of special NPCs like Fenris and Merrill all the elves looked bad which is why Bioware changed their design.The game is fun but it also has alot of flaws that are a result of being rushed out the door.
everyones entitled to their opinion and all that, but im going to have to disagree with you. the story seemed quite consistent to me and the combat was far from tedious. in origins, i played several mage builds and all of them boiled down to staying behind the party and pressing a few buttons until the enemy was dead, then repeat for any enemy in the game. i played other classes besides mage and the melee builds required no effort whatsoever beyond stay behind the enemy as a rogue or click x to win as a warrior. It could be because i played both games end to end and played the same class in both but the second game was a complete improvement in both aspects. i preferred the different design of the elves in the second game because it made them seem more like a different race rather than just small humans with pointy ears and hairless faces. maybe there are flaws ive never noticed, but my playthrough of the second game was by far more enjoyable than playing origins.


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May 14, 2010
Cruickshank said:
the hidden eagle said:
Cruickshank said:
Tragedy said:
If they didn't know what was wrong with DA2 before they even released it will imply a certain virtuosic example of being stuck deep into their own asses.
Can someone please tell me what was wrong with DA2? i recently finished playing both Origins and DA2 and honestly, i preferred the second game. origins was a great game and all, but DA2 was just more fun and the only consistent complaint ive heard about it was the reused areas, which i was fine with.
The story was a mess,the combat yet fun was completely tedious and was used to pad out the game.There are many more like the bad character hands(those skeleton hands still creep me out)outside of special NPCs like Fenris and Merrill all the elves looked bad which is why Bioware changed their design.The game is fun but it also has alot of flaws that are a result of being rushed out the door.
everyones entitled to their opinion and all that, but im going to have to disagree with you. the story seemed quite consistent to me and the combat was far from tedious. in origins, i played several mage builds and all of them boiled down to staying behind the party and pressing a few buttons until the enemy was dead, then repeat for any enemy in the game. i played other classes besides mage and the melee builds required no effort whatsoever beyond stay behind the enemy as a rogue or click x to win as a warrior. It could be because i played both games end to end and played the same class in both but the second game was a complete improvement in both aspects. i preferred the different design of the elves in the second game because it made them seem more like a different race rather than just small humans with pointy ears and hairless faces. maybe there are flaws ive never noticed, but my playthrough of the second game was by far more enjoyable than playing origins.
The story was the only thing that kept me playing the game but i dont think it was on the level of DA-O.

At least on DA-O they u had to keep your mages behind the rest and even more important you could. On DA2 they went horde mode on us and it sucked massive balls. Oh look a group of guys, oh no more guys jumping over the wall how convenient and more and more and more. its a good thing most of them explode into a mist of blood (WORST DECISION EVER FYI)or the town would have more corpses than residents. Put DA-O on hardest difficulty and its at least challenging. DA2 i did nothing but charge and attack (not that u can do much else mind u cos of the horde style combat spawns) and i didnt die or even get knocked out once.

Weaker characters, hawkes stupid voice and dialogue, the reused environments which is just straight up LAZY and no one and i do mean NO ONE can defend this unless they actually work for Bioware or have brain damage.

Basically the biggest problem I and i think most people have with DA2 is that it was a - oh shit DA-O was more popular than we thought better cash in quick. Unfortunately in order to rush it out they cheaped on the environments, cheaped on the level design ( why else wud u use horde more unless u cba to balance the combat) then to top it of they gave u stupid over the top animations for the shitty combat, "hey jenkins whats the cheapest thing we can do when NPC dies" " well boss we could give them death anims but that would be a costly or we could just make them explode into nothing death star style which wud cost less than coffee" "gg jenkins rank up"

DA2 was a rushed mess tbh.


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Sep 4, 2012
thunderbug said:
Weaker characters, hawkes stupid voice and dialogue, the reused environments which is just straight up LAZY and no one and i do mean NO ONE can defend this unless they actually work for Bioware or have brain damage.
I assume your brain damage comment is purely in relation to the reused environment and not the rest, because no matter how strongly you feel about it the success of the characters, dialogue and voice is very subjective.

Personally, I loved the dialogue - that was the high point of the game for me. And I thought that the line readings for mHawke were done quite well (the timing for some of snarky Hawke's lines was dead-on). But that's just me. Hate the game all you want, but claiming that everyone who doesn't has brain damage doesn't make your argument more impressive or convincing.


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Mar 28, 2010
Zeldias said:
Did you really find origins to be as game-changing as Bioware would have you believe? Because I played through as an Elf and as a Human and the only difference is that a female human could become queen and an elf woman could only become a consort. Both ended with a still image and some text, and neither had any ramifications on anything in later games...
You misunderstand my comments. The origin stories are a framing device, and shape the player's perspective on the story. That's what I said, and that's what I mean, and yes in that regard I feel BioWare did a good job. The ending to the game has very little to do with this save detail and nuance of the outcome, and you're misattributing your complaint about the ending, since regardless of origin the dramatic question and motive force of the plot is derived from establishing Ferelden's new monarch, and slaying the Archdemon. Regardless of the origin the player chooses, at the end of the game Ferelden has a new monarch and the Archdemon is slain, thereby answering the dramatic question.

Meanwhile, and what the origin story does impact, are the second-order choices that form the individualized details of the ending: whether the Dalish survive, who sits on Orzammar's throne, who becomes the new monarch of Ferelden, the city elves' welfare, whether a Warden has to make the ultimate sacrifice and if so, whom. Of course, all of those things are of secondary importance to the main plot.

The origin stories aren't about the ending. The origin stories are about how the player experiences the game.

...It's ridiculous to argue this as a thing superior to DA2. At most, I could agree that origins and whether Hawke was an apostate or not are similarly inconsequential, but saying origins were legitimately good and not oversold junk that barely changed the main course of the game is just untrue.
That would be your opinion, and I disagree. First, the dramatic question that arises in DA2 is how the Mage-Templar conflict will be resolved in Kirkwall; namely, whether the mages or templars will prevail, and the player's expectations as developed by the game's narrative and exposition itself is that Hawke will be the arbiter of that conflict's outcome. Since that is a value judgment made by Hawke as the player's surrogate in the game, the player's perspective and experience thus far as Hawke necessarily shape the values and beliefs by which that choice is made.

Prior to that, to a certain extent whether Hawke is an apostate or not does impact how the player perceives the game, but that perception is blunted by the addition of Bethany, who is intended by the writers to be a source of empathy for the mages even if Hawke is a warrior or rogue. Even so, that makes what happens in the game's ending all the more egregious. Regardless with whom Hawke sides, both Orsino and Meredith must be fought, the battle has no clear victor, Hawke has no palpable impact on the battle's outcome, and whatever value judgments upon which the player bases their decision are thoroughly undermined rather than vindicated during its course.

One could argue that DA2 had a postmodern narrative and that was the entire point, a viewpoint I personally endorse, but that's a point that was contradicted by the game itself and never conveyed well. The game's theme to that point was that one person, in the right time and place, could change the course of major events, and the game's ending subverted that theme and contradicted expectation. Moreover, the game to that point never truly challenged the player -- or Hawke -- to question their values and judgments to establish that postmodern framework, instead vindicating or rationalizing them after the fact.

This is exacerbated by the fact the ultimate outcome of the events of Dragon Age 2 -- the larger Mage-Templar war that will be at least the source of DA:I's early momentum -- was equally-serviced even had DA2's ending been true to theme and Hawke was able to influence the game's outcome. DA:O and Awakening already established relations between mages (and the Tevinter Imperium) and the Chantry were a powder keg, and DA2 either way was its lighting. Narratively, war was inevitable regardless what happened in Kirkwall, which gave the game's writers wide latitude to have written a much more sensible ending without impacting what the writers obviously already had in mind for the third game.