Dragon Age Writer Calls BioWare Forums "Toxic"


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
bigfatcarp93 said:
Crono1973 said:
bigfatcarp93 said:
I can't say I blame him. Every since the middle of the year, it seems like someone's bitching about the ME3 ending around every damn corner. I mean, yeah, the ending sucked, sure, but it's been fucking months and people are still banging on about it.

So, yeah, I would avoid those forums too.
I see, so it's ok for them to continue selling the game months or years after release but there should be no criticism after a certain period?
Wow, that is SO not what I said.

My point is that nobody has shut up about the fucking ending since the game came out, so at the end of the day: YES. WE GET IT, IT WAS BAD. That's not "criticism" anymore, it's puking up a point that everyone has already pointed out countless times.

And next time you decide to try to put words in someone's mouth like that, refrain from doing so.
That is exactly what you said. "Waaah people are still criticizing ME3 and they shouldn't be allowed to!"

Since when do YOU get to decide what is and isn't criticism? You know what's worse than critics? People whining about the critics.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I remember reading posts on the BW forums around the time of the great Ending was disappointing overblown shit storm hoping the Female writings staff all got raped.

Yeah...sounds like a bastion of class and ideas...


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Loethlin said:
erttheking said:
But they're wrong for criticizing him?
Noone likes to be criticized.
As much as I agree with the guy, I get why they're even more frenzied than usually.
Well, I guess I had it wrong with you. I thought that you thought that they had no right to criticize him. I apologize and tip my hat to you for exercising common sense. Sadly not as common as it should be.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
stranamente said:
I think it's fair to say that both parties have a fair share of blame.
Generally speaking, it takes two to toxify. The Mass Effect community tends to be terrible, but the forums wouldn't be this bad if not for Bioware.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Well, that's something from his tumblr that I didn't expect to be made into news. He's written a lot of much more interesting posts regarding writing, working with voice actors, etc., and I really think those deserve some attention. Oh, sensationalism!

And despite claims of avoiding the forums, Gaider's a lot more active and forthcoming there than any of the developers are on the SWTOR forums. Funny that.

Lastly, personally I've barely posted there since the ME3 ending fallout, mostly because the only thing BioWare I'm the least enthusiastic about is Dragon Age 3... and there's just not enough information going around for there to be any point in posting and speculating about that.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Crono1973 said:
bigfatcarp93 said:
Crono1973 said:
bigfatcarp93 said:
I can't say I blame him. Every since the middle of the year, it seems like someone's bitching about the ME3 ending around every damn corner. I mean, yeah, the ending sucked, sure, but it's been fucking months and people are still banging on about it.

So, yeah, I would avoid those forums too.
I see, so it's ok for them to continue selling the game months or years after release but there should be no criticism after a certain period?
Wow, that is SO not what I said.

My point is that nobody has shut up about the fucking ending since the game came out, so at the end of the day: YES. WE GET IT, IT WAS BAD. That's not "criticism" anymore, it's puking up a point that everyone has already pointed out countless times.

And next time you decide to try to put words in someone's mouth like that, refrain from doing so.
That is exactly what you said. "Waaah people are still criticizing ME3 and they shouldn't be allowed to!"

Since when do YOU get to decide what is and isn't criticism? You know what's worse than critics? People whining about the critics.
Yeah, you keep intentionally misconstruing everything I say, and misenterpreting something which basically amounts to "I'm sick of hearing it" as "People should stop saying it."

So, I think I'm done having this conversation.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Well, the Tali's Sweat thread did reveal multiple toxins that Tali would secrete, so I guess that's one proof.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
To be honest.. yeah.. that's exactly the word I would use.

Criticising a game is fine. In fact, observe:

"Dragon Age: Origins was a clunky, plodding beast with awful game balance."

"Dragon Age 2 was a disappointing rush job."

"The Mass Effect series are all sub-par shooters with tacked on role-playing elements."

"Mass Effect 3 was let down by a disappointing ending".

See. No thunderbolts from heaven.

Where it ceases to become fine is when you continue to hang around on the official message forum of a game developer endlessly parading your hate for everything they've released in the last decade and wishing actual harm upon the people who work there while still bleating about how you're a "twoo fan" and have somehow been abandoned and betrayed.

It's not fine when you treat a game dev as if you're in an abusive relationship with them. It's creepy.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I can relate to that. I stopped going to the Religion/Political forum here because of those same reasons. Just couldn't take it anymore.

Still, it must be hard to watch fans who adored you suddenly turn on you and constantly rip you down, no matter how hard you try. Still, this guy's part of the Dragon Age crew, and in my opinion that means that he listens to fans and tries to correct mistakes. Looking at the two DLCs for Dragon Age is proof enough for me. I will still be buying Dragon Age III for sure, but my faith in BioWare has been shaken slightly.
Still, this man seems reasonable at least. He's at least admitting that there may be a problem with the way BioWare's been doing things lately, and at the same time he's calling out the insane amount of backlash that has been hitting BioWare nonstop for months now. I wonder what it would take to make the fans stop? Would an apology be enough? "We're sorry. We admit that we screwed up the ending to one of your favorite series. We tried to fix it as best we could, but it was already too late. Please forgive us."
Would fans let it go if they came out with another ending? A 'better' one? We may never know.
Apr 5, 2008
Little Gray said:
KingsGambit said:
BioWare were previously the undisputed masters of the RPG. As I grew, so did BioWare and the games they made. They got better, more sophisticated, mature and deeper storytelling.
It doesnt sound like you have played very many Bioware games. The storytelling in their games had been getting shallower and less mature for the last twelve years or so.
Well regardless of how it sounds, I've played every one, multiple times and on multiple platforms (where possible) over the years. KotOR and Jade Empire were story-telling masterpieces. NWN SP campaign was probably the weakest and most underwhelming. But even ME1 and DAO were deep, rich and interesting, unlike 90% of what've had since from them and any other developer.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I have to advise to mostly avoid the story boards. The Off-Topic and Multiplayer forums there are fun, though. Sometimes.

Just tread in with warning.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
Crono1973 said:
Since when do YOU get to decide what is and isn't criticism? You know what's worse than critics? People whining about the critics.
or possibly people whining about the people whining about the critics?

Or even the likes of me, who are whining about the people whining about the people who are whining about the critics.

Personally, I stopped even reading the Bioware forums after the ME3 ending. Way too much vitriol and emotion there and that was months ago.

And I didn't like the ending.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
grey_space said:
Crono1973 said:
Since when do YOU get to decide what is and isn't criticism? You know what's worse than critics? People whining about the critics.
or possibly people whining about the people whining about the critics?

Or even the likes of me, who are whining about the people whining about the people who are whining about the critics.

Personally, I stopped even reading the Bioware forums after the ME3 ending. Way too much vitriol and emotion there and that was months ago.

And I didn't like the ending.
Well, those whining about the critics tend to act like they are the gatekeepers of valid criticism. Some fair minded person has to come along and inform them that they aren't the judge of such matters.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
Crono1973 said:

Well, those whining about the critics tend to act like they are the gatekeepers of valid criticism. Some fair minded person has to come along and inform them that they aren't the judge of such matters.
No they certainly are not. I would agree most wholeheartedly with you there.

However, they are just as entitled to their opinions on the fan rage against Bioware as the fans who are still enraged with Bioware are of theirs.

Particularly since it's almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion/thread about anything in the Bioware universes without one or more of these detractors popping in with some kind of negative jibe.

Some issues with the latest Bioware games were not so great.

I am sure even in dimmest bulb in the Bioware marketing and development department have grasped that.

My own personal point is; how about we all move on now?

And again, Speaking for myself Didn't like the ME3 ending. and couldn't even bring myself to finish DA2. Returned it after making it as far as the first few missions in the city.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
grey_space said:
Crono1973 said:

Well, those whining about the critics tend to act like they are the gatekeepers of valid criticism. Some fair minded person has to come along and inform them that they aren't the judge of such matters.
No they certainly are not. I would agree most wholeheartedly with you there.

However, they are just as entitled to their opinions on the fan rage against Bioware as the fans who are still enraged with Bioware are of theirs.

Particularly since it's almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion/thread about anything in the Bioware universes without one or more of these detractors popping in with some kind of negative jibe.

Some issues with the latest Bioware games were not so great.

I am sure even in dimmest bulb in the Bioware marketing and development department have grasped that.

My own personal point is; how about we all move on now?

And again, Speaking for myself Didn't like the ME3 ending. and couldn't even bring myself to finish DA2. Returned it after making it as far as the first few missions in the city.
Well whatever, Bioware is dead to me. Hell, even the founders left the company. If I had any confidence left in Bioware before they left, I would have lost it.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The reasonable, polite people have left that forum do to not liking the current games. Those nicer people have said what they do not like and have moved on. Why stay in a community of something that you've lost appreciation for? Why stay a fan of something so disappointing besides the stupid endings? These people have left those forums to find better games and forums to occupy their time. They have moved away from the dissatisfaction and now spend their time and money on something more satisfying. So all that is left are a group of bitter people who can't let go and do spend their day to day being jerks.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
Crono1973 said:
Well whatever, Bioware is dead to me. Hell, even the founders left the company. If I had any confidence left in Bioware before they left, I would have lost it.

Another good point as to the possible ultimate success or failure of Bioware as a company.

And I can definitely understand your feelings on this matter.

In my own opinion, it will all depend on DA3, really.

I'll see what they do with that.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Can't say I disagree with him. It seems that whatever BioWare do, somebody is going to *****, whine and complain to the point of lunacy. However, I do completely agree with his closing statement. Whilst the community is subject to catatonic behavior, it wouldn't do so if the games being produced completely satisfied the core fans. There's lessons to be learned on both sides.

Stay on the fence people, it'll be interesting to see how the next releases from BioWare are received and what it'll mean for the company.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
It has been getting nasty over there for awhile.

The smallest thing get's blown out of all proportion, I remember in my last post over there I said that I prefered Fenris to Anders and getting so much grief, I could have continued posting and try to explain my choice...
but then I though Why bother? Life's too short

I think DA3 is gonna be a make or break deal for alot of Bioware fans, David Gaider is speaking the truth, if people listen, well that's a different matter.