Will the hate be unjustified? Yes. Why? Because it's a videogame company that exists to make money off of videogames and various videogame related services. Perhaps I'm out of the loop here, but I don't recall ever hearing anything about EA kicking puppies or shoving grandparents. If you don't like the way EA operates as business, that's cool. Don't buy their games or support their products. Buy from people that you do want to support, but don't act like them making what they feel to be smart business decisions is somehow ruining your life. In this case, of course, I'm not referring to you directly but just more of a "you" being people who pop into any thread that mentions EA and immediately begin spouting off on how terrible and hateworthy they are. Put it this way, if a local restaurant stopped selling your favourite meal would you picket outside it's doors and make internet posts about how awful and terrible and hateworthy they are every time their name was mentioned? Or would you just go to the place across the street that serves what you want?
Was TOR a game with forced multiplayer? Yes, but it was an MMO albeit one of the most solo friendly out of the box that I've heard about in recent memory. Was it the right decision to make the follow up to 2 completely single player experiences a MMO? It certainly appears not right now, but there were a lot of people who were very excited about it a year or so ago. A lot of huge Star Wars fans, including some of my close friends, were sure it was going to be the second coming and couldn't wait to play it. The failure of the game from all I've heard, however, wasn't on the the game being a bad single player experience, it was on it being a bad (or at best middling) MMO. Most players got what they wanted out of the single player side and then stopped playing.
Oh, and yes, I did read the article. The only parts of it that actually say EA is stopping making single player offline only experiences are put there as author interpretations of what EA meant. And these interpretations are then clarified at the end of the article. Is Gibeau proud of the direction his company is going? I would hope so being that he's one of the heads of the company. Once again, that doesn't mean anyone has to agree with him but if he wasn't at least saying out loud that he likes the decisions his company makes he'd probably not have the job title that he does.