...while Nintendo sees "an opportunity to rebuild relationships with Western gamers because they feel that only a massive western company such as EA understands what is needed to make an online service attractive to western gamers."
*nearly spits out the water he's drinking in total shock*
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Are. You. SERIOUS? The "spyware on your PC" EA? The "CALL OF DUTY SUX AND BATTLEFIELD WILL TAKE ALL OF YOUR MARKET AND...and....Uhh...We take it all back now that we didn't get perfect scores!" EA? The "You're mom's gonna hate it" EA?!
...Please, Nintendo. Reconsider that opinion! PLEASE. EA is one of the last companies you want to partner up with at that level.
Valve is also reportedly interested in making Steam available on the Wii U, but the source claims that EA is "aggressively persuading Nintendo to go Origin exclusive with Wii U's online so they can gain a competitive advantage over Steam."
Well NO SHIT! EA wants to topple Steam, but Steam is already miles ahead of it in terms of mileage, service, and goodwill. So of COURSE, they will try to find some way to gain a monopoly on some part of the market so they can keep trying!
Now, steam on the WiiU....That sounds weird as hell, but I honestly support it. I like steam. I like Valve. I think they'll do a much better job making the WiiU attractive than EA. Although the best case scenario is that they open up their marketplace to BOTH of them. More variety is always good.