EDGE of Asshattery

Jul 23, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Hey, hey, let's stop wishing physical harm on the guy, ok? Karma, people, karma.
Are you implying severe mental anguish then? Perhaps slowly dragging his mind into the inescapable depths of insanity will make him think twice.

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Also: If you're a member of the IGDA, you can sign a petition for a motion to remove Langdell from the IGDA.


I'm not a member and I'm not informed on their inner workings, but you can read about the effort here:


...which is where I learned about the story in the first place.

It most likely won't help Mobigames, but it will at least help IGDA, in my opinion.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Timmy is the new Jack Thompson. I hope he gets perma-banned from the industry for such Lawful Evil (lots more and stronger profanity, etc, etc).


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Xombee said:
Is "Professional Troll" on this guy's resume? You'd think someone with common sense who flips through these complaints would go, "Yeah... this guy is a parasite. Fuck his claim."
Professional Troll huh? What say we show him the "Banhammer"?

Annnnnnnyway, this guy is pretty much a clear cut case why I really don't like the justice system. Whoever has the better lawyer wins. We have some rich guy with very few games to his name, but plenty of lawsuits vs. an indie developer who is practically broke. Rich guy buys the better lawyer and the court provides a much less experienced one for the defense. And it's not like Apple is being very helpful.

And of course he goes for the little guy instead of taking on the giant EA despite using trademarked material. The school bully metaphor is exactly what it is.

The Sorrow

New member
Jan 27, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Hey, hey, let's stop wishing physical harm on the guy, ok? Karma, people, karma.
Karma's already out to bone me in the bum.
Adding a couple inches to the width of the thing ain't gonna make it much worse.
That said, fuck this guy.


New member
May 5, 2009
Hmm... I am now working a game called "Edge Edgerton's Edgy trip to the Edge" out of spite.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
If you cannot attack him directly is there a way to knock out his supports?

I mean, can't someone report his cabal of lawyers to the Bar Association? I'm sure a history of ridiculous lawsuits isn't going to look good on them, and perhaps they'd just dump him to avoid a review.

Or, file a complaint with either the USPTO or the FTC, saying that the trademark should be invalidated due to Edge being a common word, and not a unique name.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
I thought this was a joke at first, I was just thinking
"Man anyone who would do that in real life must be a total idiot."
Then I got up to the part in the article that said.
"This is a true story."
Needless to say this Tim guy broke the asshole meter, a dang expensive asshole meter that he tried to sue me for.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Heck, when I was in New York I worked for Edge Medcom LLC, owned by my boss, Dan Edge. No, seriously, that's his name. Tim wanna sue ME?!


New member
Sep 15, 2008
this is just like the 2010 Olympics going down in Vancouver

there was a restaurant called olympia but then VanOc (Vancouver Olympic committee) decided that it was to close to Olympic and thus infringing on their trademark so then i think told the restaurant to change their name. The restaurant said no, so VanOC sued them for everything they had. RIght down to their clothes, forcing the place to shut down.

that as well as shamus's article is why trademarking words is a fucking stupid idea

Captain Blackout

New member
Feb 17, 2009
Shamus Young said:
tendo82 said:
I think this guy may be worse than Jack Thompson because there's the remote possibility that Thompson actually believes what he's doing is the right thing. This guy most likely knows he's exploiting the system for his own financial gain, and that conscious knowledge somehow makes his endeavors more egregious to me.
I agree. It';s the difference between woefully misguided and relentlessly predatory.
Jack Thompson is endlessly entertaining. Tim Langdell needs to get eaten by a thousand Theraphosa Blondis. I say that qualifies Tim as worse than Jack.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
the article you wrote makes the igda look bad but in fact they do not condone the actions of one tim langdell as observed here

however they do not condemn him either as observed here

and tim langdell denies pretty much everything accusing mobigame of underhanded trickery and slander as observed here

personally i think his denial looks quite reasonable and well written however i also think it is quite obviously damage control by his lawyers and not written by him himself

now that you have all the facts and opinions from multiple sources both biased and non it is up to you to decide whether YOU condemn him

supposedly tim langdell can be contacted at [email protected] whether this is true or not i cant be sure but i would think it is so feel free to rain your hate mail down upon him

edit: some sources say that mobigame offered to rename their game to edgy and then tim langdell trademarked that promptly thereafter i doubt this is reliable information and is likely embellished but IF it is true then tim langdell is a truely evil man indeed


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Shamus Young said:
which is like having the Incredible Hulk as a member of The International Committee Against Smashing Shit Into Tiny Pieces.
That's my favourite line of the article... actually wait scratch that...
Best line written in any article I've read for a long while now.
Great job Shamus Young.

I truly hope Chaos edge is successful at stopping Tim Langdell.
I won't wish him harm...but hey I can imagine some harm befalling him can't I?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Some people live long, productive lives and society as a whole is better for their existence. Timothy here happens to be the exact opposite. A parasite leaching the life from people and subsisting off other people's success. He's like the troll under the bridge in a certain old story. He waits for people to pass by and when they do he leaps out and corners them into give him what he wants.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
scifidownbeat said:
SpaceGhost2K said:
There is only one solution.

Sue him out of existence.

Monopoly, restraint of trade, harassment, whatever. Someone like EA needs to go after him, and get a settlement so large that he'll never have money to pursue litigation again.

Then they need to make a game called "Edge of Edges."
You, sir, have just made my "Top 10 posts" list's number 2 spot.

That thought is eerily attractive; the legal evil of one man versus the legal evil of a developer-swallowing conglomerate.

Also, welcome to the forums!
Thanks. Actually, Susan A and I have a history.


Nothing like that. She just bought a custom faceplate from me. :)


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Good for you, dude! Also, those lawyers need to be dragged before the bar :mad: karma or no, I still say that guy needs a damn good shin kicking! But I heard on the grapevine that he is taking on EA... It's like Toad attacking Magneto except that Magneto is a sometime good guy whereas EA..let's leave that thought there, shall we ;)