Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Worse still because of Trump's claims of election interference it might be a 100% hand count with none of the machine recorded results being able to be used.
Ugh, I was called up for vote counting a few years ago. Everything by hand too. 8 hours of the most monotonous tedium. But, you know, had to. Civic duty and all. Shit's serious stuff around here, like 'cops will come to your house looking for you if you don't show up' serious.

Anyway, under current circumstances, suffice to say I don't envy anyone staffing the polling stations in the US right now.
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Elite Member
May 19, 2020
More Dems had heard about Qanon than Reps. This is a disinfo psy-op, and had been for a long time.

edit: only democrats think Trump is supportive of Qanon
According to your source that's true but what is also true according to it is:
1) Republicans are much more likely to consider Qanon as a good thing
2) This effect is amplified if said Republicans use Trump's campaign as major source of information


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Have you read the survey? Do you only see the world through your narrow prism?
Yes I have genius, I’ve also seen the absurd traffic their videos and social media groups get, as well as the sorts of things they talk about. You have one fucking survey saying that a bigger portion of the surveyed individuals who knew what it was were Democrats. So? Break down that poll, you have, what, 50% of America knows what it is, 20% of those approve, 8% strongly. Let’s land at an end total of, fuck, I won’t even give myself 5%, let’s go with 1%. 1% of America believes Trump is God’s prophet here to save them from a cabal of pedophiles. That him staying in office and trying/executing all the Democrats for treason is necessary to deliver America from Satanism. That’s fucking millions of people. Millions of people who think the guy who just beat their prophet in an election literally eats human children every day. Do you think that not even one of them will do violence over that? Aum Shunrikyo never had that reach. The guys in Oregon? Not even close. There’s multiple Qanon believers that will be in the House of Representatives this fucking January. Christ.
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Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Yes I have genius, I’ve also seen the absurd traffic their videos and social media groups get, as well as the sorts of things they talk about. You have one fucking survey saying that a bigger portion of the surveyed individuals who knew what it was were Democrats. So? Break down that poll, you have, what, 50% of America knows what it is, 20% of those approve, 8% strongly. Let’s land at an end total of, fuck, I won’t even give myself 5%, let’s go with 1%. 1% of America believes Trump is God’s prophet here to save them from a cabal of pedophiles. That him staying in office and trying/executing all the Democrats for treason is necessary to deliver America from Satanism. That’s fucking millions of people. Millions of people who think the guy who just beat their prophet in an election literally eats human children every day. Do you think that not even one of them will do violence over that? Aum Shunrikyo never had that reach. The guys in Oregon? Not even close. There’s multiple Qanon believers that will be in the House of Representatives this fucking January. Christ.
This shit works on people, yes. I also think you're panicking.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
This shit works on people, yes. I also think you're panicking.
I’m not. There’s nothing special about them worth panicking about. They’re just the same sort of people who go through this cycle all the time. I’m simply identifying them as what they are and the threat they are. That’s as “panicky” as saying America’s proliferation of firearms means suicide attempts are more likely to be successful.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I’m not. There’s nothing special about them worth panicking about. They’re just the same sort of people who go through this cycle all the time. I’m simply identifying them as what they are and the threat they are. That’s as “panicky” as saying America’s proliferation of firearms means suicide attempts are more likely to be successful.
like I said earlier. It's a disinfo psy-op sprinkled with little nuggets of truth. I remember how the forum lost their minds when lil said that USA is unsafe to women, on the level of some south-american country. Opinions here are very engineered and pre-molded.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
George is going to go down to the military votes which is a real possibility for the state's go back to Trump since I assume military personnel lean more Republican
no they will call Georgia right after Biden wins and then stop the count as expected


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
like I said earlier. It's a disinfo psy-op sprinkled with little nuggets of truth. I remember how the forum lost their minds when lil said that USA is unsafe to women, on the level of some south-american country. Opinions here are very engineered and pre-molded.
Op? It’s just some random dudes fucking around. There’s no op or conspiracy. It’s probably just the fucking boomer owner of 8kun trying to get more people to read the Turner Diaries at this point. And there’s no “nuggets of truth” to cultic thinking, or to any fucking discount protocols. They latch on to truths that have nothing to do with their beliefs to justify what they already believe, beliefs that emerge as reconciliations between the cruelties of reality and their ideals.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Op? It’s just some random dudes fucking around. There’s no op or conspiracy. It’s probably just the fucking boomer owner of 8kun trying to get more people to read the Turner Diaries at this point. And there’s no “nuggets of truth” to cultic thinking, or to any fucking discount protocols. They latch on to truths that have nothing to do with their beliefs to justify what they already believe, beliefs that emerge as reconciliations between the cruelties of reality and their ideals.
The nugget of truth is Epstein.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I found it weird they call them radical. Why not call them reactionary
Well, they are reactionary in one respect, but that doesn't mean they can't be Radical Feminists, and thus at least sorta radical in others. Though as society changes, you might have to rename everything called "Radical" every so often.

Oddly, I don't see as much stuff about SWERFs (Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist -s) as I do about TERFs, and there'd be more sex workers than trans people (I think), though the two aren't mutually exclusive.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
They’re as inclined to think Epstein was actually on their side as that he was trafficking kids.
You know this for certain because of your family, yeah?
Remind yourself of when I take my family's experiences in the USSR to argue against it you guys just say "lol anecdotal evidence, communism rules". Somehow the same doesn't apply here.
This is a psyop disinfo through and through, and Dems know more about it because it's being shilled by MSM. In an attempt to gaslight Trump supporters they're doing this absolute mess of a media coverage right now and months leading up to this.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
You know this for certain because of your family, yeah?
No. I’ve read it elsewhere. I’m overstating their stance though, generally they think Epstein was part of the Cabal and his trial/death was... well that depends on who you ask.
Remind yourself of when I take my family's experiences in the USSR to argue against it you guys just say "lol anecdotal evidence, communism rules". Somehow the same doesn't apply here.
Was unaware I was a fan of a nation at some point. Or that I opposed all use of annecdotes. Like, don’t base everything on it, but they’re mostly harmless, just unconvincing.
This is a psyop disinfo through and through, and Dems know more about it because it's being shilled by MSM. In an attempt to gaslight Trump supporters they're doing this absolute mess of a media coverage right now and months leading up to this.
Nah. Qanon’s trajectory was predictable from pretty early on and follows very similar patterns to other discount protocols and cults, just bigger. It’s, well, organic isn’t the right word, but something like that. There’s no op.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
No. I’ve read it elsewhere. I’m overstating their stance though, generally they think Epstein was part of the Cabal and his trial/death was... well that depends on who you ask.

Was unaware I was a fan of a nation at some point. Or that I opposed all use of annecdotes. Like, don’t base everything on it, but they’re mostly harmless, just unconvincing.

Nah. Qanon’s trajectory was predictable from pretty early on and follows very similar patterns to other discount protocols and cults, just bigger. It’s, well, organic isn’t the right word, but something like that. There’s no op.
Where have you read it? Here, there was a study I linked earlier which you started losing your shit after I mentioned it.
You're a fan of the hammer and sickle.
QAnon was shilled HARD by MSM in recent months hence why Dems know more about it than Reps.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Where have you read it? Here, there was a study I linked earlier which you started losing your shit after I mentioned it.
You're a fan of the hammer and sickle.
QAnon was shilled HARD by MSM in recent months hence why Dems know more about it than Reps.
I dunno and it’s honestly unimportant because their particular views on Epstein are meaningless.
Yeah, so? I don’t like the USSR.
Yeah, and? I’ve been following it for a year and then some.
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