Electronic Arts Wants To Be Voted Best Company In America


New member
Apr 25, 2011
All I have to say, is this:
I laughed out loud when I read the title of this article.
E.A should think about that, think about why that statement, too me, and too I'm sure many other gamers, reads like an uproariously hilarious punchline.


New member
Jun 7, 2013
Okay EA, I needed an entire evening to laugh and eventually think about this seriously. Here is what you will need to make me vote for you in becoming the best company in America this year.

1.) Make a time machine.
2.) Travel back in time an unkill Westwood Studios travel back further and unbuy them.
3.) Travel back in time and unbuy Bioware.
4.) Include said time machine as freebies in Dragon Age 3 Collector's Edition sold to customers for $80.00.
5.) Travel back further in time and disappear the ancestors of the shareholders and upper management. You can have the liberty to choose which generation.

By doing this, many major problems will be made right. You don't need rocket science to figure it out.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
It took them many years and winning the worst company in america award two years in a row to realize that people have issues with how they do business. There is no hope, Ea is like a lumbering apatosaurus, it takes forever for the signal from their tail to reach their brain and they're already dead in terms of customer goodwill, have been for years and they are just realizing this now? It's going to take twice as long for them to regain that goodwill even if they start now.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Oh wow. To have beaten the american airline companies through votes is just really sad and they're going to have to do A LOT to clear up that image.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Meanwhile, there are actual EA apologists who don't understand the context of the award.

Seafart said:
You know, EA doesn't need to get into the good graces of a handful of gaming neckbeards, despite what you think. The vast amount of consumers are more accommodating(and have much more money than neckbeards, I might add).

In short: Fuck the neckbeards, fuck the neckbeard gaming press.
BJFailCommando said:
Remember, EA won the "worst company in America award" over companies which have legitimately and actually killed people via their policies.

This is how entitled every person voting for EA was. They thought people actually fucking dying was worth less than their videogame not having day 1 DLC or whatever.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Let's see:
- Besides the DICE games, they haven't been making anything great, and the DICE games are only good for multiplayer.
- Origin is still shit, and you can only get the newer EA games on Origin, which is why I don't own anything that came out after ME2.
- Too much fucking DLC, but that's an industry problem. With that said, Sims is probably the worst offender.
- I haven't forgotten about Sim City. And Dragon Age 2. Especially not the latter.
- They made Dead Space into Gears of War with micotransactions. Fuck you straight to hell for that.
- Putting online passes on the table. Sure, you stopped using them, but the fact remains that you made it a thing.
Edit: And the ME3 ending. [/beating a 3,000,000,000* times over dead horse]
*conservative estimate

In other words: EA hasn't gotten any better, and probably won't any time soon because they're incompetent. Their every idea turns out terribly.

But at the end of the day I can give them one thing: Origin STILL isn't as bad as GFWL.


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Bender please take this will you...


"Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first."

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
I think EA have taken a few steps in the right direction by getting rid of those dreadful online passes and getting shot of John Richitello. But they still have some way to go before they truly redeem themselves.

Firstly, no more 'editions' or pre-order bonuses. I know that all the bonuses were already in-game before you cut 'em out and sell them separately.

Secondly, truly listen to the gamers. If they don't like something, they don't want it. Case in point: Origins

Thirdly, make your DLC and games worth the money gamers pay for. No-one likes to spend 50 quid for a game that can be done and dusted and sold back to a retailer in a single weekend. Making your games more fun or last longer keeps your games out of the second hand market.

Fourthly, come to the realisation that if someone does want to sell to the second hand market - it's not your money. It's not a lost sale either.

Finally, treat gamers with the respect they are due. They don't earn a lot of money and they are choosing to spend money on you. Do not cheese these guys off - the shareholders would abandon you in droves if the gamers got annoyed and stopped buying from you. It's also worth noticing that gamers are NOT a bottomless source of money no matter what your boys and gals in Finance say.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
gyrobot said:
Meanwhile, there are actual EA apologists who don't understand the context of the award.

Seafart said:
You know, EA doesn't need to get into the good graces of a handful of gaming neckbeards, despite what you think. The vast amount of consumers are more accommodating(and have much more money than neckbeards, I might add).

In short: Fuck the neckbeards, fuck the neckbeard gaming press.
BJFailCommando said:
Remember, EA won the "worst company in America award" over companies which have legitimately and actually killed people via their policies.

This is how entitled every person voting for EA was. They thought people actually fucking dying was worth less than their videogame not having day 1 DLC or whatever.
That's funny, because people around here who try to defend the shmoes make the exact same mistakes. It's like a rule or something, that in order to defend the undefendable, you have to use arguments that make no sense.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
At least they want to do better (or pretend to). That already makes them better than Activision. They do have a lot of stuff to make up for. Like the ME3 DLC costing way too much and never getting a discount sale because of the stupid "Bioware Points" system.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
At this point they're going to have a pull a Cartoon Villain "bad is good" routine to pull that off.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Flunk said:
At this point they're going to have a pull a Cartoon Villain "bad is good" routine to pull that off.
Speaking as a professional villain, they've flunked hardcore. There's no hope on that front.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Ed130 said:

You tried to be 'the best company in America' back in 2007 and we all know how that turned out.

Face it EA, you're a soulless bureaucratic nightmare devoted to making money whose schemes range from 'incompetent' to 'what the fuck were they thinking.'

I think aiming a little lower would be more realistic, like beating Activision and Ubisoft.
While I definitely laughed at that little clip, I do think they can really up their game. At the very least, though, they are better than Activision and 2K, so that's a start...

Also, spare an explanation of what happened in 2007 for lil' ol' me?


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Smilomaniac said:
Origin was the last straw, where I was forced to install it, despite buying a physical copy of Mass Effect 3, where an alternative method of acquiring this game would've been easier than actually having to track down a physical copy and more userfriendly..

You know, when I bought The Orange Box in retail I was also forced to install Steam to be able to play it. Funny how some of EA's buisness practices get absolutley shit on just because it's EA doing it.