Ellen Page: Naughty Dog Ripped Off My Likeness


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I... Don't see why it matters or why she cares. Any negative feelings towards it seems stupid to me but this seems like one of those things that she really should just shrug off. Because it's pretty meaningless. But the context kind of makes this seem like it's not news at all, so...

Keith K

New member
Oct 29, 2009
I would have agreed originally but not anymore. You judge a product by what's on the shelf, not the process leading up to it. NaughtyDog basically issued a mea culpa when they changed the original appearance of the character.

I kind of get the feeling that Ellen Page hasn't actually seen the latest iteration and is bent out of shape based on original images that people exposed her to, without updating her since.

I think both sides would benefit from a direct dialogue rather than the passive-aggressive indirect approach they're currently engaged in.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Clive Howlitzer said:
Usually yes, you can be sued by a celebrity if you blatantly use their likeness for advertising or money making purposes (like if you took a photo of them without their permission and used it to sell beer). One of the reasons is that it's defamation of character, you're saying "this person drinks beer" even if that person has a strict personal code against drinking alcohol.

That being said, for entertainment works (like books, movies and assumingly video games), it's a case by case basis, because these works are also protected by the first amendment. If it's a blatant use with no other creative merits, (like if you took a picture of a celebrity and plopped it on a T-shirt, to sell the shirt), yes you can be sued. I believe though that this falls into the other case...

As a general matter, you will not be held liable for using someone's name or likeness in a creative, entertaining, or artistic work that is transformative, meaning that you add some substantial creative element over and above the mere depiction of the person. In other words, the First Amendment ordinarily protects you if you use someone's name or likeness to create something new that is recognizably your own, rather than something that just evokes and exploits the person's identity.
Personally I hope she lets it go, but the case would be very interesting if Ellen Page does decide to sue, because the law isn't really clear specifically for video games. Games have gotten so advanced that we can run into these issues now. I imagine though that they'd treat it similar to how they treat these cases in films.

More info here

Artists do use references of celebrities pretty often as a basis for making characters. Sometimes it's even completely accidental where a person drawing that character might have seen Ellen Page and so that's just an unintentional mental image they recall when they think of a character named Ellie. Artists and writers can't usually just pull completely original concepts and characters out of thin air, it's why websites like TV Tropes exist.

I did a concept for an elvish character once and to get away from the elvish influence (because I didn't want people taking one look and saying "oh look an elf"), I added cat features. Then Avatar came out and I saw the Navi and went "Damn those look a lot like my cat elvs, except giant and blue."

I also created a creature based off of Cerberus and when Harry Potter came out, everyone started calling my creature "Fluffy". My creature wasn't based off of Fluffy, I didn't rip a creature from J.K Rowling, but rather both Fluffy and my creature were based off the same source, Cerberus.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
In the case of this though, where its an original character and such. I just don't see enough of a resemblance for it to be an issue. That and it isn't like the character is based on the actor at all. I feel like this whole thing is silly.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I don't think it sounds like she's going for legal steps. She's just a bit iffy about this.

Don't think it would really be decided in her favour either in this matter, they did put in differences and it's in the context of a creative work.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
I'm just saying, if you're concerned about improper use of likeness or being 'not appreciated' David Cage is probably not the best guy to work under.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
kael013 said:
Oh, please. Ellie's forehead is smaller, cheekbones are higher, lips are fuller, nose tip is flatter, and her eyes are rounder. Beyond that Ellie's eyes are green instead of brown, her hair is a reddish-brown instead of Ellen's black-brown, and her skin is a peachy color while Ellen's is more tan (Yes I realize I'm nitpicking to the extreme).
Pretty much this. I think the voice actress who played Ellie did sound a lot like Ellen Page, and that probably contributes quite a bit to people seeing more resemblance than their is, but even just looking at those two pictures in the article side by side there is a long list of physical differences as you said.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Let put it this way, if they ever made a Live action The Last of Us movie anytime soon, she will be the first choice to played as Ellie.

Still I think it's too much of a coincidence that they look very similar, even the letters in their names is similar too (Ellen and Ellie)!


New member
Aug 22, 2009
The knee jerk reaction is that this is a bitchy move. It's not as if she was in something and not credited, it's just that a character looks like her. Hell, how much like Ben Affleck does Templar from Killzone look? And we don't hear that shit from him.

However, I guess it is a bit problematic, especially considering that before this post, I genuinely thought that it was deliberate, and that Page voiced the character. Probably wouldn't if I had played the game, but still. It's even more of a problem seeming as she's in another videogame project, you don't want people getting confused. So I guess an apology might be in order.

Reminds me though of when a character named "Wee hughie" from comic book series "The boys" was modelled after Simon Pegg...and he only found out when he read the first issue.

Pegg was completely cool with it though, albeit a little shocked and confused at first, and liked the book so much he ended up writing a foreword for the first omnibus.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I find it very suspicious that despite the fact that The Last of Us has been advertised and promoted for well over a year, that she only has a problem with this now. She's only annoyed because for all of the success The Last of US has had since its release, she's not received any of the profits. Now I won't try and deny that Ellen and Ellie are very similar, but I honestly don't think she should only be making a point of this now. Hell, even Beyond Two Souls or whatever it's called was announced and teased before The Last of Us was released and I'd seen a lot of discussion about the similarities in the Ellen and Ellie's characters even then. Despite this though, it doesn't change the fact that she only has a problem with this now because Naughty Dog has made a lot of money from the game, and as far as her likeliness goes, threatening to sue a game company prior to the release of a game that she's the starring role in is not what I'd call being likeable.

San Martin

New member
Jun 21, 2013
Baron von Blitztank said:
Well I think Grayson Hunt from Bulletstorm looks a lot like Jack Black and I'm pretty sure that was just purely coincidental...

Shit like this happens all the time! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it.
Quick question from someone who hasn't played Bulletstorm: why does that guy have a dildo protruding from the end of his gun?

OT: I'm with everyone who reckons Ellie was based on Ellen Paige. When I first saw screenshots from The Last of Us I'd just seen the Jimquisition video about David Cage, and remembering that he'd worked with Paige, I assumed this must be the game he was talking about. In fact, I'd never heard of Beyond Two Souls until today, so I guess I continued to assume Ellie was Ellen.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yep, they totally look alike, which is why I didn't care that much for Ellie in the beginning (Ellen Paige, blegh).

I guess Paige is steamed that Naughty Dog is stealing the thunder with a much, much, MUCH better game. All the while she's stuck with... David Cage. The poor girl.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
San Martin said:
Baron von Blitztank said:
Well I think Grayson Hunt from Bulletstorm looks a lot like Jack Black and I'm pretty sure that was just purely coincidental...

Shit like this happens all the time! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it.
Quick question from someone who hasn't played Bulletstorm: why does that guy have a dildo protruding from the end of his gun?
That's actually the gun barrel heating up in preparation for a charged shot. In the case of this weapon it will fire out a blast of 100 compressed bullets which goes through enemies and disintegrates them into a pile of bones and dust.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Looks? Maybe. There are a few differences in appearance, and Ellie looks more like a younger Ellen Paige rather than Ellen Paige now. So I can see that one (however I'm not sure it would be enough to sue). Voice though? I never got that when playing. They don't actually sound alike too much, and were you to play a sound clip of both Ellie and Ellen, I'd be easily able to tell you who was who


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Steven Bogos said:
1337mokro said:
Ellen Page is the ONLY person on earth who is a Caucasian Female who is aged 26 with the face of a 14 year old child and brown hair and brown eyes.

No other person on earth fits this description at all. You would have to go into UNCHARTED! territories to find undiscovered civilizations where there might be a possibility of anyone that remotely matches that description. Or you could use google and find about a million images.

Damn woman, chill out with the ego. Not everyone looks or is intended to look like you. Unless you plan to sue all of your lookalikes and force them to have plastic surgery you can't copyright your face. That's why things like Elvis impersonators can exist, they don't have to wear a DMCA bag over their heads to avoid using you "likeness".
Take a chill pill, bro. No-one is suing anyone. Did you read her quote?

"I guess I should be flattered that they ripped off my likeness, but I am actually acting in a video game called Beyond Two Souls, so it was not appreciated."

She just said that she "didn't appreciate it".
She really has nothing to not appreciate. See my over-dramatized response about her likeness.

She can go and not appreciate allot of other things if she wants to, maybe she wants to go and not appreciate the fact all these mirrors are using her likeness just reversed so they can escape the youtube content flagger software.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Really I don't see this as an issue. If we follow this train of thought then how many problems are we going to have when someone releases a game where the male protagonist is a white male with short brown hair?

Problem with making characters in games look more like real people... they are going to start looking like real people.