Enemies You Always Have and Always Will Take Seriously...


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Julianking93 said:
Goddamn Regeneraters from RE4.

Oh god, I'll never forget the first time I got killed by one of those things.

Then let us not forget the Iron Maidens. Regenerators + giant spines = Oh shit!
Then practically any enemy from bullet-hell games (even the fairies in Touhou).


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Jun 16, 2009
Dfskelleton said:
2:Cyberdemon from Doom II. In Doom you have to kill him and you're in a big arena, but he was still a good challenge. Whenever Iencounter him in Doom II, my initial reaction is "RUN THE OTHER WAY!"
I'll always remember the level "Cat and Mouse" in Doom 64. You, in a maze, with a teleporting Cyberdemon. Oh, and you start out right in front of it. Freaked me out on multiple occasions.


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Oct 8, 2009
The Eggplant said:
zpucek said:
Duriel from Diablo II. I hate that guy.
Oh Christ yes. My first playthrough I was just cruising through all opposition, wiping the floor with legions of skeletons, mummies, and God-knows-what-else, and then BAM. Duriel showed up, like a spiny, maggot-filled brick wall. I ended up having to grind my way up to two or three levels past him just to take him down, and even then it was a close thing.

In retrospect, much of that difficulty came from awful gear and a piss-poor understanding of proper character builds, but even so. "Looking for Baal?" Yeesh.

Oh, and Oblivion Knights from the same game. As a devoted user of the Zeal-Fanaticism Paladin build, I lived in constant fear of hearing the Iron Maiden curse's wail all through the Chaos Sanctuary. "Fleedle deedle dee...venom lords, doom knights, no swea...OH SHIT IRON MAIDEN STOP ZEALING PLEASE PLEASE PL--fuck."
Duriel is an ass because of his holy freeze aura and the fact that hes stupid fast for being a big maggot guy. I really don't see how blizzard figured him a good boss for that level. If you played through properly, he's one tough cookie at that level.

The oblivion knights were my pick. Then in the recent 1.13 patch, they took iron maiden from them. It feels way too easy now. As a werebear sorceress that hits 88k melee and attacks faster than the game can show(seriously, it only shows 1 swing for every 3 times I swing), it's too easy. It really is a shame. That was about the only place melee characters struggled. Not even mercenaries were safe.

I'd like to add undead stygian dolls. I've always hated them. They're small, fast, travel in packs, and explode and hurt a lot when they die. They also just killed my level 87 hardcore character.


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Jun 28, 2010
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Tyro The Fox said:
For Me? I agree with Infernai. As much as I hate Nintendo's personal rendition of reanimated corpses, they don't fill me with as much fear as the Kingdom Hearts version of Sephiroth. The git is ridiculously quick, powerful and still has a move that can reduce you to 1HP. When your playing as a small, remarkably slow child without much in the way of finesse or skill as your opponent, you just get to Lvl 99, equip your nastiest weapon and charge. Straight into his massive sword. There's a joke about over-compensating for something with that sword somewhere. Oh wait! Someone got there!

The one in the second instalment is still difficult despite Sora becoming vastly speedier. He just gets more relentless.

Oh! And all the bosses in Half-Life that appeared on Xen. Partly because they were long fights, partly because I had little idea how I came to be fighting them short of stumbling into their lairs.
I thought Sephiroth was much more difficult in Kingdom Hearts 1, because he leaps around everywhere and spams an AoE which means you can only hit him about 20% of the time.

For me, it has to be Elder Wyrm. I know it's an optional boss, but still, I can't be doing with the bastard. I could go into great detail as to why I hate him, but frankly, if you've played FFXII, you'll know.
Was Elder Wyrm the one that casts all these support spells on himself and had incredibly High hp?

Sinclair Solutions

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Jul 22, 2010
Pretty much any enemy from Resident Evil 4 and 5. El Salvador being the absolute worst. Also, the healing priests from Dante's inferno. And the Big Daddies, of course.


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Apr 12, 2010
Hunters (is what I believe they are known as, my memory may not serve me well as I have not played halo in a VERY long time) from the original Halo, scared the shit out of me whenever I saw them.


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Mar 4, 2009
In most every Star Wars game not tied to a movie, there will be a rancor (Yes there are a few without it, but the fact that these guys have shown up in games for way longer than that one in the movie is a bit strange). They all either can insta-kill or will almost kill you with every attack.

Sticking with the Star Wars topic:

Named Mandolorians: these guys survived the war for the reason
Terentatek: They will kill you before you can say their name
Rakghouls: Not really that dangerous, but were the most annoying thing on Taris (poisined you, ignored you to kill the person you were trying to save, were the only thing that respawned)
Anyone with a lightsaber: The Tatooine ambush taught me this.

Republic Commando-
Trandosian Heavies: "I am Heavy Weapons Trando. And this... is my weapon."
Droid Deployers: Who knew that a canister that clearly only holds six droids can produce an infinite amount of enemies (that don't drop ammo you can use)
Super Battle Droids: The movies lied, these things where exceptionally dangerous. Especially on the one level where you have to move past racks of them with limited ammo, all alone.

Droidikas: CPU makes them gods among mortals. Capable of killing everything on the map not in a vehicle. The Republic special troop, the Jet Trooper, was only good for killing them.
The CPU in 2: "We just landed our mobile troop spawn point inside the enemy ship! Now everyone jump out to cripple it from the inside while more troops spawn to help us... Wait! No! Don't crash it into the wall and leave us strand... Crap."

The Force Unleashed-
Rocket Turrets: Almost no pause between you getting back up and it firing again.
Felucians: Tree bark can block a lightsaber. Who knew?
PURGE TROOPERS: "Why isn't it dying?! How can it just block all my attacks?! Why can't I get close with its rocket launcher attacking me?! HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID IT JUST WALK THROUGH THE DEATH STAR BEAM?!?!?!?!"

Besides for those games, the only other one I'd have to say are any enemies with the ability to stun/knock you back and dragons in Final Fantasy after not listening to the moogle in IX.


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May 18, 2009
Feral Ghoul Reavers from Fallout 3, they have crazy amounts of health and if they know you're there they hit really hard and don't stop until you're dead or he's dead. I mean sure if you get the Ghoul Mask they're not so bad, but during the Broken Steel DLC in the Presidental Metro where all of those Ghouls are attacking, I thought ah can't be that bad, fuck was I wrong, I had to heal Dogmeat constantly he was being attacked by like 5 Reavers wow it wasn't pretty. Used over half of my Stimpaks on that one mission.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Three words: Super. Mutant. Overlord. If I see one armed with a Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, I make sure I can sneak close enough to take the weapon out in VATS. I had a couple of no-death runs wiped out by that damned thing.

(edit: I'd say Feral Ghoul Reavers, but the Ghoul Mask fixes 'em and turns 'em into docile little puppies.)

Kevlar Eater

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Sep 27, 2009
There's a lot of enemies I take seriously, but these take the cake for me:

Joshua O'Brien (Armored Core 4/ For Answer). His bastard mech White Glint is a ***** to hit. He can fly circles around my mech, inflicting potshots while I futilely try to do anything. In For Answer, the player is severely underfunded, there's little to no parts available to build with, the arena is crowded, and the ally used in the mission to kill Joshua dies within a minute, which quickly becomes a one-sided battle. And this is on normal mode. I don't want to know what happens on hard mode. He's just plain hard on AC4, as he comes later in the game, when the player has the money and weapons to stand a chance.

Just about everything on insanity mode in Mass Effect 2. From my experience, the classes that stand a chance in this mode are the Soldier, Infiltrator, Sentinel and Engineer. Unless the player is really good and has his/her squad set up for any combat scenario, the Vanguard/Adept won't get very far. Harbinger is a real bastard, but the praetorian is by far the worst. It can raise a barrier at any moment, follows Shepard, and exposure for more than a second means death, or severely depleted health. Scions are no better, but Heavy Warp/Heavy Incendiary Ammo work wonders.

Deathclaws in Fallout 3. My character's Perception is maxed out for a reason. Yes, I hate them, and my solution to this problem: a dart gun and a flamethrower.

General RAAM in Gears of War 1 (insane). Anything but explosives and sniper fire to the face do absolutely nothing at all. And a few bullets from him means an insta-kill.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
The regenerating monsters from Dead Space. The moment I realized I couldnt kill them I was like "Oh shit what do I do!" and ran around like a ninny.

Also, any Fallout 3 enemy that could rape your face at higher levels.


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Nov 4, 2009
Injustice, from Ragnarok Online. .. In fact stuff that, just insert half the game's bestiary, those creatures creep me out something horrid.


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Apr 8, 2008
DDO, yeah online game...

But when people zerg forward... you NEVER leave a enemy spell cast alive EVER.

Great or small take them the hell out.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
MikailCaboose said:
Julianking93 said:
Goddamn Regeneraters from RE4.

Oh god, I'll never forget the first time I got killed by one of those things.

Then let us not forget the Iron Maidens. Regenerators + giant spines = Oh shit!
Then practically any enemy from bullet-hell games (even the fairies in Touhou).
i gotta agree with both of these first time i faced one i shot it 6 times couldnt figgure out how to kill it so i thought well ill just go around it.....bad idea just incase you didnt know they can jump 8 to 10 feet with no head, no chest, no arms, or legs scared the liveing crap out of me and my friend after that i got a rocket every time i had to kill one of them(didnt find the thermal scope till second play through nore did i find out till then about the hand cannon.) now the one enimey i avoid like the plage IE i hear one i turn off my light stand stil and look for it is the witch from LFD 1 and 2 nothing says "OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!" like running into one of those in the dark.......