Escape from Nightmare Mansion. Win an XBOX 360 with Kinect!


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Caramel Frappe said:
I apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't even sweat it but after staying up for so many hours, nights in and nights out- I was scared to lose my spot on the Leaderboard and feeling horribly bad for those who've gained their place onto the Leaderboard yet getting thrown out due to this 'incident'. Again I apologize, I should of known better v_v I feel bad now.
I totally understand man. It's all good. I was getting upset as well. :\


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
ravsters said:
Caramel Frappe said:
I apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't even sweat it but after staying up for so many hours, nights in and nights out- I was scared to lose my spot on the Leaderboard and feeling horribly bad for those who've gained their place onto the Leaderboard yet getting thrown out due to this 'incident'. Again I apologize, I should of known better v_v I feel bad now.
I totally understand man. It's all good. I was getting upset as well. :\
Well I just dropped to 21st place 40 minutes after the game closed. I'm getting a bit anxious and would love for the escapist to say something about what is going on.


New member
May 20, 2010
Don't worry guys. While there may be a loose monster or two around they wont count against the leaderboard. The numbers that were recorded up until 12 will count, any thing after, wont.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
ThyNameIsMud said:
Don't worry guys. While there may be a loose monster or two around they wont count against the leaderboard. The numbers that were recorded up until 12 will count, any thing after, wont.
Thank you very much. My the madness end forever!


Digital Spellweaver
Escapist +
Sep 2, 2009
San Francisco Peninsula
Escape from Nightmare Mansion, huh?

Well, if you'd like to borrow any material from Escape from Monster Manor [], just let me know.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
So I'm either officially 4th or depends on how many points ravsters had at exactly midnight EDT.

Regardless, I have the same odds of winning one of the grand prizes. But if the #4 slot is picked as a winner and I was officially bumped to #5...then I'm going to wish I hadn't quit when I received the 'contest over' message 13 minutes to midnight.

But, hey, maybe #5 will get picked and then I'll have ravsters to thank.

I'm thinking about this way too much. Signing off for the night.

Good luck everyone!


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I don't think they are going to pick a "slot". "Here's a hat with 20 names, pick three at random" seems more likely.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
ThyNameIsMud said:
Don't worry guys. While there may be a loose monster or two around they wont count against the leader board. The numbers that were recorded up until 12 will count, any thing after, wont.
Thank you very much for clearing that up. I'm sitting at the bowling alley at 11 (12 your time), and I get the "Mansion is Closed" message. I check on the leader board a few times for funsy and noticed that the leader board is still moving, eventually knocking me from 20th to 22nd. I assumed you guys would have snapped a picture of the board after you sent out the message but I was still very worried (needless to say, I was ready to cry like a five year old girl who just had her dolls taken away...I mean...punch a wall in a manly way!).

Sucks to be those guys who were 21 and 22 though. The last 20 spot was a real fight.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Fiad said:
Well I tried my best. Perhaps next time.
Wouldnt loose hope, everyone who entered has a chance to win a copy of the game. Top 20 was for the console.

As for trying your best. This contest was all about the Early days of MMOs level of commitment and pure luck, Seriously last 2 hours was insane (sort of keeping with the motif I guess) with all the movement going on, so it was anyones ballgame.

Im just glad it is over. My eyes are killing me with floaters and sunspots that will take a couple days to heal from.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
viranimus said:
Fiad said:
Well I tried my best. Perhaps next time.
Wouldnt loose hope, everyone who entered has a chance to win a copy of the game. Top 20 was for the console.

As for trying your best. This contest was all about the Early days of MMOs level of commitment and pure luck, Seriously last 2 hours was insane (sort of keeping with the motif I guess) with all the movement going on, so it was anyones ballgame.

Im just glad it is over. My eyes are killing me with floaters and sunspots that will take a couple days to heal from.
Well since I don't have a Kinect even if I do get the game it will end up being like a five buck profit from selling it. May just keep it if I do, even though there is no chance of me ever buying a Kinect myself.