Escape to the Movies: G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I think this movie had only 2 flaws, relatively minor ones. 1-the Baroness was a good guy who became evil because of mind control? Why can't they let us have our evil babe? 2-Cobra's mask looked STUPID! I remember he had 2 looks before, one was like an executioner's mask, the other a mirror, as if to say he was a twisted reflection of society. In this movie, Cobra has some kind of stupid transparent skull thing going on that isn't cool OR intimidating or even clever. When I see the Cobra Commander costume in party city I see the mirror mask, not the stupid plastic skull thing. But other than those 2 nit-picks this was a pretty good film.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I would get angry about the statement that this movie is better than the last twelve Bond movies, but then again there has been quite a few mediocre and one or two dismal showings in the Bond catalogue. Ultimately Movie Bob has not offended any of the Bond outings that I hold truly dear to my heart, i.e. any performances by Sean Connery or Live and Let Die, so I should in all fairness state that; if this statement holds true then GI Joe is a movie I should have seen at the cinema... Oh well, I'll just have to get a copy to a 50" Plasma screen somewhere.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
This review surprise me immensely. Having watched this mo-... correction, having been forced to watch this movie at the house of an acquaintance, I was bored out of my mind by the bad CGI, bad acting and just outright laughable and predictable story from start to finish. After I saw the review for "The Expendables" I expected this review to be a veritable thermite charge on "G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra"'s corpse, but it seems to be lauded for basically the same things the aforementioned was condemned for.

I love a good action movie. Hell, I adore a cheesy bad action movie. Among my favorites being Commando, The Running Man, Rambo, Die Hard, Under Siege and so on, but this was just too dumb for me too enjoy. The bad acting kept me from suspending disbelief and caring about the characters. The bad story took me too much effort to get into. The poor CGI and ridiculous lack of physics robbed the action of any interest... even as a little girl I'd ahve watched the scene with the accello-suits or whatever they were scratching my head saying "Um... no, that wouldn't happen like that." I'm sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree on this one. 'G.I.Joe- The Fail of Nobra' was just too hackneyed for me to slither into.

"Ice sinks in water..." 'nuff said.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
...Just realized something while watching this.

Fuck. Shit.

Any reason why Escape to the Movies is censored when ZP isn't? I assume ZP is the Escapist's South Park wherein The Escapist has just through up their hands and said 'FINE! Swear to your hearts content!' with that one and only show.

Just thought I'd point that out and ask why.