Escape to the Movies: G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra

rayman 101

New member
Jun 7, 2008
I'm sorry Bob, but you're a fucking idiot. Yes the film was fun, but it was perhaps the dumbest film of the year. The characters and story look like they came out of a cereal box, the film rips off loads of other sci-fi films, the CG is terrible, some of the dialogue and acting is atrocies. But I will agree with you that it doesn't take it's self seriously, which was one of the reasons why it better (but only by a bit) than Transformers. A lot more effort and thought has been put into Star Trek, and as a film altogether (acting, directing, action etc.) it manages to be a much better film than GI Joe, and you still have as much fun. It appeals universally, not only to it's fans, but to the general public too, while GI Joe is just a silly fun popcorn blockbluster, that's based of a silly, fun, army-propaganda fueled, cartoon show.


New member
May 27, 2009
I concur, I WISH I had this much fun with Transformers. Good-ole fashion action movie. That is something you can expect from Stephen Sommers. The one thing I wanted to point out was the, "phoning it in" acting. I agree that most of the actors, especially Channing Tatum, did a so-so job but the one actor who definitely made a presence was Byung-hun Lee who played Storm Shadow. I thought he did a great job with the character and gave a lot of definition to him when he was on screen. I really want to see more of this guy in America.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Its a good action flick. Dont expect a deep plot and remember wich audience G.I. Joe was intended for: teenage boys. Explosions, gadgets, babes and ninjas. What more do you want?


New member
Aug 14, 2009
The only thing i agreed with bob about is that this movie seams to have been written by elementary school children. plot, ridiculous... but that's a given for this movie so I'm not going to complain about that too much. characters, the good guys don't seam to care about human life, the bad guys don't seem to care about anything, and the only truly evil person in the movie wasn't even really set up until the last 5 minutes of the movie.

everybody in the movie seamed far too stupid and single minded to ever be trusted with a butter knife let alone super weapons. (except snake eyes, he graduated to steak knife, and fittingly that's all he used in the movie)

the biggest problem i had with the movie was its complete disregard for common sense, or the laws of physics. over the top action movie is fine, an over the top action movie that constantly relies on complete stupidity to increase the level of action and conflict... i just cant get behind.

I completely disagree with your James bond comparisons. international espionage action movies are supposed to be about abstractly believable good guys and bad guys outsmarting each other, with odd but possible weapons and gadgets, in extraordinary situations. this movie is about absurdly unbelievable good guys and bad guys out-dumbing each other, with stupid and impossible weapons and gadgets, in ridiculous illogical situations. this is strictly a child's movie that is being marketed to adults. this is exactly what you would get if spy kids had gone for a pg-13 rating and had less mature characters. (OK that was a little harsh)

so let me break this down.

!!!SPOILER RANT ALERT!!!! stop reading if you give a shit.
just to point out how generic and ridiculous this story line is i will not be using specific names.

fist frame of the movie: "In the not to distant future." this automatically means its ok to MST3K the movie, even on opening night.

first action scene: transporting the worlds deadliest new super weapon by ground, guarded by about 20 squishably soft foot soldiers, on a single lane road through uncontrolled territory, fallowed by helicopters.
-why are we developing super weapons in uncontrolled territory? why are there only a few soldiers transporting them by ground when we have helicopters? The weapons have more destructive potential than hydrogen bombs, so why are they all in a small easily steal-able suitcase?


Good Guys show up just in time... Good Guy commander throws security to the wind and explains everything to the only surviving foot soldiers... takes them to the base then explains even more.

Flash-back explaining the characters.

Training montage.

the Good Guy Commander puts the massively destructive warheads (more powerful than hydrogen bombs) in his office safe. obviously most generals are allowed to keep doomsday weapons in there office safe, since that must be the safest location in the worlds most advance military underground base.

...they get stolen...

Flash-back explaining the characters.

...stolen by the people who manufactured them...

Flash-back explaining the characters.

... those Bad Guys then have to break into a "particle accelerator" to "weaponize" the "weapons" that they manufactured. you would think they would be able to activate the weapons they built without having to inundate the audience with bullshit scientific lingo and an excuse to go to "Large European City" and have an action scene.

they kill some scientists.

luckily good guys forgot to bring a helicopter, again, so it turns into a foot vs car race to the "National Monument"...

the "National Monument" is destroyed, the "Large European City" is saved.

Bad Guys kidnap the Main Character who activates the homing beacon revealing the location of the Bad Guy base. (under the polar ice caps.)

Flash-back explaining the characters.

Bad guys fire the warheads... while all the Good guys are staring at them, the ninja shoots one of them with a missile. good thinking ray park ( hiding your face and not talking throughout the entire movie).

their is an underwater submarine battle. every submarine that gets hit spirals out of control and explodes. (instead of coming to a quick stop and gently floating away as the laws of physics would dictate.) we need underwater battles to look like space battles. the creators obviously didn't want to get caught doing anything realistic or new.

bad guy commander gets caught monologing .

untrained foot soldier has a dog fight with an ICBM at "Mach 6" (luckily only trained pilots in G-suits liquefy when they take sharp turns at "mach 6")

bad guy doctor gets caught monologing about a -Flash-back explaining the characters.

bad girl is being brainwashed and good guy Un-brainwashes her with the sheer force of his machismo.

Flash-back explaining the characters.

submarine chase through ice caves.

the self destruct makes the ice cap sink and crushes the bad guy base... (because ice sinks)

the actual bad guys from the actual toys and comic book are finally introduced and immediately imprisoned.

ridiculously predictable twist setting up franchise sequel.

credits role, you wake up and walk to the theater parking lot, dreaming of watchable movies, and wondering how this movie got away with showing no less than 4 people being impaled and 2 people get cut in half, but Terminator: Salvation didn't show a single person die on camera.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
For a movie that I expected to resemble something that comes out my back-end, I'm actually waffling on whether or not I want to get the DVD when it comes out. The movie wasn't anything Oscar-worthy, it had a shoddy story and cheesy acting, but dammit, I went to the theater to see an action movie, and that's exactly what GI Joe was. I was able to keep from getting bored during the approximately 2-hour duration of the movie, so while not great, it certainly doesn't have me regretting that $9 movie ticket.


New member
Dec 18, 2007
This review, like the movie sucked. I've got no problem with turning my brain of for a minute and watching some action scenes to put me back in the mind set that I'm watching a toy commercial on the big screen. But this movie takes that even that amount of ground I'd be willing to give and shits all over it. Snake Eyes was the only good character in that movie. I didn't give a shit about Duke or Baroness, nor was a fan of them butchering Storm Shadow. Transformers might've been catering to a more jock audience but at least it had the brains to put money behind the presentation. If that movie was dumb for abandoning it's already convoluted origins, than G.I. is stupid for trying to force feed you how fucking cheesy and stupid it was as a cartoon show.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I admit it, I'm shocked.
Thanks for the disclaimer.

From what I saw of the trailer, it was just tits, guns, and bad punchlines (from yours truly, that Wayans brother), but I guess the sum "works", however impossible I thought it would be, to both me and especially you.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
this movie re-cemented the fact that going by the mass media meta-score or the trailer is simply judging a book by its cover. shat all over transformers 2, and when you consider the only real thing star trek had going for it was it's action, THIS film pwns it too. (I think the only real reason I preferred star trek is because of my fascination with space)


New member
Jan 29, 2009
guymella said:
*awesome awesome rant*
Agree completely with you... too bad I didn't read your post before going to see the fucking thing... God it sucks.
I went with high hopes seeing Bob recommended it, Bob tends to exaggerate with his "good reviews", happened before with Punisher: War Zone.
I'll never trust Bob again. I still love his reviews and his rants as the Game Overthinker, but never again will I respect his good reviews.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I saw it I don't like it, I hated all the needless plot dickary Storm shadow and Snake eyes brothers(annoying but not stupid),Duke bring ex friends of Cobra commander and the baroness(stupid) the baroness being cobra commanders sister(stupid). The nano driven super soldiers would have been better replaced with robots(bats) Cobra commanders mask and voice is ...bad....

I can stand half of the dialog but I am not to found of the almost generic outfits and visuals.
I liked star trek more even if the plot points are as bad....

VZLANemesis said:
guymella said:
*awesome awesome rant*
Agree completely with you... too bad I didn't read your post before going to see the fucking thing... God it sucks.
I went with high hopes seeing Bob recommended it, Bob tends to exaggerate with his "good reviews", happened before with Punisher: War Zone.
I'll never trust Bob again. I still love his reviews and his rants as the Game Overthinker, but never again will I respect his good reviews.
War zone was not to bad the 04 film was the best so far but war zone was not horrendous.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
a movie bob apologist how funny! Are you his mom cute kitty? Movie bob's reviews suck. this is the last time I'll watch his video reviews. he's an unhappy person, and it shows in his reviews. I suggest meditation, or therapy for him. seriously. Unlike the punctuation fellow bob lacks wit.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
cutekittenkyti said:
fasteddie_felson said:
Movie Bob, God bless him and his really poor taste in movies: 1. that it's better then the last 12 Bond Flicks? Not even the worst Roger Moore Bond like Moonraker. We've recently had Casino Royale, and in the 90's Golden Eye. 2. That it's not a flaccid movie cash in. Yes, yes it is a crappy movie cash in.

If I was 8 I'd like it, but even a 12 year old after seeing their dad's collection of great action flicks can recognize how thin G.I. Joe is. what a piece of crap. I listened to Bob's review, and said well he said it's "Fun" so I went to see it. This is the last time I'll ever take Bob's advice. He was dead wrong on Star Trek, and damn sure wrong on this movie.

read some of the other comments. he adds an addendum. and im tired of paraphrasing it.
a movie bob apologist how funny! Are you his mommy cute kitty? Movie bob's reviews suck. this is the last time I'll watch his video reviews. he's an unhappy person, and it shows in his reviews. I suggest meditation, or therapy for him. seriously. Unlike the punctuation fellow bob lacks wit.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
(no way to delete post huh?) the usability of this message board is almost as bad as Movie Bob's reviews. ;) Good thing you have the funny punctuation guy around. I'm pretty fond of him. Especially how he always nails (evil) U.S. arrogance and foreign policy. (Hopefully not as bad as under Obama.)


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Yes! You liked it! SOMEBODY understands that it's supposed to be cliche, over the top action movie! Thank you!


no Yabou
Dec 15, 2008
when i went to see this film i was aware it was being directed by the man behind the mummy films, including the scorpion king, and i have fond memories of those films. so i went into this film expecting fun and excitement.

there was fun, excitement, and lots of nice 'pew-pewy' sound effects and i was happy with the spectacle.

unfortunately i went to see it with dad who absolutly hated it. obviously he wasn't aware this was a kids film.

i don't have a lot of childhood memories involving a lot of action figures but like i said there was fun to be had and i didn't mind it a bit.

God Worm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
I liked the movie. Sure, it's stupid, the acting is bad/goofy, a lot of the science and plot really seems ridiculous, and Cobra Commander doesn't yell "COBRA!!!" But it's fun if you go to it in the right mind set.


Quiet Knoll
Dec 17, 2007
i'll eventually see this movie, but not in theatres as everyone else says it's a waste of money.

Sheepzor said:
4.35 is the point of the trailer which made me go...Hmm didn't I see that in TF1?
glad i'm not the only one who thought "didn't i see Ironhide do this before?"

but what's even weirder is the fact that according to this [], g.i. joe and the transformers movies are connected to the point that we might see both in a crossover movie.

then we'll see what michael bay can do with two popular eighties toy lines, a limitless budget, and a handful of race stereotype jokes.