Escape to the Movies: G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
He finally fixed up the editing, but why does it blur randomly?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Souplex said:
He finally fixed up the editing, but why does it blur randomly?
Yeah, that does see odd. The images come up are fine, then go blurred...

...I would comment more but I'm still in shock...0_o


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I haven't seen it yet, but I completely dismissed it when I heard that they wouldn't be giving advance screenings to critics. So imagine my surprise when MovieBob said it was good! Might have to go see tis now.
Feb 13, 2008
See, I wasn't really that surprised.
After the dismal failure of Transformers: Remerch of the Gonads, there was something about this that spoke of understanding.
For one: The source material is cheesy as hell. For two: The clips were as cheesy as hell. For three: The acting was as cheesy as hell, and as Bob says "They got it".

We don't need Magnum Opus's to keep us entertained, we just need the sort of films that we would make if we had a few million and a bag full of chocolate coated coffee beans.

I'm off to see it next week for sure.


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
I guess I'm not all that surprised, considering Venkman over at GeekTyrant [] also gave this film a passing grade.

I'm a bit surprised Bob liked it as much as he did, though.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Spinwhiz said:
Well, that just made my Friday!
Mine too, alongside somewhere today I will be getting a new mouse, and going to a Waterslide park.

There's one thing I like in movies more than fun, and I don't know what it is, therefore this movie is forefront in number 2 of the movies I want to see this summer.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Wow, you had some intense praise for this movie,im seing this today at arond fourish, and judging by your review, I should get to the theater early for tickets. Though my biggest question at the moment is-does the villan actually wear the shiny mask? or are you using that as a comparision piece?



Evil Overlord
Jul 29, 2009
carnkhan4 said:
Souplex said:
He finally fixed up the editing, but why does it blur randomly?
Yeah, that does see odd. The images come up are fine, then go blurred...

...I would comment more but I'm still in shock...0_o
That might have something to do with the video being sent from an alternate reality... Not that I have seen the movie, just having a hard time believing that Hollywood actually got this one right...


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Alright, I'll probably go see it on the grounds that I am one of those late-20s (or more accurately early-30s) guys who remembers a youth with G.I. Joe.

First time I saw one of MovieBob's features. I like his work.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
I collected (read: played with) G.I. Joes as a kid and actualy have been looking forward to this movie, though I was assuming it would suck and I'd be disappointed. But now Bob has raised my hopes... damn it. Here's hoping I still feel blown away and clearly surprised by it's awesomeness.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Why are you all so surprised at this movie getting a good rating?

Curtmiester said:
I still won't see this movie. I need a substantial plot for me to watch a movie and this just seems like a bucket load of random explosions.
My hats off to you sir. No really, you have my respect. I hate people that go to action movies looking for a god damn plot and come back disappointed (see Fast and Furious 4) You go to see movies like this SPECIFICALLY FOR the explosions, the fight scenes, the car chases. And the fact that you know this movie is for adrenaline junkies and not plot hounds is more than admirable, it's sensible.

This is why I'm not surprised that this movie got a good rating. Critics (good ones) know that when they go to see a movie they SHOULD be in the mindset of the audience the movie is targeting. As Bob said here, 7 year olds, and 20+ year olds who still remember what it was like to be 7 years old IS the target audience. Thats what G.I. Joe was aiming for, and it's NOT like finding a needle in a haystack.

The only way they could've made it better is if they made sure they gave everyone a sugar high before going in to the movie.

It's as if someone like me went to see a movie like oh I don't know, say "the notebook", and I was expecting car chases and explosions and fight scenes and everything that makes life worth living. CLEARLY I would be disappointed and the movie would receive a bad review from me, because I wasn't in the right mindset.

pete240 said:
this guy needs to get a better taste in films ... no way! is this crappy remake of a toy commercial better than james bond!

And how can you judge it before you've seen it?


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Huh, I guess it is good after all. I've never gotten G.I. Joe, so I probably won't get around to seeing it, but I'm glad that it the mark for what it is at heart.

Also, I checked iTunes, and the score is by Alan Silvestri, and it's pretty good.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Very nice review, and I was almost sure they would butcher G.I. Joe. Only thing that gets me is Movie Bob saying G.I. Joe is better than the last 12 James Bond Movies. I really liked Casino Royale, I did like Quantum of Solace, but I'll admit the story and Bonds change in motivation was a bit complicated for people to take a liking to.

Anyways, for be it from be to argue with Movie Bob, but what movie will he review next? I'm hoping for District 9 and then Inglorious Bastards. Those to movies have hyped me enough that I'm either going to research it more or actually see it.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
I still can't picture The Doctor as Cobra Commander

Good Review though, it was whizz bang silly and thats what made it alright.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
pete240 said:
i'm judging this movie before i've seen it because it's going to be like all the rest taking all the fun and excitement of the comic from when we was kids and just exchanging it for crappy lines and lots of explosions ... they should stop making movies like these!!

How do you know they did that without seeing it? Besides when you were a kid did you play dress up with your G.I. Joes or did you play kick the crap out of your friends G.I. Joes with your G.I. Joes? They aren't exchanging the excitement of the comic with crappy dialogue and explosions, they're showing what we imagined our G.I. Joes doing.