Escape to the Movies: Green Lantern

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Why is everybody getting on Bob's case for hating the movie? Its not fanboy rage he was 100% right the movie was just as bad and just as boring as the first Hulk movie and I dont even care about Green Lantern past John Stewart on Justice League.

The movie was so boring it was like watching a romantic comedy with 5 minutes of super hero stuff. He wasnt lying when he said the trailers showed all there was to see dealing with the rest of the Corps.

All these people seeing it just to spite Bob, why even watch his reviews? The movie is terrible and the fact that people are going to see it and cause it make money means they are going to try to spew out more crap like this.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
And so goes the good comic book movie streak. At least Marvel looks like it can sweep the summer with Captain America. I was hoping Green Lantern would be good, and I'm probably still going to see it just so I can form my own opinion, but most reviews agree with Bob's in that its a noisy mess. The one positive review I saw said it "didn't take itself too seriously." What? Comic book movies are SUPPOSED to take themselves seriously, that's part of their charm. Like Bob said, if it took itself less seriously it would be a parody.

I mean, I didn't absolutely hate Daredevil or the first Fantastic Four that much, so I may find myself entertained here. Who knows? If we're lucky they might pull an Incredible Hulk and reboot the thing, and the franchise would be better off for it.

Jay Knowles

New member
Aug 24, 2010
I watched green lantern on opening night with my gf, she liked it. I however did not. The entire thing just felt like a rom-com where the leading man just happened to incidentally find a magic ring. the 'bad guys' weren't fleshed out and the movie might have been improved had they been left out all together.

it got to the end of the movie, the credits rolling, and i was like, 'so wheres the third act?' oh wait did i blink and miss it? im pretty sure everybody in the silent theatre heard my very audible groan as i shook my head.

now what i have that off my chest, im going to dig out my old green lantern movie... the cartoon one... the one that wasn't [insert (several) derogatory adjective(s) here]


New member
Nov 27, 2010
I can see...
A massive shitstorm...
In the following weekend...
A million voices screaming...
Shut off your brain...
Unless it's really that bad.
I thought this would be good. I suppose I have bad instincts when it comes to movies. I always liked the Green Lantern's themes on honor and courage and all the stuff that made The Iliad good, so I was hoping this movie would have that except without the massive comic book history, with the addition of spaaaaaaaaaaace. Then I saw the little car hologram in your video and that was the killing stroke for me; I figured, bad constructs denotes a bad Green Lantern film.
I remember saying to someone this might be like "Batman in spaAAAAccccceeeee except not so much a poooooooOOoooooosyyyyyy."


New member
Jan 20, 2011
i figured as much... heh... how? because the alien lanterns looks ugly as hell, costume is glowing stupid, and worse of all, the only 2 things I saw main character construct was AA gun, and minigun.... yeh... i think the maker is shamed of the source... much like Transformer...


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I don't let movie critics dictate my movie going. If I'm on the fence about a movie, I'll watch/read reviews to help make up my mind. But if I'm interested in a movie, I'll watch it no matter what the critics say. In this case I'm glad I did. Whatever pissed in Bob's cornflakes wasn't this movie. Is it great? No. But it's perfectly watchable and an at least decent take on Green Lantern. It's no Batman Begins or Dark Knight, but it's also no Superman Returns.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I honestly expected it to be bad. The trailers weren't interesting and they kept pushing the fact it was three deeee like anyone even cares.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Dont see how your surprised.. the trailer look god aweful to beguin with i had no hope for it from the start

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
I'll still go see it.

If it is as bad as you say Bob then let us hope somebody makes a GOOD GL movie sometime.

head desk tricycle

New member
Aug 14, 2010
This isn't like Bay's Transformers. This takes one of the two defining stories of a top-tier comics title, then whittles it down to nothing, just because why not? So more like Spider-Man 3.
I also agree that Bob should do a RedLetterMedia style breakdown of Green Lantern.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
He made it sound like one of those movies that's so bad, you have to see it. However, I'm guessing it's just not overly bad, just boring and his constant attacks was because he's a green lantern comic fan boy who was disappointed.

Which is it?


Shark Rodeo Champion
Mar 18, 2010
Monty McDougal said:
hopefully this will scare Reynolds back to deadpool
My fear is that it will spook studios away from Deadpool...which would be a real shame.

OT: I wasn't expecting anything great out of Green Lantern, but I wasn't expecting it to be as bad as the reviews. Glad I decided not to go on opening night. However, because it seems to be one of the worst movies this year, I'm going to have to go see it. My love of truly terrible movies is the same as my love of truly great movies. I'll wait until it's in a venue that I can laugh out loud at it without disturbing the people trying to take it seriously (so, rental or dollar theater).


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Everyone here who hasn't seen it yet, I wouldn't believe all of the critic reviews coming out absolutely ripping on the movie if I were you.

I have never read a Green Lantern story (only getting brief glances of Jon Stewart's lantern in the Trinity Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman series), and went into this movie wide eyed and willing to see what it could offer.

To me, a lot of reviewers are either A) dedicated Green Lantern fans who can't see the movie behind their wall of nitpicky reservations, or B) people who just got turned off by all the goofy elements of the movie. Big headed aliens, herp durr.

I'm not gonna lie. The movie can be pretty cliche. And some parts of it can be preeetty silly. (seriously, why all the big headed aliens? and villain? it just looks derp).

But I had a lot of fun with it, and although cliche, I thought the brief touches it made upon the nature of fear, courage, will, and making something out of your life were interesting. Sure, these themes only made their shallowest appearance in the movie, but it was enough to get you thinking, and you could see a lot of depth in the characters if you sat back to really think about it long enough. Depth that was reflected in many aspects of the character's moments on screen, and that I believe was portrayed nicely by the actors.

It didn't go into space as much as it could have. Sure. But if the angry fans and critics would give it a chance to breathe, or at least try to give it more of a chance, maybe it could make enough money to spawn a sequel. That would be in space. Speaking as someone new to Green Lantern, you kind of need to ease people into the character, and starting it off on Earth I think made him slightly more relatable, invested us more in him. I want to see him in space too. But this movie was his necessary, logical origin.

The only contrivance I felt was how Hector just happened to be related (by blood or kinship) to everyone, and I also thought it was odd, in a moment that happened towards the end, that the movie kind of made a "broken aesop", or wrecked its own message.


Towards the end, Hal (the hero) gives Hector (the bad guy) a long speech about how anyone can choose to be heroic, how you can always overcome fear, and how you can be whoever you want to be. He basically says "The only difference between you and me is that you are choosing to be someone else. You aren't weaker than me. Just choose, use your will, fight what you have become." This is the issue Hal has been grappling with all film long.

Of course, Hector doesn't go for it, and instead betrays Hal. "I lied," he says.

But then all of a sudden Hal says "I lied too. You have to be chosen." And takes his ring back, etc...

It seems kind of odd for the movie to spend so much time, buildup, and even a redemption lecture to the villain saying that the difference between courage and despair is your own choices. Then Hal just says: whelp, you have to be born brave I guess.

That, I thought, was just retarded. As well as the Guardians giving Sinestro a long speech about how Parralax sought to fight fear with fear and lost, at which point Sinestro says "Well, I want to fight fear with fear to beat Parralax. I mean, he is pretty strong. Maybe he's onto something. Can I have a yellow ring?" While it kind of is set up that Sinestro would really, really grasp at any power to defeat this villain, what's stupid in THIS case is the Guardian's reaction. Wise, immortal beings who created all of the universe, and just told him how Parralax fell. And here Sinestro wants to do the same exact thing that Parralax tried. What do the Guardians say in response? "Good idea, lets make a yellow ring." Deeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrp. Weakest set up for the Sinestro Corps ever.


Point is, the movie was pretty fun, and nowhere near offensively bad. The special effects looked great, in 2D at least. It really sold me on Green Lantern as a character, I thought he used the ring in creative ways, and the play between will and fear was enough to keep you thinking for some time.

I don't think critics and I were watching the same movie.

But then, I am just one person.

Go see it for yourself everyone. I can understand that critics don't like it, but they seem ot be over reacting. Especially Bob here. It wasn't a bad movie, but it's one I can understand disliking. However, I think the people who just simply dislike it are so offended at the fact that it wasn't amazing that they are getting hotheaded and exaggerating the movie's flaws. "Meh" at worst, "A lot of fun" at best, that's my personal review.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
hey guys, out of curiosity how many of you guys watched the movie? If so and you're commenting, why not give it a chance? I LOVE moviebob, and I respect his work, but the only true judge of something is YOU


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Meh. I wasn't that interested in the film anyways so this is just the last bit of evidence I need to not bother with it at all.
That said...

Moviebob sometimes has too high expectations and I think he sometimes overreacts, or at least overplays that reaction to make the review interesting.This is one review that seemed extremely heartfelt.
My point is that because he goes in with high expectations he seems to miss out the good points of any movie. For example, he expected Pirates to have a decent plot for some reason, so he came away thinking it was utter shite.
We (me and about 8 friends) went in thinking the plot would be shit and yes, it was, but for us the laughs made up for it. I think its the kinda film you can't watch alone and quite enjoy, the friendly atmosphere helped.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Oh, look at that, it's another MovieBob video that blows little problems out of proportion and talks about big world-ending issues with movies that he never goes into because "hurr durr it'd take to long" (i.e., he made them up in his own head), and says a perfectly serviceable film has no positive points comparing it to movies that aren't even on the same level, and then assumes it's not going to make enough money to warrant a sequel.

At least you didn't outright LIE in this review.