Escape to the Movies: Green Lantern


New member
Mar 10, 2010
LordOfTheDance said:
TheZooblord said:
This is most certainly an expectations issue. I really think too many people were expecting Iron Man or Dark Knight. I have let the big expectations bug bite me before so I totally understand but I do think many readers here would have enjoyed the movie had this review not scared them away from it.
Yeah, this is my problem with overexaggerated reviews. It wouldn't be as bad if Bob gave himself some time to cool down and maybe did something less sensational, and who knows, maybe he would still feel the same, but something as blowhard-y as this review is just bound to scare of skittish on-the-fence viewers who might otherwise enjoy it, like you said.

It's fine to not like a movie, but you owe it to your fans to try to be as level headed as possible. Not necessarily objective, as who CAN be objective, but at least level headed.

That said, why is it such a problem that this Green Lantern is not entirely faithful to the original Hal Jordan, or the storylines that have come before? A lot of Bob's review (and some fan reviews) seem upset that this movie took Hal in a direction that the comic books didn't take him, alongside Parralax and possibly other minor characters. Well, isn't that part of the fun of COMICS ARE WEEEEIRD? That they can spring up new continuities, allowing for reinterpretations of the characters and preventing creative stagnation? The characters is decades old, for pete's sake. Saying that the reinterpretation of the character sucks is fine, but saying that the new continuity sucks simply because it is different, just seems petty. I mean look at The Dark Knight. The Joker is always being reinvented and reimagined, and he succeeded in this interpretation as in his many, many alternate selves as seen in other mediums and by other writers.

Things I think the movie did well:

Fun action sequences with inventive green energy constructs and a lot of kinetic intensity. The CGI was good, the costumes looked awesome, and I just flat out enjoyed the effects. I have no idea what has the critics up in a ruff.

Strong character development on Hal Jordan's part, as he grows from a defensive thrillseeker to a man who wants to be the best he can, for his sake, and to protect others.

An interesting villain in Hector, a self-conscious and nervous man who gains the ability to hear the thoughts and feelings of everyone around him, mocking him and disbelieving in him, turning him slowly mad.

Parralax was also interesting. He was a legitimately threatening, force-of-nature type beast who utilizes the one tool that can utterly destroy will: fear, and despair. He strikes unexpectedly, he strikes relentlessly, and if Hal fails, everyone on earth will die. This is one of the most threatening villains I have seen in a superhero movie thus far. Yes, even with his utterly ridiculous giant head. Which they shouldn't have had. (but even the head is slightly less suspension-of-disbeliefy when you hear his origin). The weakest point of many superhero movies (I loved Ironman, but his villain in the first movie was so cliche and dull) is their villains, and these two villains were superb. Even if they had ridiculous heads.

A powerful undercurrent in the narrative about what it means to be afraid, to be willful, and to be courageous. To choose to be the best of yourself, and not hold on to past failures or old fears. I felt this undercurrent many, many times in the movie, and thought it well handled and compelling.

And lastly, I consider myself slightly hardwired into reality. Suspension of disbelief is often the breaking point for me in movies I watch. And yet, even with fishmen and wasp space police and giant headed immortal beings and giant headed embodiments of fear and giant headed Howard-The-Duck-esque mad scientists (seriously, Hector just OOZED that one scientist from the Howard the Duck movie in appearance) and other such ridiculousness, I just fully got immersed in the world and accepted it on its own logic. This movie was shallow at times and illogical at others, but it was fun, good hearted, and had a strong if underexplored central theme. I loved it, and would recommend it to anyone who likes to see fun action or hear a good story.

Nowhere near perfect or even great, but very good. I just hope more people see it

Crispee said:
So apparently I'm alone in thinking this was a good film?
I liked it too! If that wasn't obvious lol


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2008
I thought the effects might be bad judging by the costume but I was hoping that by some way the rest could make up for it, it's a real shame. I doubt I'll bother watching it, or maybe some time in the distant future when I'm bored I'll watch it on Lovefilm or TV like I did Catwoman and think about how I can't get that time back =[


New member
Nov 20, 2010
I just back from seeing it. My thoughts could have been a lot better, seams like an episode 1 style of film. the script is like mosat super hero films these day partidable probaliy not for hard core fans like movie bob.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
MovieBob is becoming more and more of a legitimate and reliable critic to me. I was almost positive he was going to sing the Green Lantern's praises (appeal to all of us comic book nerds, you know), but I'm happy he gave it the review it deserved. I'll definitely be tuning in more often!


New member
Mar 22, 2011
MovieBob is becoming more and more of a legitimate and reliable critic to me. I was almost positive he was going to sing the Green Lantern's praises (appeal to all of us comic book nerds, you know), but I'm happy he gave it the review it deserved. I'll definitely be tuning in more often!

Rabid Gamer

New member
Jun 3, 2011
Well I like Daredevil, the Director's cut anyway and the First Transformers was fun. (The second Transformers was all kinds of horrible and Elektra, well, the less said the better there)

And anyone who saw the trailer knew Blake Lively has got no range. I didn't need to see the whole movie to find that out. What show is she on anyway "The Hills"?

So for those of you looking of a good Green Lantern movie, see "Emerald Knights". It was better than "First Flight" by a mile.

A Curious Fellow said:
I thought it deserved a solid B, actually. I found it better than Thor, at any rate.
Are you high?
RatGouf said:
I'm So Happy This Movie Sucked! That's For Taking Deadpool's Actor!

Still I don't expect Deadpool's movie to be any better so meh.


Daniel Way SUCKS as a Writer.
Way is a fine writer, not sure why that an issue. A Deadpool movie would be terrible regardless of the actor in it. He won't translate well.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Well... the rage was free flowing from bob today.

Glad I saw this, now I don't have to worry about going to see this and can focus on Captain America (PLEASE for the love of almighty god, don't screw this one up, Marvel)

Honestly, I was really on the fence about this one. I saw the costume and tried to give it a chance, I was even a bit more excited for the redesign.

But then I saw parallax and I just hated the look of it so hard. I personally thought that parallax was too big of a concept to deal with in one movie that is supposed to deal with an origin story. I wasn't expecting dark knight or really even Iron man, but It sounds like it doesn't hit any good notes at all.

I think that I'll go fix my green lantern fix and buy the animated dvd's first flight and emerald knights.

EDIT: On second thought, maybe I'll go see it, but on a day when I have nothing else to do. I'm not a big green lantern fan, so maybe the continuity changes won't be that bad for me.


New member
May 21, 2008
Wow, I'm reconsidering seeing it tonight. Thanks for the heads up.

To be honest, Ryan Reynolds has never done good in any movie which he starred in it.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
I might be wrong but Bob just seem's like a bit of a butthurt fanboy here. This review is one of the most unobjective thing I've ever watched. Now I'm not saying the movie sucks, it might be truely terrible but I'll leave that for my self to decide. I've never let someone else's opinion on something change my mind and I don't plan on starting today.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
There is just something fascinating about this review. I've watched it four times today. I don't think I've ever even heard Yahtzee spew this much bile for anything. I almost want to see it just so I can see how something ends up this bad.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
diggy140892 said:
I might be wrong but Bob just seem's like a bit of a butthurt fanboy here. This review is one of the most unobjective thing I've ever watched. Now I'm not saying the movie sucks, it might be truely terrible but I'll leave that for my self to decide. I've never let someone else's opinion on something change my mind and I don't plan on starting today.
Normally I would tend to agree, especially since we get a review like this (well not this bad obviously, but Bob just raging about a movie with no bearing) every couple weeks. But in this one he actually pointed out flaws with the movies, so that's out of the ordinary and a refreshing change of pace. If you need more proof though that Bob isn't just acting Butthurt Fanboy about how a comic book movie isn't perfectly faithful it's getting destroyed across the boards []. And normally when critics hate a movie that's decent, you can always expect RT Users to put it around 80-90 percent....but's just bad.

OT: Did anyone ever expect Blake Lively to be a good actress? I thought she was just supposed to be a nicer hottie than Megan Fox. Definitely not seeing this movie this weekend, besides you Bob, Spill.Com has trashed this and so have a bunch of my friends in Texas who made the mistake decision of going to see this


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Wow. Totally called it... whenever rumours of this movie started surfacing. I'm surprised Moviebob didn't see it coming. Maybe he just didn't want to. Fair enough. We all have our biases.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Mischlings said:
There is just something fascinating about this review. I've watched it four times today. I don't think I've ever even heard Yahtzee spew this much bile for anything. I almost want to see it just so I can see how something ends up this bad.
I know what you mean. He doesn't even sound very angry, just tired. You don't see contempt like this very often.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Haven't seen you that pissed since Black Knight wasn't nominated for the Oscars. I feel a bit guilty for enjoying it.
About the movie, yeah, I'll pass on it. Was never that tempted by it to begin with, anyways. Might check it out at some point out of curiosity, but not going to see it in the theatres.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard Bob rail on a film like this before. This is scary, I just came back from the cinema about an hour ago. Seeing this, I'm really, really glad we waited an extra 10 minutes to see First Class instead of Green Lantern.

While there, the trailer for Green Lantern popped up. The only thing I could think was still how bad the costume looked. That scene where he "tries it on" in his friends office really doesn't do it any favours whatsoever.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Lionsfan said:
OT: Did anyone ever expect Blake Lively to be a good actress? I thought she was just supposed to be a nicer hottie than Megan Fox.
Everyone who has seen The Town knows that Lively is a talented actress if given a good enough script.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Avistew said:
Haven't seen you that pissed since Black Knight wasn't nominated for the Oscars. I feel a bit guilty for enjoying it.
About the movie, yeah, I'll pass on it. Was never that tempted by it to begin with, anyways. Might check it out at some point out of curiosity, but not going to see it in the theatres.
There's no reason to feel guilty for enjoying The Dark Knight. If anything since it wasn't nominated for best picture, it's easier to like it because it's a movie to get behind as one of those great films to get snubbed by the Oscars.