Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
Wow Bob. I am constantly surprised by how much I can agree with you on one thing and completely disagree on another. I won't go into how wrong you are about the Scream films or the '90s overall, I will simply say having a mind for trivia does not in any way make a person unique, skilled, or special. You never had anything to begin with so they couldn't take anything from you.


New member
May 17, 2010
This one seems to have flared up some sort of bad memory from Bobs past. I view these videos for a fair and balanced view and think it was missing this week, meh hope he gets back to his usual reviewing quality next week.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Ugh, I hate the Scream movies. Worst of all, some movie and TV producers just don't know when to let something DIE. I wish "ghostface" would go slash up the people who keep backing these stupid movies.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
sounds about right. I liked the first movie, but the series spiraled into mediocrity in no time. The horror genre is a SERIOUS freaking depression


New member
Sep 10, 2010
brazuca said:
Nooo Bob! Give me at least 3 reasons why the 1990 sucked? And not personal ones. As for sream movies, well... The parody was better Scary Movie if I'm not mistaken.

Just for the sake of defending the 1990, we had the rise of anime (DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho) in western media. We console gaming finally being put to, pc gaming. Half Life 1, Nirvana (well that was not a good example...) You felling where I'm going.
Cheesebob said:
The 90's were awesome.

Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodrequize, Nirvana, R.E.M. made their best album ever...Steven Speilberg did two fantastic films, so did Scorsesse, Radiohead had Ok Computer, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, The Wu Tang Clan, OutKast and Nas all existed...The Sopranos started and DvDs were invented (along with huge t.v.s)

I have now proven that the 90s didn't suck.
Not only that but the Soviet bloc had collapsed. In the US GDP was increasing at rates of 5%, unemployment was less than 4%, crime rates were plummeting from the abysmal rates of the 70s and 80s, the federal government had a tax surplus so large that one of the big debates in Congress at the time was just what to do with it and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was on the air. The 1990s were nothing short of a golden decade.

Good review of Sre4m though!

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Scre-four-um is now my most favourite thing to say!

Never seen any Scream movies, kinda thought I was missing out because everyone seems to have seen them. Although in all honesty, I never even knew that there had been sequels to the original Scream until I saw Scre4m announced... so yeah, the obviously can't be worth my time.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
I can honestly say I don't give two craps about horror movies, apart from a very small handful that are also funny I just don't get them.

That being said anyone who puts a god-damn number inside a word thinking it's clever needs to be PUNCHED IN THE THROAT. It's stupid, it's pathetic, and it was over done when Sev7n did it in 1995, SO STOP IT ALREADY YOU MORONS. I mean honestly the only thing that pisses me off more is using Z instead of S.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Super review, Yahtzee.....I mean, Bob.

I would have to totally disagree. Jamie Kennedy's character was one of the first steps towards making nerdiness cool.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I loved the first two Scream movies, but I saw them as more of a horror parody than actual horror. I didn't even know they were making a fourth one.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I actually like scream, but I am very aware of how easy it is to hate.
That being said, I'm seeing this anyway.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
People always think prior eras blow chips when they get old enough, especially when it comes to things that were trying to be hip or "relevent" since that kind of material never ages well.

Right now we're getting to the point where the 1990s is viewed like the 1980s was a few years ago.

To be honest, movies that came out in the late 1990s, like "Sleepy Hollow" (1999 I believe) are some of my favorite films of all time.

*THAT* said, not every movie is for everyone. I get why Bob doesn't like Scream, and I can see why a lot of people right now who missed that (due to being too young to appreciate it) back when it was first coming out, can view it with a lot of scorn, because simply put nothing is more pathetic than aging hipster content for those who were never there.

I actually think Scream was pretty decent, but did wind up suffering from a horrible case of sequel-itis. I'll probably go see "4" before too long just for the nostolgia factor.

I'll be blunt in saying that I don't think every movie has to be "good" in any objective sense to actually be GOOD. This is especially true of horror movies. Yes, it borders on intellectual slumming, but I'm a huge fan of things like "A Nightmare On Elm Street", and various movies by John Carpenter (especially "Prince Of Darkness" oddly enough), I have and still occasionally watch Dario Argento's "Demons" and it's sequel "Demons 2" and that is about as low-brow as you can get on most objective levels. The third one which is actually "The Church" (not to be confused with the actually unrelated "Demons 3") tried to get a little bit smarter by playing with the formula a little I think, but it didn't quite work out.

At any rate, the point is that I put Scream in with a lot of those other movies. It's a decent horror flick to put in, put your brain in neutral, and enjoy a few halfway clever gags in an otherwise derivitive slasher movie.

I'll also say that I think part of the success of Scream all came down to the first kill with Drew Barrymore. Love it or hate it, I know some people who were really freaked out by that kill and how it ended, and to be honest I think that to some extent the rest of the series was trying to recapture the magic of that opening, and never quite got there, despite fans giving it plenty of chances.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Sorry MovieBob, but I'm very certain you're taking this one significantly too seriously. If you thought the movie was anything but a very cheesy attempt at making fun of itself and the genre as a whole... yeah... that's wrong.

I've only seen the first 2 Scream movies and they were fun to watch. Scary? Nope. Deep? Not even close. Entertaining? Yes.

"Do you like scary movies?"


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Well... I'm really disappointed in you here Bob. I've disagreed with you in the past but I've always felt that at the very least you made valid points. You're perfectly entitled not to like the Scream franchise, I'm not a big fan either, but quite frankly you didn't give a single valid criticism in this review and came across as an elitist who hates the movie because it dared to put their interest further into the mainstream and (gasp) you had to suffer through normal people taking a slight interest in your special subject. As much as I hate the term and people who use it without knowing what it even means, you came across as a pretentious hipster.

You basically could have shortened the review to 'How DARE they take my special thing away from me!"

Again, I'm a fan of yours and I've enjoyed every review you've done, even when you savaged movies I liked, but this 'review' was cringe-worthy. You're better than this Bob.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: This is something that's been bothering me for a while, all those people who comment on these videos or indeed any videos who say "I wasn't sure about seeing/reading/whatever this but now I definitely won't!" Shame on you, blindly listening to internet reviewers as if their word is that of God Himself is an incredibly stupid thing to do. Form your own opinions on whether something looks good or not, don't just listen to some guy with a mic and an internet connection.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
tkioz said:
That being said anyone who puts a god-damn number inside a word thinking it's clever needs to be PUNCHED IN THE THROAT. It's stupid, it's pathetic, and it was over done when Sev7n did it in 1995, SO STOP IT ALREADY YOU MORONS. I mean honestly the only thing that pisses me off more is using Z instead of S.
If "Thi4f" sucks I hope they let MovieBob do the video review.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Well that felt like a useful carefully weighed review :(

I guess it could be just that bad, but normally you tell us enough about the movie to make the assumption ourselves (except with a few other axe-grinds) but that was just a rant really and about as useful as a rant on the internet :

Entertaining I guess though

EDIT: Also because you've lectured us on not moderating our opinions, to suit feelings or two sides of the argument. Your 90's joke sucks. Is overused and really really getting irritating. It was funny the first time. Ish.