Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Stickfigure said:
Seriously dude, fuck your 90s hate. The 90s had far more to offer than preceding and following decades.

1.The birth of the FPS before they were all Call of Duty.
2.The advent of internet ubiquity before that hateful beast 4chan appeared.
3.The beginning of the Silent Hill franchise before it started to suck.
4.The best cartoons arguably of all time before 4Kids decided all anyone wanted was poorly packaged,dubbed, and badly written here-as-well-as-in-its-native-land anime. Seriously, The Tick, Animaniacs, Earthworm Jim, Freakazoid, Eek the Cat!, Pinky and the Brain(and Larry), Tiny Toons, X-men, Batman The Animated series, the list goes on!
5.Home Movies appeared, helped really launch H. Jon Benjamin, and now we have Archer.
6.The greater bulk of the Pixies, the Breeders, Weezer before it was all same-y, Nirvana, Dinosaur Jr., and about a million other bands that actually did try to have their own sound rather than choose amongst "Cute" indie, "Garage" indie, "Dance" indie, or simply be one of the vapid genres established already in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
7.Darkman, Shawshank Redemption, The Professional, and about a million other movies that could be considered classic.
8.Internet porn was born! INTERNET PORN!

There's way more than that! Yeah, the 90s brought Gen Xers, the first in the prequel trilogy, live-action fmvs, bad horror, and boy bands. But it was still a way better decade than what followed, especially for 'murrrica.
You forgot The Simpsons, even tough they are from 1989.

ArBeater said:
Stickfigure said:
Stop being blinded by your biased ethnocentric view and accept that the 90s was a decade like any other, a little bit of good and a little bit of bad.
So was the 1910's or 1940's. And I bet my sorry ass on the table that we live better than they now. We have pollium vaccine. Computers and internet. It's not perfect. 1980's as Bob shows us is much more personal than objectivy what really was 1980's.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Farson89 said:
Mr.Pandah said:
I wouldn't put it past him.

I love how if anyone seems to disagree or think of his "talents" as anything other than amazing, they're suddenly jock/tards/douchebags.
It's a shame really, Bob actually can produce good reviews and seems genuinely knowledgeable about film but he seems to be getting the same unwarranted sense of self importance that plagues a lot of internet 'celebrities' (particularly the Channel Awesome guys). I've been getting this vibe from him for a while now but it practically exploded in this review and took the whole thing over.

The second a reviewer gets that "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is a stupid idiot" mentality is when I stop caring about their opinion.
Couldn't agree more. It's been brewing for a long time now, ever since Book of Eli, and then The Expendables, it finally just spilled over into him literally having an entire segment on this shit.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I didn't like this view because Bob seemed biased towards not liking the movie pretty much from the word go.
I don't doubt it was a bad film but the way Bob talked about it seemed unusually vindictive.

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ALL contemporary "scary" movies suck some major asshole.
You only think that because you don't look hard enough.
Jesus Christ, can't people have an opinion anymore without people shitting on it? No, there are NO good contemporary scary movies, don't agree? Enjoy the teeny bopping mediocrity but don't try to convince me.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I think Yahtzee once quoted:
"There's a special circle of hell 4 people who replace letters with numbers."

Shaun of the Dead as a how to guide for insightful genre parody?
Why can't I ever put words together like that?

Slick Samurai

New member
Jul 3, 2009
Seems like MovieBob is moving into Zero Punctuation territory. He's starting to make his reviews more and more personal and removing himself from the public opinion. As he does this his reviews become less and less helpful as his opinion is reveled to be not quite so in line with others.

The difference in why ZP can get away with this is refuge in audacity, so shameless that it's not really a review as it is a skit. MovieBob is currently under the Uwe Effect, except the more personal he gets, the more he moves towards the boring middle.

There really is only two things he can do at this point, take the full leap and accept being a movie knockoff of ZP or move to be more professional and critique with the majority audience in mind when reviewing.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I'm still going to see this tonight, because its one of those movies that perhaps by yourself is sort of dull but with your friends is a fun experience. Besides which, I'm starting to agree with your judgments less and less, so what you may think was a bad movie may end up up being a fun movie for me and my friends.

One last thing though, to all the people who say "Never seen a Scream movie up till now and proud of it", can I ask where in any universe that makes sense? If your going to hate on something, at least watch it first. Do you have to enjoy it? Hell no, in fact you can hate the Scream movies with all your guts, but at least watch it if you're going to hate it, otherwise you're simply hating something for the sake of either hating on something or to simply follow a trend. Who knows, maybe you'll like it, maybe you'll hate it, but the point is that to hate something without even experiencing it is just plain bad behaviour.

Da Joz

New member
May 19, 2009
Never saw a scream movie and I guess I won't start. Lay off the 90's Bob, they ruled and you know it. Better than the 80's anyways.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
ArBeater said:
1990s wasn't so good for the millions killed in that decade. It wasn't so good for the parents of kids in the 90s who had to work all year to feed the brats and buy them Tiny Toons action figures.

Stop being blinded by your biased ethnocentric view and accept that the 90s was a decade like any other, a little bit of good and a little bit of bad.
...really? You're taking this argument in this direction? Fine, I'll bite.

A. This is a pop culture and media website. This is a pop-culture and media-focused article. By context, this post and all statements within this article, unless explicitly otherwise noted, are on the subjects of pop-culture and media. Neither side was talking about genocide, class wars, or geopolitical struggles. This... is NOT CNN.
B. This is also a conversation conveying personal experiences from a certain context based in the 90s, i.e. being an ostensibly suburban/urban American youth. I'm sure not every person on the planet had a great decade. But America was on top of the fucking world in that decade, and were pretty much doing well financially, culturally, and I'm arguing entertainment-wise.
C. None of this shit has stopped in the 2000s, nor did it not exist in the 20th century, much less before that. Hell, if you want to talk millions killed, why not talk the perfect storm of natural disasters that has taken place in the 21st century, or the massive financial plunge and nuclear disasters of the 70s and 80s? Because you're a tool trolling on a board, that's why, and it's embarrassing for me that I'm only coming to this conclusion at this point in my post.
D. America isn't an ethnicity, you half-wit. I could be chinese, black, or hmong for all your ass knows. My view is no more ethnocentric than yours is coherent, relevant, or well-written. Even the complaints you established have no base in ethnicity, they (at best) are oriented in classism.
E. He's outright stating that the 90s sucked, and therefore is subject to debate. Had he made the milquetoast sentiment of: "The 90s were OK, I guess" or "The 90s weren't so great" I probably wouldn't have as much of a leg to stand on. He made a blanket statement, so I sought to counter(and did quite a decent job, if I do say so myself).

Just... go away. Your misplaced knee-jerk moral outrage denotes a stupidity that hurts me more than your words could.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Man, I am on a pretty long "disagreeing with Bob" streak.

Sucker Punch absolutely blew, Your Highness was stupid and occasionally humorous, and while I'm holding off on seeing Scre-four-m until tomorrow, I'm a pretty big fan of the original Scream, and find the sequels nothing if inconsequential and mediocre.

And one response I've been waiting to bring out for a while: "The 90s sucked... according to a goddamn pro wrestler. Nuff said." Honestly, there is no real "best" decade (the only reasons people tend to prefer certain eras are the fact that they grew up then, the fact that they've been told that those were the best times by old guard analysts who grew up then, or pure personal taste in X art form), and the 90s were a damn good one as far as economic/political standings in Europe and North America (and while artistic output is a subjective thing, my top ten favorite movies contains more from the 90s than any other decade).

Well, at least I took his advice and saw Insidious. One of the best horror films I've seen in I don't know how long.

EDIT: Also, yes, chalk me up for team "Bob is being petty here".


New member
Oct 31, 2007
brazuca said:
You forgot The Simpsons, even tough they are from 1989.
Yeah; I left out a lot, though, because I could spend all day listing what made the 90s awesome. It obviously wasn't perfect (there's plenty about the intervening years that I've actually become quite fond of), but there was enough to argue against a fictitious character whose recycled line was more a reference to the fact that no one would hire a clumsy, difficult-to-work-with monstrous turd in the 90s.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
A "Why the 90ties sucked" episode would be great for the big picture... cause dont really get the point so much cause the movies dont seem to suck to me that much more than todays ones do, but then I was also kind of young back then so maybe I wouldnt know, I mean would actually be interesting to see the general point of Bob there and then just never hear of it again, cause it's beginning to get a bit annoying.

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ALL contemporary "scary" movies suck some major asshole.
You only think that because you don't look hard enough.
Jesus Christ, can't people have an opinion anymore without people shitting on it? No, there are NO good contemporary scary movies, don't agree? Enjoy the teeny bopping mediocrity but don't try to convince me.
It's clear you don't look hard enough. You see Scream or Saw movie posters and come to the wrong conclusion that there are no good horror films. I can't recommend any good horror films to you because I don't know what scares you but I can safely say that there are films in recent years that have scared me. Creep is one because it is set in the London Underground, REC is another, hell even Severance scared me at points and that was a horror comedy.

Finally don't get angry and defensive because it makes you look like a fucking child.
When every comment you post gets questioned by some know it all you tend to get defensive. And why are you worried about how I look? I know who and what I am. People are living today because of my everyday duties, I don't need some random dude's validation. Anyways i'm done, go ahead and repost something else calling me names, i'm sure you'll hurt my feelings or something.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ALL contemporary "scary" movies suck some major asshole.
You only think that because you don't look hard enough.
Jesus Christ, can't people have an opinion anymore without people shitting on it? No, there are NO good contemporary scary movies, don't agree? Enjoy the teeny bopping mediocrity but don't try to convince me.
It's clear you don't look hard enough. You see Scream or Saw movie posters and come to the wrong conclusion that there are no good horror films. I can't recommend any good horror films to you because I don't know what scares you but I can safely say that there are films in recent years that have scared me. Creep is one because it is set in the London Underground, REC is another, hell even Severance scared me at points and that was a horror comedy.

Finally don't get angry and defensive because it makes you look like a fucking child.
Not a movie, but Amnesia: The Dark Descent is the scariest media I have ever experienced. I have friends who played it in a room with 3 other people right next to them and still had to turn it off.


New member
May 7, 2009
I think the fact that my first reaction when I heard they were making another Scream was "WHY?" just about says it all.

As for The Crow, hey; all it means is there's a good chance Bradley Cooper will be shot.