Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
May 20, 2009
michiehoward said:
Agent Larkin said:
One thing I have to ask.

Courtney Cox not have a substantial career after this?

Now obviously not to the level of Drew Barrymore granted but c'mon she's Monica from Freinds.
funnily enough Cox, more likely in terms of monetary earning has had a better career then Barrymore. Cox was making 750,000 an episode in Friends 7th and 8th season and then a one million an episode for the 9th and then final season.
and right after friends she immediately got picked up to do another TV show, Dirt then cougar town, and is a regular writer for it i think... -checks imdb- wait, no she's a Exec. producer.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
This is the first time I've heard someone say the 90s sucked.

I'm starting to think I can seriously get away with getting paid for my most bitter opinions too! =D


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
A bit pretentious, and I can't agree with his assessment of Scream (the first movie, not the rapidly downward-spiraling franchise as a whole), but at least Bob told us the reason behind his bias at the start.

And personally I had a wonderful time in the 90s. I also had a wonderful time in the 70s, 80s, and 2000s. Every time period brings its own quirks, and each one is what you make it.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Vault boy Eddie said:
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ArBeater said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
ALL contemporary "scary" movies suck some major asshole.
You only think that because you don't look hard enough.
Jesus Christ, can't people have an opinion anymore without people shitting on it? No, there are NO good contemporary scary movies, don't agree? Enjoy the teeny bopping mediocrity but don't try to convince me.
It's clear you don't look hard enough. You see Scream or Saw movie posters and come to the wrong conclusion that there are no good horror films. I can't recommend any good horror films to you because I don't know what scares you but I can safely say that there are films in recent years that have scared me. Creep is one because it is set in the London Underground, REC is another, hell even Severance scared me at points and that was a horror comedy.

Finally don't get angry and defensive because it makes you look like a fucking child.
When every comment you post gets questioned by some know it all you tend to get defensive. And why are you worried about how I look? I know who and what I am. People are living today because of my everyday duties, I don't need some random dude's validation. Anyways i'm done, go ahead and repost something else calling me names, i'm sure you'll hurt my feelings or something.
I'm sorry, are you purposely trying to come off as a person lacking pretty basic understanding outside of his own world like the antagonists in those generic 90 movies/shows, or is there some depth in this response that goes outside of what I'm reading:

"I'm posting this comment and anyone who responds on this forum of conversation with a cent of disagreement is automatically wrong by the law that is me. I AM WHAT I AM. My opinion is automatically correct because I save lives. ^_^ Now, go ahead and post something so I can just prove my point."

^ That is basically what I got out of your post - which should boggle any logical person, but if that isn't what you meant, perhaps you should clarify~


New member
May 23, 2008
So...what bob is saying is that I should go and see scream four?

I'll admit, I'm surprised; I haven't seen three yet, and two kind of sucked, but given that nearly* everything bob says about movies is grossly incorrect, this movie must be at least ok.


Is scream one classic cinema? No, but it's better than average horror movies. The reason it needs to have the whole incredibly-self-aware thing going on is GOD DAMN horror movies are predictable and dull. It overplayed its hand in parts - the very end especially - but was interesting enough to entertain people with more intellect than a gumball, and exciting enough for the rest of the population.

The second one was, admittedly, a lot worse. It was painfully obvious who the second ghostface was going to be (Although whatsername from rosanne isn't that famous - certainly not any more - she wasn't the kind of actor you'd have in a four line walkin role who then simply vanishes. Both not famous enough and too famous (at the time) for that).

But: Seriously, enough with the nerd rage. And I think you're kidding yourself if you think the super power assigned to you is 'movie knowledge'; it's the amazing sense of entitlement you have. Or possibly the nerd rage itself.

Anyway: Thanks for always being wrong. Makes you a more useful reviewer than average.

* I believe he thought the dark knight was good. I guess a guy can't be wrong 100% of the time.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I find it amusing how Bob changes his standards for movies he likes versus ones he doesn't. Paraphrasing, here:

Avatar: "It's just Dances With Wolves" is a bad argument because it's not what they do, it's how they do it!
Scream 4: It totally stole this kill from [some movie Am has never heard of].

I respect Bob's opinions despite rarely agreeing, but really... at least try to maintain similar standards, or at least explain why it bothers you in one situation and not in the other.

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
To all offended by my previous posts let me say that I apologize. It was a long shitty day and I took it out on random people and acted a fool.


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
They do. They just don't win. The knife always gets them in the end.
Not that I've ever seen, all they ever seem to do is run around screaming like idiots, or cowering in a corner somewhere.
No offense but when was the last time you viewed one of the flicks, because...

At the beginning of the first movie Drew Barrymore beats Ghostface with the phone and makes a run across the yard only to be over taken. From then on whenever Neve Campbell is one-on-one with Ghostface she goes Jamie Lee and always escapes. Rose McGowan uses full beer bottles and tries to get out the pet door only to get stuck and broken. The end game finds Neve Campbell playing her own game of ?what's your favorite scary movie? then sticking Skeet Ulrich with an umbrella. She then puts Matthew Lillard's head through a T.V. just in time for Courteney Cox to plant a bullet in Skeet's brain.
The second one Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps are surprised but it happens in a public place and the phone game is eschewed. Sarah Michelle Geller puts up a fight and attempts to escape upstairs but is caught and thrown off the second story balcony. Courteney Cox and David Arquette both survive an extended chase and fight with Ghostface in the A/V building. The end has Neve fight Laurie Metcalf until it looks like she might actually lose only for Liev Schreiber to show up and save her with the gun.
Granted the third movie had lot more running around, but it wasn't penned by Kevin Williamson and chose to focus more on the voice change game. Because of this Liev Schreiber and Kelly Rutherford make a pretty good go at survival only to have mistrust get them in the end. The same voice change device leads Jenny McCarthy into the prop room where she tries to use the various implement for defense to no positive effect. The end finds Neve and Scott Foley beating the holy hell out of each other before Patrick Dempsey puts and end to it.

If you're thinking of the old movies Scream is troping then yes most of the victims just whimpered and waited to die. The Scream films really played with what was expected though and would follow or change the rules to suit the plot.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
How can you hate the 90's??

-It was the bright spot between the cold war and the 2000-to-present Bushtastrophy
-Music started improving after that overly-synthed 80's pop and hair metal crap
-It was the golden age of video games
-The internet started exploding

sure the movies weren't that good, but 4 out of 5 ain't bad


New member
May 28, 2008
As someone who grew up in and still very much enjoys alot of the cartoons and films of the 90s it continues to irritate me how much bob shits on the era. But sure the scream movies were terrible and no doubt the fourth is just as terrible.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Since this is essentially a two part post, I'll separate your response into two parts, and address each one individually.
XxRyanxX said:
Yeah I can agree with Bob on this one- they seem to just make the movie for the heck of it rather then actually put thought into it. Honestly looks bad mainly because we can't get attached to the characters, thus like all the other Scream movies- the murderer has the same routine of messing with people and then just stabbing them with no creative way to end a person's life.. spite that it's a horror movie. But, horror movies don't have to be about killing people. Horror movies should be all about leaving you shaking from start to finish.
Have you seen Scre4m? If this is a yes, then I'm surprised considering the fact that you seem to have a negative opinion of the other Scream films. I'll assume you haven't seen it. In that case, how can you assume that you won't get attached to the characters? You haven't seen it, and are taking one person's view on it.

I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about. Requiem for a Dream is a film where I didn't have much attachment to the characters. I know a couple of other people that absolutely adored every character in it, and it's for the same reason that we each feel that way. Conversely, in one of my favourite films, Snow Angels, I felt for all of the characters, while others disliked or felt apathetic towards them. If you haven't seen the film, you have no way to tell if you'll care for them or not. Assumptions are not beneficial to anyone.

Secondly, from what I remember, the other Scream movies did have some creative kills. With the exception of Scream 3, anyway. Now it seems to me like you didn't even see the first three Scream films, and are, once again, mimicking MovieBob's opinion. If that isn't the case, I'll apologize, but that's what it seems like. Maybe they don't in this one, or the third one, but having a generalization of the entire series like that is unfair.

Third: Slasher flicks are not strictly speaking the same as horror ones. They do not necessarily have to be scary in order to be effective. You're right in stating that horror movies do not need to be "all about killing", but the Scream series has never really been a horror series. The first two films were about satirising the slasher genre, while the third attempted to, and failed, to do the same. I can assume that the fourth in the series will continue the trend of attempting satirising, and you can only find out if successful from seeing the film yourself. So yes, horror films should attempt to frighten, but since this series is not about doing so, your point is moot.

And now, for the second, more personal, part.

XxRyanxX said:
Also I am not sure why people are bashing on Bob for - he has strong beliefs and that is what makes Bob awesome. Just consider his words wisely and know he does this because it's right to him. Nothing wrong with it, and I certainly love watching his videos. SO good review Bob, I like how you're honest and I hope that little boy had became a big success in life :)
People are bashing MovieBob for a couple of reasons. He's insulted his audience, as seen in his review of The Expendables; he's lied about facts, as seen in his Green Zone review; and he often comes off as arrogant; and he also doesn't reply to feedback, or at least, hasn't in the cases I've seen/been a part of.

It's hard to "consider his words wisely" when he tells people that if they like The Expendables, they are, and I quote, "probably the worst kind of person".

So that's part of the reason why I believe people are "bashing Bob". Other reasons would not count as "productive", and can't be stated on such a public forum.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Marter said:
It's hard to "consider his words wisely" when he tells people that if they like The Expendables, they are, and I quote, "probably the worst kind of person".
He might have done that as a joke. Yahtzee insults his audience all the time in his rants.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Can someone care to explain why the 90's sucked so much? I don't remember much about it other then the Cold War ending and me playing Crash Bandicoot and Spyro for endless hours.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
It's hard to respect Bob's opinion when he starts the video by telling everyone who liked the early Scream movies to fuck off. While admittedly I often agree with his opinions on movies, he's still the worst kind of nerd; the kind who thinks that he's superior to everyone less nerdy than himself. "Oh, this movie has lessened my ability to be an elitist prick about a certain movie genre, so clearly there's something wrong with it, any movies like it, and anyone who enjoys them."

head desk tricycle

New member
Aug 14, 2010
The 90s are okay, so long as you don't compare them to idealized versions of past generations. People thought the 60s ruled but I suspect that they sucked very hard.