Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
Dec 21, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
...and the 10's revolved around being "popular" or being a "hater".
To be fair, we're only in the second year of this decade.

Not that I'm seeing anything which might reverse the trend, but some optimism won't kill us.

*breaks down sobbing*


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Here ya go Bob. It's as if they sensed your disappointment and put this out just for you... Hope it helps you feel better:
Feb 13, 2008
Lucifron said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
...and the 10's revolved around being "popular" or being a "hater".
To be fair, we're only in the second year of this decade.

Not that I'm seeing anything which might reverse the trend, but some optimism won't kill us.

*breaks down sobbing*
What does the 10s have to offer us in these 2 years? The iPad.

That's it. A tablet-phone that doesn't work as a phone well.

Oh, and a bazillion sequels.

But, I've had a long day at work, so I just may be being a little negative. :)


New member
Jun 17, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
teebeeohh said:
where does all the hate for the 90s come from?
is it because people who were born in the early 80s just went through puberty in the 90s and that universally sucks or something?
Nope, it's mainly because the 90's was the beginning of the talentless presenters era, and those who were famous just for becoming famous. (Early 70s child here)

It was the decade of the re-birth. Bringing things back that sucked at the time and actually making them suck harder; killing off things that actually worked and generally cloning shows at an obscene amount so that the 00's could only succeed by shattering budgets one way or the other.

We brought in a load of rules dictating what could fit and what couldn't fit and people were assigned STRICTLY to Establishment or Anti-Establishment so much that there was no way to differentiate them.

The 40's had the world in turmoil, the 50's saw the "birth" of the teenagers, the 60's brought teenage rebellion, while the 70's suffered the depression when they realised they couldn't change the world, the 80's embraced commercialism as the sugar coated placebo they needed to grow up and then the 90's brought "GREED IS GOOD" ('87 actually, but it was the turning point for the YUPPY) and the drive to make everything "standard".

The 00's limped away trying to bring back 70s/80s culture, while destroying the last remnants of fun (MTV...Cartoon Network), and the 10's revolved around being "popular" or being a "hater".

One of the few things that the 90s did that was far better than the other decades was the rise of black humour - and also Black humour - but that was born out of the crushing monotony of losing so many great things.

Boy bands (born in the 60s), Shell suits, The Macarena, The Spice Girls (GIRL POWER...oh wait, you're still wearing stripper costumes). River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain, Brandon Lee all lost.

Sure, there were some good things - but compared to the decades before (even the 70's which were bloody hard) there was little to do except laugh ironically and power ballad.

Oh yeah. Barney.
so you are telling me i was born in the year that brought us "GREED IS GOOD"? man that sucks.
i probably have fond memories of the 90s because a) i was a kid for most of the decade and b) i grew up in Berlin where the 90s pretty much were brave new world-i don't care about rules funland

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
Feb 13, 2008
teebeeohh said:
i probably have fond memories of the 90s because a) i was a kid for most of the decade and b) i grew up in Berlin where the 90s pretty much were brave new world-i don't care about rules funland
Yeah, tbf, most of your first decade will be pretty good because for half of it you'll only be worrying about where your next meal is coming from and whether you can have another bowl of cereal before the cartoons come on.

Although, now we have "correct" cartoons and "healthy" cereal. Grief...


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
They do. They just don't win. The knife always gets them in the end.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
While I disagree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

And I don't think you can dump the death of the "horror" genre on Scream. Did you not see One Missed Call? Christ, now that was terrible.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Plurralbles said:
this makes me want to watch shaun of hte dead.. :)
It was on the tv a few days ago, just a day or so after Hot Fuzz. I managed to catch both of them :).

Anyway, I never really got why they wanted to do another Scream movie. I thought the whole "teen slasher" genre or whatever it was called had had its day. I guess someone must have thought that a new generation of teens wanted to see a new generation of dumb on screen kids get hacked up by someone in a supposedly scary mask. Who else would this film be aimed at anyway? I can't imagine anyone who watched the first three Scream movies would still be interested in this.

Edit: Oh, and the 90's were good. I liked the 90's.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
They do. They just don't win. The knife always gets them in the end.
Not that I've ever seen, all they ever seem to do is run around screaming like idiots, or cowering in a corner somewhere.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
First off, I'd like to say I'm glad you've made your biases apparent, Bob. Bias also includes preference, and it's clear to us that you prefer the 80's to the 90's. While I am aware of the reasons why you don't like the 90's (the "Dark Age" of comics", Scream, boy bands, etc.), there were some undeniably good parts and I'd even like to argue as a child of the 90's that they were better than the previous decade. Hey, we actually had a stable economy under Bubba Clinton and an incredibly entertaining, yet thankfully entirely superfluous scandal.

I'd like to list a few of my favorites: Batman was actually pretty good (The Animated Series, The Long Haloween, Year One, the actually decent two Burton Films) despite the incredibly bad (Azrael, Shumaker). Mario and Zelda successfully went to 3d and while Sega failed, thankfully it finally died and ended the utter incompetence. Directors such as Spielberg, Scorsese, and Terentino had their best films made during this decade (Saving Private Ryan, Good fellas, Pulp Fiction to name my personal favorites). The genius that was Half-Life was released and brought about quite possibly the best PC developer and game distributor today, Valve. While some series weren't released stateside 'till the 00's under Adult Swim, the seeds of great, sophisticated anime with decent dubs were planted (Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Evangellion) and flourished into the golden age of anime distribution during the mid 00's.

Bob, you may argue that the 90's sucked, but even you have to admit these events were awesome. [/gush over]


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
gibboss28 said:
Yeah, I think I'm done listening to ya.
Agreed. Just another typical Moviebob experience. The whole first portion made me want to slam my head into my desk too. So sick of hearing about this sob story of how everyone sucks because they don't appreciate your "talents". Review the movie, and leave that other stuff out of it. It's not entertaining, and it really kills the rest of the review. It brings EVERYTHING down with it.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I have a really horrible feeling that Bob is going to brush off all the criticism he's rightly received for this farce of a review at the start of his next video with a snarky remark in lieu of actually treating people with a different opinion than his own as human beings instead of the generic jock/retards Bob constantly portrays them as.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Farson89 said:
I have a really horrible feeling that Bob is going to brush off all the criticism he's rightly received for this farce of a review at the start of his next video with a snarky remark in lieu of actually treating people with a different opinion than his own as human beings instead of the generic jock/retards Bob constantly portrays them as.
I wouldn't put it past him.

I love how if anyone seems to disagree or think of his "talents" as anything other than amazing, they're suddenly jock/tards/douchebags.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I haven't been going to the movie theather lately. Nothing is going to peak my interests until the summer.

I thought that the first Scream was okay and the sequel was good for a chuckle or two. I can't even remember if I saw the third one.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Mr.Pandah said:
I wouldn't put it past him.

I love how if anyone seems to disagree or think of his "talents" as anything other than amazing, they're suddenly jock/tards/douchebags.
It's a shame really, Bob actually can produce good reviews and seems genuinely knowledgeable about film but he seems to be getting the same unwarranted sense of self importance that plagues a lot of internet 'celebrities' (particularly the Channel Awesome guys). I've been getting this vibe from him for a while now but it practically exploded in this review and took the whole thing over.

The second a reviewer gets that "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is a stupid idiot" mentality is when I stop caring about their opinion.

Unhappy Crow

New member
Mar 14, 2010
Sadly, I have to disagree with Bob on this review. I enjoy watching the Scream movies, and this one I saw hours ago was insane. I don't want to throw a lot about the movie since some people here ma not like spoilers, but I will say if you saw the first movie, prepare to see some deja vu with a twist.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Why did you have to let me know that there is going to be another Crow movie that will inevitably disappoint me. I mean picking Bradley Cooper as Erick Draven? Yeah right because when I think of someone who can play a wounded man with a dark past and a thirst for vengeance I think of Bradley Copper.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Way to go Bob, I'm sick of explaining to people why Scream 1 sucked so terribly :) For a moment there I thought I was alone in the world :D