Escape to the Movies: Thor


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Well, saw it too. Liked it, but have to agree with another poster about the romance just being awkward. Natalie's character just feels bland and written like if doing a check list of things needed to humanize Thor. Also, the Warrior Three and the chick I didn't bother to notice her name were pretty meh, I expect a more from asgardian gods, they just seemed incredibly weak.

Heimdal was bloody awesome and dominated in every one of his scenes, those eyes, that never stop looking into your soul... I also find it hilarious that people bitched about a black Heimdal in their norse but nobody cared about an asian being one of the warrior three (though his character was so forgettable...).

Really liked Loki and all his machinations, Odin was very solid too, Thor did a bang up job and the aesthetics of all the asgardian tech and civilization are wonderful, full of charm and wonder. Not as good as Iron Man or maybe Hulk, but pretty damn good and entertaining.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
gibboss28 said:
I've got a question but i'll put it in a spoiler for those who haven't seen the film yet

who was it playing what we're assuming is Hawkeye because I couldn't find it on IMDB for shit, anyone?
I just returned from watching Thor, and I specifically was looking for that in the credits, and it wasn't there. Probably be uncredited.

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009
I'll give you credit for waiting until the last second to make a hammer time reference because I know it's hard to not do right away.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I enjoyed the film though I thought the plot was a bit threadbare in the sense that they were using Thor to tie up this whole avengers thing. Otherwise wholly enjoyable but never really mesmerising but the dude who plays thor (cant remember his name and it's far too late at night to care) is easily likeable and believable.

But next time? More Kat Dennings. Everything needs more Kat Dennings

Also, Stop 3D, I'm of it, it takes away from the movie funding and the attention you spend on the actual film. Also, if you wear glasses normally, wearing rubbish glasses on your glasses is an exercise in infuriation.

also whats that cube thingy after the credits? anyone know?


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Johnnyallstar said:
gibboss28 said:
I've got a question but i'll put it in a spoiler for those who haven't seen the film yet

who was it playing what we're assuming is Hawkeye because I couldn't find it on IMDB for shit, anyone?
I just returned from watching Thor, and I specifically was looking for that in the credits, and it wasn't there. Probably be uncredited.
It's Jeremy Renner, as in "The Hurt Locker"'s lead actor.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
So wait. Is the Ed Norton Hulk movie considered canon for the Avengers? With a new actor playing the role, I thought they were throwing Norton's movie out the window.


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
I just got back from watching that. Loved it!

I caught the reference to Hawkeye but missed the treasure vault reference that movie bob mentioned, wasn't paying close enough attention! Also I thought that the gatekeeper was excellently played/casted and hope he we get to see more of him!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
That took a weirdly long time for you Bob... I thought you would've seen it as soon as it was released.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Aiddon said:
Draconalis said:
Also, I still think this would have made a much more amusing thor movie.

Deadpool makes EVERYTHING better. Dammit, why haven't they made HIS movie yet?
Ryan Reynolds is still probably writing the songs.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
My own overview of the movie:

I enjoyed it. Good, not great.

Asgardian sections were the best bits, in all their over the top glory.

The start with the frost giants looked like a level 20 D&D game. +1 for AWESOME.

Stopped from being a great movie due to the earth sections,
More character development, less Facebook references please.
Thor fell truly in love with a human over 2 days and some scrabbled eggs. Derp.
It was nearly all set in one very small, very obvious film set town. Think "Warriors Way".

Loki was a great villain. Though his motivations seemed schizophrenic at times, it IS Loki, so kinda expected. Either way, he was very sympathetic.
Glad he's still kickin. Avengers/Thor 2 has a good foe ready.

I just can't help but think the film would have been stronger if either

A. They cut out Natalie Portman's role as the obligatory love interest.
It wasted the films already short amount of time.

B. Given the romance more screen time, and more in-movie time.
Make it a central theme, rather then tacked on.

I can believe that she fell in love with him. A god and all that. But the fact he was all depressed when he wasn't with her came off as false. He's an immortal god, clearly lives around other women, yet this weak earth girl flutters her eyes and cooks him some eggs and he's ready to commit for eternity!?
Particularly annoying was when Loki states "Your soft because of that WOMAN aren't you!". Huge WTF for me. He'd barely spoken to her! How did she "tame" him!?.
And then at the end when he's all depressed because he can't go back to her...barf.
He's fucking THOR! Viking GOD. There must be a thousand Asgardian wenches with more strength and personality then her!

Natalie Portman didn't do bad per say, but her character was not given enough good material. Kind of like how most "short brown haired grizzed white guy marine" guys are given very little character so people project themselves onto the character, it kinda felt like that. There was nothing special about her. Which is not bad on it's own, but she's supposed to have managed to seduce THOR. It felt REALLY fake and took me out of the movie near the end.

Otherwise, no major problems.
The action is good when it's in Asgard.
The fight in the town felt kinda weak. Kinda like a bad 90's flick with wire frames.
Cant wait to see Thor alongside the likes of Iron man and Cap.

pretzil said:
I don't know why everyone is calling those who complain about Heimdall racists, personally I think the filmmakers are the racist ones, assuming the doorman has to be black
LMAO! You know, I completely missed that. Damn, unfortunate implications or what eh?


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I don't know why everyone is calling those who complain about Heimdall racists, personally I think the filmmakers are the racist ones, assuming the doorman has to be black


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Antwerp Caveman said:
Ok, there were actually kind of 2 character teasers: there's the one who spoke: whom most of us know who he is Hawkeye, and there is the "big guy" in the shadows, to which Thor said "Big man, fought Bigger". I have no idea who that was, personal preference: Punisher, maybe?

Incidentally: the guy that played Punisher in the last movie, "War Zone" played Volstagg in this movie.
I thought it was Luke Cage, especially considering his size and fighting style.


New member
May 28, 2008
We aussies got to see Thor several weeks prior to the american release. It was so good! best super hero movie I've seen in a while, on par with the the first Iron Man and second Spiderman films easily.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Aiddon said:
I'm apprehensive; I still think the Avengers is a bad idea and almost comes off as Marvel not getting that you can't do movies like comics even IF said movies are comic adaptations. Iron Man 2 suffered because of Marvel's pet project and I can't help like all their other films are going to suffer too.
Actually I'm betting that avengers will be a hysterical train wreck that destroys the comic movie genre for yet another decade but this time when it's revived super hero comics will become unusable.


New member
Jun 14, 2010
pretzil said:
I don't know why everyone is calling those who complain about Heimdall racists, personally I think the filmmakers are the racist ones, assuming the doorman has to be black


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Canadish said:
My own overview of the movie:

I enjoyed it. Good, not great.

Asgardian sections were the best bits, in all their over the top glory.

The start with the frost giants looked like a level 20 D&D game. +1 for AWESOME.

Stopped from being a great movie due to the earth sections,
More character development, less Facebook references please.
Thor fell truly in love with a human over 2 days and some scrabbled eggs. Derp.
It was nearly all set in one very small, very obvious film set town. Think "Warriors Way".

Loki was a great villain. Though his motivations seemed schizophrenic at times, it IS Loki, so kinda expected. Either way, he was very sympathetic.
Glad he's still kickin. Avengers/Thor 2 has a good foe ready.

I just can't help but think the film would have been stronger if either

A. They cut out Natalie Portman's role as the obligatory love interest.
It wasted the films already short amount of time.

B. Given the romance more screen time, and more in-movie time.
Make it a central theme, rather then tacked on.

I can believe that she fell in love with him. A god and all that. But the fact he was all depressed when he wasn't with her came off as false. He's an immortal god, clearly lives around other women, yet this weak earth girl flutters her eyes and cooks him some eggs and he's ready to commit for eternity!?
Particularly annoying was when Loki states "Your soft because of that WOMAN aren't you!". Huge WTF for me. He'd barely spoken to her! How did she "tame" him!?.
And then at the end when he's all depressed because he can't go back to her...barf.
He's fucking THOR! Viking GOD. There must be a thousand Asgardian wenches with more strength and personality then her!

Natalie Portman didn't do bad per say, but her character was not given enough good material. Kind of like how most "short brown haired grizzed white guy marine" guys are given very little character so people project themselves onto the character, it kinda felt like that. There was nothing special about her. Which is not bad on it's own, but she's supposed to have managed to seduce THOR. It felt REALLY fake and took me out of the movie near the end.

Otherwise, no major problems.
The action is good when it's in Asgard.
The fight in the town felt kinda weak. Kinda like a bad 90's flick with wire frames.
Cant wait to see Thor alongside the likes of Iron man and Cap.

pretzil said:
I don't know why everyone is calling those who complain about Heimdall racists, personally I think the filmmakers are the racist ones, assuming the doorman has to be black
LMAO! You know, I completely missed that. Damn, unfortunate implications or what eh?
first off on the romance thing. In truth they screwed up as portman's character was suposed to be an EMT and impress thor with her courage but it kinda happens that way in comics and hell most fanticy its called love at first sight its a huge cop out but it can happen.

OT: loved the movie but i was a little disapointed they didnt use his catch phrase:( i sooo wanted to hear FOR MIDGAURD!!!!!!!!!!!!!