Escape to the Movies: Thor


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Oct 26, 2010
mikev7.0 said:
This was not an art film there, Ebert. It was a *&^*ing FUN film! Right I forget that's not really your deal.
Even more important: it was a really well made fun film.
They got talented people who know their craft and made a movie that is simply really good.
They didn´t use "Oh, it´s just for shits and giggles anyway" as an excuse to have crap actors, crap effects, crap writing or crap directing.
And I salute this decision.

Also.... Anthony Hopkins as Odin.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
I just came back from watching it and I loved it. I thought it was even better then Iron Man

Even more hilarious me and my brother were the only ones who stayed through the ending credits needless to say it was well worth it and anyone intrested in The Avengers should stay through the ending credits.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
I actually did not like it, I thought the plot was a bit thin, the characters a bit too stereoptypical, there was no real climax to the movie and the character development was to abrupt. Funny too see that I actually disagree with most people for once!


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Uhmmmm.... Is that a good $^%% or a bad $^%%?? (In referrence to your Anthony Hopkins comment I mean.)

I also would like to say for anyone on the escapist who's curious that I think the game made by SEGA is equally good. I don't think anyone else was all that excited about it as I posted some first impressions (hoping to get the first impressions of other escapists who bought it.) aaaaand, great, no one did or wants to give their opinions on it. I find that - odd.


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Jan 25, 2011
Gindil said:
Okay, serious question.

Sucker Punch vs Thor -

Which is the better pull? If we're talking fantastical setting, SP seems to beat Thor and I'm going to see one today so...
Seriously. Honest to Gods. Thor.

Even if you're NOT a comics fan. Thank or curse at me later, and don't take my word, take Moviebob's. My earlier comment was not meant to imply that I don't enjoy his work here or learn anything from it. I do. A lot. In both cases. So reading my comment again it came off - wrong. (I mostly just wanted to support the Go see it camp.)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Iron 1...great, 2...messy
Hulk 1...baaad, 2...good!
Thor...good stuff, still feel a bit cut down due to build up for Avengers, but it's not as torn apart by forced in Avengers material as Iron Man 2

Captain America...please be awesome
you have the whole 1940's (pre-Avengers) to work with WITHOUT having to bash in too much Avengers build up

that being said I am indeed excited for Avengers (Joss Whedon!), but still disappointed with how hard Marvel's pushing it has cut into Iron Man 2 and a little bit of Thor (tho it turned out fine, like MovieBob said it was implemented much better)


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Malgan said:
I actually did not like it, I thought the plot was a bit thin, the characters a bit too stereoptypical, there was no real climax to the movie and the character development was to abrupt. Funny too see that I actually disagree with most people for once!
so it's just like Iron Man 2. I don't think Marvel is getting the idea that this whole shared continuity idea might be a bad thing

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
This reminds me of the Daybreakers review on how MovieBob exaggerated how good the movie was. By the way he was talking I thought Heimdall was going to own everybody and I expected something awesome after the credits when in actuality it was the worst teaser yet.

Also, what was supposed to be in Odin's treasure vault?
Sep 14, 2009
well this is one of very few movies we do agree on, i loved the movie from beginning to end, and i do realize there was stuff wrong with the movie, but its just one of those things where it all gelled together nicely, and i absolutely LOVE who they picked for each role, they all did amazingly at what they were cast to do.

still in the storyline they could've made earth have a bit more of a "predicament" seemed almost useless having much storyline involved in earth.


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Jul 23, 2009
IndianaJonny said:
Sometimes I wish I was much younger when I go and see films like this. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them, but I just miss being that 8 year-old kid seeing all those awesome Huns charge down on the mountainside in Mulan or waiting with baited breath to see if Buzz and Woody can make it into Pizza Planet disguised in a carton and a burger box. *sigh* But yeah, Thor was fun.

On another note:
Flash! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!
Savior of the universe!! :D


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Apr 6, 2009
Sequel with Beta Ray Bill? Hell yes. Who doesn't want to see a cyborg space horse who sacrificed his body so he could fight space demons, and is also worthy of holding mjolnir, for even more space demon kick-assery.


New member
May 28, 2009
Did anyone else tilt their head while watching the movie, with the insane amount of Dutch angles? As bad as the lens flare in Star Trek.

The Earth stuff was boring, unfunny, and Natalie Portman's acting was wasted. They should've just stuck with Asgard, because that world is a hell of a lot more interesting than small-town America. Never read the Thor comics, but I want more Asgard and less cheesy Earth shit. That would've allowed more development on the "Warriors of 3" which were just an excuse for a joke (Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood).


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Sep 21, 2009
Now I'm even more excited to watch Thor with my friends and way more excited for The Avengers now. Come on you bloody exams... end soon! I am not surprise it did so well, quite a number of comic book fans managed to read a leak script and told others that it was great. Now I'm quite worried for Captain America, I really want it to be as good as Iron Man/or Thor. My concern is the director, Joe Johnston, cause' of the mediocre Jurassic Park 3 and Wolfman.

Iron Man - Great
The Incredible Hulk - Great
Iron Man 2 - Good
Thor - Great (my prediction once I watch it)


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I just saw it and it's probably my least favorite of the Marvel movies so far. I generally had a good time, but some of the cinematography was a bit too noticeable. A lot of too-close quick cuts during the fights in the beginning, tilted cameras that made me notice the camera was tilted (when cameras draw attention to themselves, it's not a good thing for me). We're introduced to Natalie and crew rather quickly and they don't really establish why we should care about them, which makes it harder for me to buy that he would fall for her by the end of the film. When he does, it just sort of falls flat.

I think they had all the right pieces, they just needed to arrange them better and flesh a few things out. My thoughts are keep the beginning the same, but don't immediately cut back to Asgard and all of Thor's stuff. Tell that somehow through his interactions with the mortal main characters. By having Thor recount how he got there, you could show the same action, but then you get to see their reactions, which could be a nice comedy beat. Through this you could better reveal how Thor felt about it all, providing opportunities for him and Portman's character to connect, making the eventual romantic stuff more believable. the retelling of the events in Asgard could be spread across several scenes so it's not all thrown at the audience at once.

There's problems with my idea, certainly, but thinking about how all the scenes were ordered and how I related to the characters, I was really missing some development points that would have tied it together more neatly and made the payoffs better. Thor's character development just felt shallow, like they were hitting the right beats, but they weren't doing so in a really compelling way.

I liked it well enough and Heimdall really did steal the show. He was easily the coolest of any of the characters... no pun intended :p


New member
Feb 14, 2011
I realize this is the Marvel norse gods and thus there's some liberties with the mythos.
Don't get me wrong, Heimdal rocked in the movie. But it was seriously funny that the norse god, that's also called the "white as" is played by a black guy. XD
And Sif having black hair (skipping the detail with her being Thors wife entirely) but the black hair?! Sif has hair of freaking gold.
And what happened to all the other giants (Jætter) and when the hell did Loke become a frost giant. He was a Jætte and not Odins son, but blood brother.
Didn't read that much of thor in the old marvel comics, so it filled the movie with alot of WTFs and unintended laughs XD


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Ravenkeeper said:
I realize this is the Marvel norse gods and thus there's some liberties with the mythos.
Don't get me wrong, Heimdal rocked in the movie. But it was seriously funny that the norse god, that's also called the "white as" is played by a black guy. XD
And Sif having black hair (skipping the detail with her being Thors wife entirely) but the black hair?! Sif has hair of freaking gold.
And what happened to all the other giants (Jætter) and when the hell did Loke become a frost giant. He was a Jætte and not Odins son, but blood brother.
Didn't read that much of thor in the old marvel comics, so it filled the movie with alot of WTFs and unintended laughs XD
It's actually explained in the comics that every five hundred years or so, the Asgardians go through a cycle of Ragnarok, they get born with the same souls and have the same adventures, ultimately with everything culimating in the death of Baldur and then Ragnarok, before being inevitably reborn. But little details can change in between, explaining discrepancies betweem the comics and the myths. So for example Sif still has black hair, because the event where Loki shaved it off (and it was replaced with gold hair) may not have had a chance to occur yet.

The cycle got derailed when Thor came into contact with the modern age and he eventually broke it with the help of the lessons he learnt with the Avengers. It's actually a pretty epic story where Thor plucks out both of his eyes for knowledge and fully hangs himself, to out do Odin's previous act. He finds out a tribunal of even more powerful beings (or gods above gods) are feeding off their deaths and stops them.

I guess not very in line with the mythology, but it does try to cover it's gaps.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
yeah... youre getting TOO soft, when will we get real critsism and not just an description?