Escape to the Movies: Tron: Legacy


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Cypher10110 said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I hate sequel set-ups before we even know if there will BE a sequel...Whether in movies, games, or first seasons of new TV shows.

Seriously, if this magically flops and the plug is pulled on the sequel, does this still wrap up nice enough as a stand-alone film?
Yes it does, in fact, apparently I missed whatever bob thinks are cues for a looming sequel. Would someone elaborate (with spoiler tags ofc).

Does it have to do with the "psst, Tron isn't dead" shot? (I thought the explosion was like "...and now the grid is no more - it's about getting out of the game, live life for the now kids")
Actually, and this really isn't a apoiler, but in the beginning of the movie they had Edward Dillinger Jr. (son of the old CEO and villain from TRON) at the board meeting. Apparently that was the establishment of the villain if they ever make another movie. It's inobtrusive and you forget about him 5 minutes later, no damage done if they don't continue the series.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
the one thing that i thought could have been different, and which would have made the whole thing just that much better for me, was clu's plan. yes, you go ahead and plan to invade the real world and just see how far your digital physics gets you in the real world.

i thought it would have been better if his goal was to spread his techno regime to the open networks of the world (as opposed to his little closed circuit) and have the threat be "jesus fuck what kind of havoc would it wreak to have all the worlds computer systems be gradually rewritten."

that seems like a genuine threat to me...

otherwise, i loved it.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
the one thing that i thought could have been different, and which would have made the whole thing just that much better for me, was clu's plan. yes, you go ahead and plan to invade the real world and just see how far your digital physics gets you in the real world.

i thought it would have been better if his goal was to spread his techno regime to the open networks of the world (as opposed to his little closed circuit) and have the threat be "jesus fuck what kind of havoc would it wreak to have all the worlds computer systems be gradually rewritten."

that seems like a genuine threat to me...

otherwise, i loved it.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Wooo Daft Punk! So a mediocre film with a great soundtrack? that's what a lot of people say Star Wars was, although the LSO doesn't have a cameo in Return of the Jedi (how cool would that be?)!

But wait a minute woah woah woah, was that 'Dark Crystal' in his list of resaons why 1982 was the best year for films ever?! WHAT!?


New member
May 3, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
First off, your tone is definitely elitist. You continuously state that in order to talk about Tron, without seeing the first one, it's essential that you be "humiliated" by a Tron fan. How about just summarizing the events of the first or recommending a viewing? Also, don't insult someone over their grammar, especially when you make numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes. Look I respect that you're a Tron fan, but berating someone over not seeing the first Tron film because they want to talk about Legacy is just absurd.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
I really liked it, and the soundtrack exceeded my expectations by far despite all the hype about it. Very happy I got talked into going.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
reddog247 said:
My only problems with the movie are few...

1)Sam enters the digital world in his real world clothes.
2)Though it was cool to see CLU return as the new villain; where is BIT?

3)Where is TRON?" What?! They can have Alan in the movie but not his creation?

and 4) The costumes... I was expecting something more like the characters from TRON 2.0

After all; The face of the character was just to tell you who it's "user" is.

Tron is technically in the movie, just not obviously. In several flashbacks, and remember how they say CLU can only destroy or reprogram, not create? He reprogrammed Tron which is why you had that weird assault on CLU near the end.

Also laughing at the Tron elitists.


New member
May 28, 2008
I'm going to see this for the visuals and music alone but its nice to know the story is good and faithful to the originals ideas.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
It just bugs me that the soundtrack would've been so much better had Disney not shortchanged Daft Punk on their creative control.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Pugiron said:
They can't make Black Hole 2. Roddy McDowell is dead.
They did make an allusion to Black Hole, though. Hell, MovieBob even showed a clip in this very review that has that allusion.


New member
Dec 26, 2009
Just came back from watching this and to avoid any spoilers or anything I didn't watch the review until now. I must say I was rather disappointed, it looked like it might have some potential when the disc fights and light cycle part started. Unfortunately those parts were over much too soon and still had 2/3rds the movie left to watch. I actually found myself bored for most of the film. And yes I saw the original Tron and even played the Tron 2 computer game that came out 7 years ago (which was actually more enjoyable than this movie was). To top it off, being the old coot that I am I dumped many a quarter into the Tron video game at the arcade back in the 80's.

As someone who mostly agrees with Movie Bob's opinion I am at a loss over this one. Sure the movie looks great and the music is good, but other than a brief shining moment the action falls flat along with the story. I saw it in 3D also and didn't think it looked nearly as good as Avatar's 3D, my friend I went with thought the 3D was a total waste.

As at least one other poster talked about, I also heard "What did he say?" from several people around me. A couple of times it took me a minute to figure out what they said. Overall my best rating would be a C, and that would be generous.


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Thank you for keeping my expectations in check so I could be wow'ed by the movie. Loved the original when I was a kid. Was a little worried about the new-style visuals, I liked the campy effects of the original. I was very guarded about this new one, though hopeful. And I loved it. Tron 2.0 was exactly everything Tron 2.0 should be.

Thank goodness Shia Leboef wasn't the star.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Is it bad that my first thought on viewing this was "Ok, there's a female actor in this, so we'll definitely get a cheesecake sho- that was fast."


New member
Dec 17, 2010
I am not old enough to have seen the original, but my dad is. I'll probably see the original then the sequel. I'm keeping my expectations low.

Btw I'm glad 13 from House is doing movies now, but i didn't recongize her from the trailers.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
kouriichi said:
Im going to check this out just cause Daft Punk make an apperance.
Well, they make an "appearance". Hard to really say it without the quotes considering they're wearing helmets; Unless those are helmets they've worn in their own work, which could make the helmets iconic enough to count. I don't follow Daft Punk closely enough to know. Cool either way though.