Escape to the Movies: Tron: Legacy


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I LOVED this movie. The 3D was amazing, as were all the fight/chase scenes as well.
And Jeff Bridges fucking KILLED IT in this movie..."ugh, sam you're harshing my zen buzz thing here" a word CLASSIC. :)


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Having just gone to see this movie a few hours ago, I also feel that it is worth it, and I am not sure what cameos we're actually talking about here. Maybe I just didn't pay attention because of how AWESOME it all was. Still, I can tell you what Michael Sheen was. He was the Octopimp.

And if anything, I don't think they CAN make a sequal to The Black Hole. Where would you go from "Holy crap, they defeated a robot army and went into a black hole!". I think it needs to be remade, since not a whole lot of people liked it originally.

EDIT: Oh, and since we're talking about badass Clu, I gotta hand it to the writers. Finding out this was all his doing had me actually saying "You son of a *****!". Remember that Clu was Kevin Flynn's best program from the start. Now he gets reborn and he takes over? Well SHIT, that's more ominous than the old MCP.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
BrownGaijin said:
MovieBob said:
Tron: Legacy

This week, Bob looks at a little movie called Tron: Legacy.

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I think they're going to call it Black Hole Reloaded. This will be followed a year later by Black Hole Revolutions. Kidding.
Made me chuckle! Not that bad as you thought it to be!

The Great JT said:
Let's hope we don't have to wait another 28 years for a third Tron movie.
Made me laugh.

Anyway, I felt terrible not seeing it with my friends (one of them being a Daft Punk fan) so I guess I'll have to see it with others.
This just makes me want to see it more, and the news on 3D gives me hope that there will be better uses of 3D. But the main thing that makes me want to see it is Daft Punk, they haven't done much for a few years.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Cool, I'll go see it....unfortunately I have yet to see the first. I feel like I should. I'm excited about the soundtrack, and I like the phrase "Color me interested"; I'll be sure to use that in conversation.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I honestly don't mind a little sequal setup. I'm not looking for the return of movie serials, but the lack of some overarching narative can take the suspense out of longer running francises (ie: Indiana Jones or James Bond) as they're reduced to tiny digestable snippits, or have to go off on some totally bizare tangent to make a sequal in the first place (pirates of the carribian).


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Ugh. I'm going to grow to hate this movie while I go back to work at the theatre, which is sad cause I really want to like it since its my kinda movie and since I liked the original.

I cant wait till I get all those people that never really cared about TRON and only watched the original in the last month or so so they could watch this one and feel like they're part of the crowd that actually likes (and more then likely loves) this movie... you could probably call it a series now, but I would wait till it has at least three movies under its belt before I called anything a series.

Or the people who didnt bother to watch he original, are going to watch this, feel they know everything and walk out with that smug look on their face and try and talk a big game with me about how much they know about the movies and how big of a fan they are.

Yes.. I have fury when it comes to bandwagoning to things when I loved them first, and dont need to douches now who wnat ot be cool cause they know this is what everyone's going ot be talking about. Cause the same people that see this that are like that are the same people that went and say The Expendables instead of Scottie P.

But yeah, I'm going ot go see it later this week (during a week day before all the kids in my area get off for winter/christmas [Lets not kid ourselves here] break) so hopefully I dont hate the movie before then.
wow...elitist much? I haven't Seen the orginal If I go see this I'll be sure to go talk to the exclusive tron club about how much I like it


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Vault101 said:
emeraldrafael said:
Ugh. I'm going to grow to hate this movie while I go back to work at the theatre, which is sad cause I really want to like it since its my kinda movie and since I liked the original.

I cant wait till I get all those people that never really cared about TRON and only watched the original in the last month or so so they could watch this one and feel like they're part of the crowd that actually likes (and more then likely loves) this movie... you could probably call it a series now, but I would wait till it has at least three movies under its belt before I called anything a series.

Or the people who didnt bother to watch he original, are going to watch this, feel they know everything and walk out with that smug look on their face and try and talk a big game with me about how much they know about the movies and how big of a fan they are.

Yes.. I have fury when it comes to bandwagoning to things when I loved them first, and dont need to douches now who wnat ot be cool cause they know this is what everyone's going ot be talking about. Cause the same people that see this that are like that are the same people that went and say The Expendables instead of Scottie P.

But yeah, I'm going ot go see it later this week (during a week day before all the kids in my area get off for winter/christmas [Lets not kid ourselves here] break) so hopefully I dont hate the movie before then.
wow...elitist much? I haven't Seen the orginal If I go see this I'll be sure to go talk to the exclusive tron club about how much I like it

There you go. If you even bothered to do some further reading in the thread, you'd see I further explained myself. Buts that oka, I know it takes a lot of effort for you to work that mind of yours and comprehend a reasonable thought so I cant ask you to do too much.

Why dont you go back a few pages and read up on my posts before you just start criticizing.


New member
Apr 2, 2004
The single biggest problem I have with T:L compared to the original is that it was so much less "this is what goes on inside my computer" and so much more "generic futuristic abstract world". If you didn't know it was supposed to be the inside of a computer system, how would you know? The users have gone from feared (or revered) as gods, to being barely any different from the programs until well over an hour in. The programs use "cycle" as a unit of time. And what else is there? Meanwhile, in the original, you hear about simulations and I/O towers, the religious overtones of the "users as gods" flavored the movie all over, and most of all, the programs actually act like, well, programs. Like the following scene, pardon my paraphrasing on the exact script:

(Ram and Flynn in holding cell, generally morose)
Flynn: "What were you, before.. you know"
Ram: *pause*: "Oh.. I was an actuarial program for a big insurance firm.." *smiles warmly* "it really gives me a good feeling, helping folks plan for their future needs" *enthusiastically* ".. and if you think of the payments as an annuity over the years, the cost is really quite minimal!"

In other words.. he acts like his user, and it's clear from how he acts that he's an actuarial program.. just like Crom talks about getting winded checking on T-Bill rates like you'd expect a desk jockey to have.. just like Tron acts stoically grim just like you'd expect a security guard to act.. and so forth.

Meanwhile, what programs have any personality that would suggest they have been programmed by someone. Clu, of course.. and Quorra is an ISO (I likened them to SIMs in my mind:) but what else? Did David Bowie start computer programming and make a bartending program? And so forth.

Not that T:L was BAD.. great action, magnificent visuals.. plot was just too slow to develop. In five minutes in Tron, we know what the fights about.. in T:L, it teases an "open source vs Microsoft" fight, but it takes over an hour before it REALLY shows.

And programs just CAN. NOT. ESCAPE the digital world, end of line.


New member
Apr 2, 2004
.. I DO, however, intend to one day take this to Broadway with "TRON: The Musical". The big Tony-winning hit song will be called "Why, MCP?" and will be set to a possibly recognizable disco tune ;)


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Vault101 said:
emeraldrafael said:
Ugh. I'm going to grow to hate this movie while I go back to work at the theatre, which is sad cause I really want to like it since its my kinda movie and since I liked the original.

I cant wait till I get all those people that never really cared about TRON and only watched the original in the last month or so so they could watch this one and feel like they're part of the crowd that actually likes (and more then likely loves) this movie... you could probably call it a series now, but I would wait till it has at least three movies under its belt before I called anything a series.

Or the people who didnt bother to watch he original, are going to watch this, feel they know everything and walk out with that smug look on their face and try and talk a big game with me about how much they know about the movies and how big of a fan they are.

Yes.. I have fury when it comes to bandwagoning to things when I loved them first, and dont need to douches now who wnat ot be cool cause they know this is what everyone's going ot be talking about. Cause the same people that see this that are like that are the same people that went and say The Expendables instead of Scottie P.

But yeah, I'm going ot go see it later this week (during a week day before all the kids in my area get off for winter/christmas [Lets not kid ourselves here] break) so hopefully I dont hate the movie before then.
wow...elitist much? I haven't Seen the orginal If I go see this I'll be sure to go talk to the exclusive tron club about how much I like it

There you go. If you even bothered to do some further reading in the thread, you'd see I further explained myself. Buts that oka, I know it takes a lot of effort for you to work that mind of yours and comprehend a reasonable thought so I cant ask you to do too much.

Why dont you go back a few pages and read up on my posts before you just start criticizing.
Yeah I still stand by my can't blame somone for not seeing the orginal and then likign the seaquel...what dose the fact that thye were never into tron in the first place make their opinion any less valid?

I didn't play the original fallout.. do I somhow not have the right to be a fan of fallout 3 or new vegas?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Vault101 said:
emeraldrafael said:
Yeah I still stand by my can't blame somone for not seeing the orginal and then likign the seaquel...what dose the fact that thye were never into tron in the first place make their opinion any less valid?

I didn't play the original fallout.. do I somhow not have the right to be a fan of fallout 3 or new vegas?
That spelling was subpar, you might want to clean that up abit, it makes posts abit hard to read.

Also, i'm not being elitist because of that. Clearly you're being elitist with head shoved so... no... I dont need to go down that road again.

I didnt say it makes them less valid, I simply said they had better be prepared to look like a fool when someone wants to talk about the original and they say "That wasnt the original?" or "I never actually saw it." And no one likes to look foolish, especially when its a person who is paying to go to a movie and then talk to the people that clean up their messes, initiating conversation, and proceeding to tell management that the worker that just schooled them on Tron was being rude.

and no, again, I mentioned it in halo. thats great if you want to be a fan, by learn about the original source. With a movie, thats easy. thats two hours (actually less, its not really even more then 1.5 hours long) that you could just sit and rent the movie, instead of paying money for a game and taking the time it takes to play it. Because if you talk to anyone who's going to see Tron thats in their later teens/early twenties, they'll most likely also know about the original. And its bothersome (and makes the person look like an jackass) when they talk a big game about something Like tron, want to focus on only this movie, have no prior knowledge of the original, to someone who's seen the original.

Also, since appearantly refuse to do the work, I'll show why I dont like the idea of watching this movie without watching the original:

emeraldrafael said:
I guess to sum that up, i just dont want this to be a hit and watch it go south fast to appease and appeal the general movie going audience.
Mainly, I dont want tron to change to something in a complete 180 of the original, since it means something to me and most of the cult following gamers in the States. As Koroviev said, I dont want this to turn into PotC. So its not really that I have a problem with the general public having knowledge about the movie, I just want them to know that this is more then a revamp/sequel of an 80s movie about video games that greased the axles of the movie industry to make these kinda movies. Its something that should be kept true to a large degree of the movie's plot and point.
is it so wrong for someone to not want a movie that has such potential for plot and openness to become another mindless, big name action flick that is pumped out to appease the masses and make money, instead of pushing its boundaries to be something great, and show that its not so bad to be a "nerd" or "geek" or "techie"?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Vault101 said:
emeraldrafael said:
Yeah I still stand by my can't blame somone for not seeing the orginal and then likign the seaquel...what dose the fact that thye were never into tron in the first place make their opinion any less valid?

I didn't play the original fallout.. do I somhow not have the right to be a fan of fallout 3 or new vegas?
That spelling was subpar, you might want to clean that up abit, it makes posts abit hard to read.

Also, i'm not being elitist because of that. Clearly you're being elitist with head shoved so... no... I dont need to go down that road again.

I didnt say it makes them less valid, I simply said they had better be prepared to look like a fool when someone wants to talk about the original and they say "That wasnt the original?" or "I never actually saw it." And no one likes to look foolish, especially when its a person who is paying to go to a movie and then talk to the people that clean up their messes, initiating conversation, and proceeding to tell management that the worker that just schooled them on Tron was being rude.

and no, again, I mentioned it in halo. thats great if you want to be a fan, by learn about the original source. With a movie, thats easy. thats two hours (actually less, its not really even more then 1.5 hours long) that you could just sit and rent the movie, instead of paying money for a game and taking the time it takes to play it. Because if you talk to anyone who's going to see Tron thats in their later teens/early twenties, they'll most likely also know about the original. And its bothersome (and makes the person look like an jackass) when they talk a big game about something Like tron, want to focus on only this movie, have no prior knowledge of the original, to someone who's seen the original.

Also, since appearantly refuse to do the work, I'll show why I dont like the idea of watching this movie without watching the original:

emeraldrafael said:
I guess to sum that up, i just dont want this to be a hit and watch it go south fast to appease and appeal the general movie going audience.
Mainly, I dont want tron to change to something in a complete 180 of the original, since it means something to me and most of the cult following gamers in the States. As Koroviev said, I dont want this to turn into PotC. So its not really that I have a problem with the general public having knowledge about the movie, I just want them to know that this is more then a revamp/sequel of an 80s movie about video games that greased the axles of the movie industry to make these kinda movies. Its something that should be kept true to a large degree of the movie's plot and point.
is it so wrong for someone to not want a movie that has such potential for plot and openness to become another mindless, big name action flick that is pumped out to appease the masses and make money, instead of pushing its boundaries to be something great, and show that its not so bad to be a "nerd" or "geek" or "techie"?
Not wanting them to screw up or "dumb down" the seaquel to apeal to the mainstream is one thing (and yes understandable) but having a problem with the "main-stream" people liking it regardless of how good or bad it is kinda stupid

anyway somone sees a movie, they like it, they talk about it. And hell mabye it might encourage them to go see the original, I think your over-thinking things in that regard

(or would you not want those idiots to actually think they like tron as much as you do...and shock horror! TALK about it??)

And I don't think I sound elitist at all.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Vault101 said:
emeraldrafael said:
Yeah I still stand by my can't blame somone for not seeing the orginal and then likign the seaquel...what dose the fact that thye were never into tron in the first place make their opinion any less valid?

I didn't play the original fallout.. do I somhow not have the right to be a fan of fallout 3 or new vegas?
That spelling was subpar, you might want to clean that up abit, it makes posts abit hard to read.

Also, i'm not being elitist because of that. Clearly you're being elitist with head shoved so... no... I dont need to go down that road again.

I didnt say it makes them less valid, I simply said they had better be prepared to look like a fool when someone wants to talk about the original and they say "That wasnt the original?" or "I never actually saw it." And no one likes to look foolish, especially when its a person who is paying to go to a movie and then talk to the people that clean up their messes, initiating conversation, and proceeding to tell management that the worker that just schooled them on Tron was being rude.

and no, again, I mentioned it in halo. thats great if you want to be a fan, by learn about the original source. With a movie, thats easy. thats two hours (actually less, its not really even more then 1.5 hours long) that you could just sit and rent the movie, instead of paying money for a game and taking the time it takes to play it. Because if you talk to anyone who's going to see Tron thats in their later teens/early twenties, they'll most likely also know about the original. And its bothersome (and makes the person look like an jackass) when they talk a big game about something Like tron, want to focus on only this movie, have no prior knowledge of the original, to someone who's seen the original.

Also, since appearantly refuse to do the work, I'll show why I dont like the idea of watching this movie without watching the original:

emeraldrafael said:
I guess to sum that up, i just dont want this to be a hit and watch it go south fast to appease and appeal the general movie going audience.
Mainly, I dont want tron to change to something in a complete 180 of the original, since it means something to me and most of the cult following gamers in the States. As Koroviev said, I dont want this to turn into PotC. So its not really that I have a problem with the general public having knowledge about the movie, I just want them to know that this is more then a revamp/sequel of an 80s movie about video games that greased the axles of the movie industry to make these kinda movies. Its something that should be kept true to a large degree of the movie's plot and point.
is it so wrong for someone to not want a movie that has such potential for plot and openness to become another mindless, big name action flick that is pumped out to appease the masses and make money, instead of pushing its boundaries to be something great, and show that its not so bad to be a "nerd" or "geek" or "techie"?
Not wanting the seaquel "dumbed down" to apeal to the mainstream is one thing (and yes understandable) but having a problem with "non-fans" liking the movie is just stupid

somones likes a movie...they talk about and mabye this might actually encourage somone to go see the orgininal, I think your over thinking things in that regard

(unless you don't want those main stream idiots thinking they like tron as much as YOU do...and that they actually have the NERVE to TALK about it...)

now lets say that it was awful (like the transformers movie) but it was a huge hit and some people liked it and raved about it...from a die hard fans persepctive yeah that would be annoying


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
"I don't know what Michael Sheen is playing as, but he's playing the hell out of it!"

ROFL! :)


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
I can't wait to see this. Sadly, I have midterms and so does my girlfriend, so I won't be seeing it till Wednesday.

I've been excited for this since I saw the trailer. It looked awesome. Just the type of sci-fi I like. Futuristic, clean, and very computer related. And then I heard Daft Punk made the soundtrack. Awesome.

I watched the original Tron last week. I know there's at least one user in this thread that will think I'm a tool for saying this, but I liked it a lot. I watched it while bearing in mind how it must have looked in 1982. It was a cool, funny movie.

And again, I really must apologize for not watching it sooner. I've been on the internet longer than Google, but I never heard about Tron except in passing. I'm truly sorry for not realizing that I should go search up a movie I have never heard much about and watch it immediately. I'm sorry that I only really looked into it once I saw the sequel. And I'm sorry that I will get such references to the first movie, such as Flynn's arcade, and like them. I'm really sorry that I'm enjoying the film more and that this is somehow making you enjoy it less. And hate me. Please don't kill me.

Also, I find it really crazy that a sequel to a movie is being made, with a 28 year gap, featuring some of the same actors playing older versions of themselves AND younger. Jeff Bridges said something along the lines of, "The technology they're using to make movies these days is right out of the first Tron."