Escape to the Movies: Tron: Legacy

Sep 14, 2009
jesus there is some ridiculous cult elitism in here...god damn.

went and saw it tonight, was pretty awesome and gotta agree completely with bob's review of it. its pretty, its nice, and it seems like they tried to do too much for one movie in the possibility of a series.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Vault101 said:
*Sigh* Unfortunately this isnt worth the epic face palm i have, so I'll have to settle for the less intense version:

I cant do all the work for you, but if you'd read my other posts, you'd see that I reached the conclusion of its great for people to learn. This isnt about them going to see the movie. I want it to get out there, to be more well known and acceptable. This is the kinda things that geeks and nerds need under their belts, to show that hollywood can make big budget films around their interests, where they (as geeks and nerds) can be the hero that isnt an adaptation of a comic book or a parody.

Just dont expect to be on equal grounds with people who have seen and enjoyed the first one, and waited anxiously for the time a sequel (there is no a in it) like this would come out. And judging by the average moviegoer (which i experience on a daily basis when i go to work) thats exactly what will happen. I'll be ready to talk about it, to talk about its deeper meanings. But you have to be ready to accept that I am the teacher, you are the student, and this is for your benefit, not mine. Most (if not all) fans of tron who have been with it since the earliest days that they could (i'm 18 so i couldnt have been with it since the beginning, but i've been with it since i was seven), will be willing to educate you on the finer points of tron, to show you this is more and should be treated as more, then just a big budget tech heavy and nonfriendly action movie to those who dont understand some of the terms of the film/tech. Its when this happens, people like yourself (who havent been with it, or are new) feel dumb. And when they feel dumb, mixed with laziness, or unwillingness to learn and open their minds to a different subculture waiting to bust out, that movies go bad, through focus groups of the "average moviegoer".

This is going to be one of the crowning things of the Gaming generation, one of our movies we can look back on and say, "See? you can do this hollywood. You dont need to pump out run-of-the-mill action/love/comedies for fear that people wont understand and ostracize what is a growing trend.

yes, maybe I am over analyzing, but I think and dream big. I think ahead, to a better time and how things can drastically impact it. Tron is one of those. But your average moviegoer or casual gamer needs to know this is more then just this movie and a cheesy 80s movie that was turned to a cult classic (whihc usually labels something inapproachable, when really it only means that its just not something the average majority can feel comfortable accepting). Yes, they will talk, and when they hear there was a Tron (I guess you could say 1), as well as games based on these movies, they may show the interest to go see them. OR, they may see it as non-important, nerdy, beneath them and would ruin their image. It is then, when hollywood does its focus groups and tests, when they want to make a Tron (lets call it 3 for sake of argument), that the tests groups will say, "Oh, i never saw the original" or "i heard there was one before it, but it sounded to geeky to see, but i liked the action scenes in the second. Those effects were awesome! and Light cycles, they should more of those just racing, cause those are cool." Then the series degrades, dilutes, turns to the run-of-the-mill action flick to appease the sheeple masses and we as gamers and tech minded movie goers lose our chance at a future of movie industries that are equal parts geeky and appealing to the average moviegoer.

I'll quote a poster here before:
Gxas said:
I saw it last night. I have loved the first movie since I first heard about it probably ten years ago. I was the only person in the theater last night who had seen it. The people that I went with, they had me fill them in a bit before and after just so they could have a better understanding of the movie and will all be watching the original seeing as this one piqued their interests.

However, the kids behind me? Yeah. They were exactly what you are talking about here. About three-fourths of the way into the movie, I hear one of them ask another, just in a regular talking voice, "What did he say?" To which the other responded, "He said he's a User." Then the first one followed up with, "Oh, whats a User?" I almost turned around and punched their father for ever spawning them.
Its this i worry about. That is the average movie goer who is going to walk into Tron: Legacy and watch this movie, that is the average movie goer who is apart of those focus groups. That is the person who is going to look dumb, when they talk to someone who has been iwth this for 10, 11, 15 years, even the almost THREE DECADES it took for this to finally see the light of day and be a physical reality. And because they'll feel dumb, they'll recede. I had a talk with this with a friend in college who is majoring in psychology. its the common action people take when tehy are defeated intellectually. They recede into themselves, think back on this, think about who the people like me (who you claim are die hard fans when really this is just a really good tech movie for me and thats why it holds my interest) and how we beat them. maybe they'll want to learn more. Or maybe they'll let it fester, and lash out in the focus group scenario i stated above.

Closing (wow, this is starting to feel like a paper, but hopefully i wont have to post like this again), Its not that I dont want people to talk to me about Tron, or talk to other people who are big on this. But this is our/your/everyone who has even a remote interest in gaming or tech to have a precedent that isnt comic books. this is the chance for tech to start to rule. Think of its implications. We could get a good Jak and Daxter/Rachet and Clank/God of War movie, a good Halo movie, a good... I dont know... A good Legend of Zelda or Mario (well, maybe not Mario. That abortion they called a mario movie is still a bad memory in the back of all who saw it's minds), or a good movie like Gamer was supposed to be. This is the chance to open up a new market, to stop all those movies that people dont remember five days later, or the ones where people say this is garbage tripe that Hollywood always puts out. I dont want it go to the way of Transformers (where it dumbed down to appease the people who went to see giant robots fighting and explosions) or PotC (where it go so far away from the feel and mood and theme that made the first movie so great. Where it was just Pirates being Pirates) cause then thats Hollywood's excuse to say, "well, if we do this we'll hear from the fans about their hate. But if we just make it nice and actiony and full of light cylce racing and disk throwing, we'll make the larger revenue from people who like that and the fans will just have to live with it."

I want people to Like tron, but i want them to know there's more to like the action. That this isnt just a small inside joke thing about users, or how someone enters after playing an arcade game, or where the hero is a hacker that dont play larger roles on the story. Granted, you cant have it be too tech heavy either, cause this is going to need a gentle transitioning, a way for people to look at computers and game systems they say way "jocks" or "muscle heads" look at cars (that fine combing and knit picking process). I want people to just know this is a subculture ready to accept, but you're going to need to be taught, so you'll have to learn, which will mean humiliation at first, before you finally (which will not take long in the grand scheme) understand this with more interest.

But I dont know, thats alot of info and turned from rant to heart felt speech to finally me just spilling hopes and dreams onto the keyboard and i probably repeated myself alot. But thats what i see this Movie as (which is alot, admittedly for this movie) and so thats why i think people should watch the original tron to have that basic beforehand knowledge then come and watch this movie. Not watch this movie, talk a big game because they saw this and then get angry when someone wants to talk abou the original (since you and others pointed out this was a cult classic) because they assume they've seen it in combination with this movie and makes the person look foolish, potentially closing their mind back up to this premise and idea.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
In case anyone else hasn't said so, there is no easter egg at the end of the credits (beyond one cool shout out in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits).


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Vault101 said:
*Sigh* Unfortunately this isnt worth the epic face palm i have, so I'll have to settle for the less intense version:

I cant do all the work for you, but if you'd read my other posts, you'd see that I reached the conclusion of its great for people to learn. This isnt about them going to see the movie. I want it to get out there, to be more well known and acceptable. This is the kinda things that geeks and nerds need under their belts, to show that hollywood can make big budget films around their interests, where they (as geeks and nerds) can be the hero that isnt an adaptation of a comic book or a parody.

Just dont expect to be on equal grounds with people who have seen and enjoyed the first one, and waited anxiously for the time a sequel (there is no a in it) like this would come out. And judging by the average moviegoer (which i experience on a daily basis when i go to work) thats exactly what will happen. I'll be ready to talk about it, to talk about its deeper meanings. But you have to be ready to accept that I am the teacher, you are the student, and this is for your benefit, not mine. Most (if not all) fans of tron who have been with it since the earliest days that they could (i'm 18 so i couldnt have been with it since the beginning, but i've been with it since i was seven), will be willing to educate you on the finer points of tron, to show you this is more and should be treated as more, then just a big budget tech heavy and nonfriendly action movie to those who dont understand some of the terms of the film/tech. Its when this happens, people like yourself (who havent been with it, or are new) feel dumb. And when they feel dumb, mixed with laziness, or unwillingness to learn and open their minds to a different subculture waiting to bust out, that movies go bad, through focus groups of the "average moviegoer".

This is going to be one of the crowning things of the Gaming generation, one of our movies we can look back on and say, "See? you can do this hollywood. You dont need to pump out run-of-the-mill action/love/comedies for fear that people wont understand and ostracize what is a growing trend.

yes, maybe I am over analyzing, but I think and dream big. I think ahead, to a better time and how things can drastically impact it. Tron is one of those. But your average moviegoer or casual gamer needs to know this is more then just this movie and a cheesy 80s movie that was turned to a cult classic (whihc usually labels something inapproachable, when really it only means that its just not something the average majority can feel comfortable accepting). Yes, they will talk, and when they hear there was a Tron (I guess you could say 1), as well as games based on these movies, they may show the interest to go see them. OR, they may see it as non-important, nerdy, beneath them and would ruin their image. It is then, when hollywood does its focus groups and tests, when they want to make a Tron (lets call it 3 for sake of argument), that the tests groups will say, "Oh, i never saw the original" or "i heard there was one before it, but it sounded to geeky to see, but i liked the action scenes in the second. Those effects were awesome! and Light cycles, they should more of those just racing, cause those are cool." Then the series degrades, dilutes, turns to the run-of-the-mill action flick to appease the sheeple masses and we as gamers and tech minded movie goers lose our chance at a future of movie industries that are equal parts geeky and appealing to the average moviegoer.

I'll quote a poster here before:
Gxas said:
I saw it last night. I have loved the first movie since I first heard about it probably ten years ago. I was the only person in the theater last night who had seen it. The people that I went with, they had me fill them in a bit before and after just so they could have a better understanding of the movie and will all be watching the original seeing as this one piqued their interests.

However, the kids behind me? Yeah. They were exactly what you are talking about here. About three-fourths of the way into the movie, I hear one of them ask another, just in a regular talking voice, "What did he say?" To which the other responded, "He said he's a User." Then the first one followed up with, "Oh, whats a User?" I almost turned around and punched their father for ever spawning them.
Its this i worry about. That is the average movie goer who is going to walk into Tron: Legacy and watch this movie, that is the average movie goer who is apart of those focus groups. That is the person who is going to look dumb, when they talk to someone who has been iwth this for 10, 11, 15 years, even the almost THREE DECADES it took for this to finally see the light of day and be a physical reality. And because they'll feel dumb, they'll recede. I had a talk with this with a friend in college who is majoring in psychology. its the common action people take when tehy are defeated intellectually. They recede into themselves, think back on this, think about who the people like me (who you claim are die hard fans when really this is just a really good tech movie for me and thats why it holds my interest) and how we beat them. maybe they'll want to learn more. Or maybe they'll let it fester, and lash out in the focus group scenario i stated above.

Closing (wow, this is starting to feel like a paper, but hopefully i wont have to post like this again), Its not that I dont want people to talk to me about Tron, or talk to other people who are big on this. But this is our/your/everyone who has even a remote interest in gaming or tech to have a precedent that isnt comic books. this is the chance for tech to start to rule. Think of its implications. We could get a good Jak and Daxter/Rachet and Clank/God of War movie, a good Halo movie, a good... I dont know... A good Legend of Zelda or Mario (well, maybe not Mario. That abortion they called a mario movie is still a bad memory in the back of all who saw it's minds), or a good movie like Gamer was supposed to be. This is the chance to open up a new market, to stop all those movies that people dont remember five days later, or the ones where people say this is garbage tripe that Hollywood always puts out. I dont want it go to the way of Transformers (where it dumbed down to appease the people who went to see giant robots fighting and explosions) or PotC (where it go so far away from the feel and mood and theme that made the first movie so great. Where it was just Pirates being Pirates) cause then thats Hollywood's excuse to say, "well, if we do this we'll hear from the fans about their hate. But if we just make it nice and actiony and full of light cylce racing and disk throwing, we'll make the larger revenue from people who like that and the fans will just have to live with it."

I want people to Like tron, but i want them to know there's more to like the action. That this isnt just a small inside joke thing about users, or how someone enters after playing an arcade game, or where the hero is a hacker that dont play larger roles on the story. Granted, you cant have it be too tech heavy either, cause this is going to need a gentle transitioning, a way for people to look at computers and game systems they say way "jocks" or "muscle heads" look at cars (that fine combing and knit picking process). I want people to just know this is a subculture ready to accept, but you're going to need to be taught, so you'll have to learn, which will mean humiliation at first, before you finally (which will not take long in the grand scheme) understand this with more interest.

But I dont know, thats alot of info and turned from rant to heart felt speech to finally me just spilling hopes and dreams onto the keyboard and i probably repeated myself alot. But thats what i see this Movie as (which is alot, admittedly for this movie) and so thats why i think people should watch the original tron to have that basic beforehand knowledge then come and watch this movie. Not watch this movie, talk a big game because they saw this and then get angry when someone wants to talk abou the original (since you and others pointed out this was a cult classic) because they assume they've seen it in combination with this movie and makes the person look foolish, potentially closing their mind back up to this premise and idea.
ummm so what your saying is you don't want it to end up dumbed down like transformers?

mainstream is what it always has been, stupid and pandering to stupid people

there are those few movies that rise above it though (like the dark knight, Inception, anything by pixar)


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Cypher10110 said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I hate sequel set-ups before we even know if there will BE a sequel...Whether in movies, games, or first seasons of new TV shows.

Seriously, if this magically flops and the plug is pulled on the sequel, does this still wrap up nice enough as a stand-alone film?
Yes it does, in fact, apparently I missed whatever bob thinks are cues for a looming sequel. Would someone elaborate (with spoiler tags ofc).
Not gonna lie i honestly missed it too apparently, and still have no idea what 2 awkward cameos he was talking about lol.. i thought it worked great as a standalone and would actually have no clue where they would take it should they be planning a sequal.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Vault101 said:
Give it time. you give those sequels and they'll dumb down too. I just want Hollywood to know it can get indepth and advanced. that it doesnt have to. I want movies like the Dark Knight, some of the movies by pixar (Cars wasnt THAT great, and its really generalizing to say ANYTHING by Pixar is great), and i guess inception (though I had it ruined for me by average movie goers constantly asking me questions about it so i generally avoid inception like a vampyre avoids garlic dripped in holy water), to have great sequels. the Kinds that are better then the movie before. Like Empire Strikes Back was for A New Hope. and Like I said, i want tron to be the door opener, so we can get more tech heavy geeky movies out and hve them be a big name weekend opener for film companies, not an after though to pick up whatevers left that couldnt decide/didnt get tickets for what the wanted to see.

And if you want to bring up Inception, its a perfect example. do you think anyone really went to Inception for the plot? Got the little details without internet aid? No. The Answer's no. I'm not saying I did (I did go watch Inception, but I dont hold it highly, but thats more for personal reasons. I could see why someone would) but I at least tried to follow the plot and was able to fill in a good bit of holes and get into the deepness of the movie.

So say Inception 2 comes out. you know waht its going to be? Big Hall way tilting scenes, the scenes where the dreams fight back against them, the fire fights (pretty much its going to be like the south park episode made it out to be), because the average movie goer who doesnt want to look dumb for not understanding the deepness of the plot in the first movie. ANd then it will be subpar again,a nd we'll look back and say, "but it was so good, what happened..." Thats what I forsee happening to tron 3 (I can all but promise there will be one since this one is going to do great and there were so many things movie bob said in his review about cliff hangers/plot points that will need another movie to develop) and thats what I dont want, cause then hopes for the tech age in movies will come and go fast and movies will go back to be dumbed down, and no one will want to do something innovating like Inception, or a solid retelling, like The Dark Knight, or a good sequel like tron legacy for a long time.

So its more then just it being dumbed down. this, with Inception, the dark knight, movies like scottie P, and films like Up are the hopes that we can explore and do more, not just go with the flow. Like I said, its unfair of me, but I'm more or less holding the hopes of an entire genre and culture to emerge with this movie's success and hope that people dont see it as another action movie.

cause i can tell you one thing about Inception. Over half the people that asked me about it till it came out (and thats not even an exaggeration) asked me if Leonardo Decaprio was going ot be in it, and thats what sold them on going. The big name of mr. Decaprio of Titanic fame (which I think... well... thats a subject for another thread entire but I'll say his acting capabilities were grossly predetermined by the movie Titanic since thats what most everyone knows him for. I mean, Inception could have only been bigger if it was in 3D, and James Cameron helped to direct.

.... and there was a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning, with tits, that was on fire. XD (i'm way to tired to be doing this still if I'm quoting yahtzee in a movie bob Escape to the Movies thread).

So I hope that at least tells you something about how "mind blowing and great" inception was before anyone saw it, when over half decided tehy would see it on the basis that Decaprio was in it alone. The same case could be made for Batman (it was health freakin Miller, I dont know if he's ever done a bad movie, Michail Caine, and Christian Bale). And Up... well.. Up was the kiddie movie of the time, the one parents were going to take kids to see and it was in 3D. So really on their own, not many of those movies stood on the merit of them being great before it was officially released ot the public. Two were decided cause they had a good cast, one of which had a cult following through the comic book thing, and the third was the flavor of the month. And toystory... well... How do you not take your kids to see toy story. If you're 18 you grw up with it so you ahve to see it, and if you're younger... its TOY STORY! I mean... gah?


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Not to derail any lengthy discussions here, but I just saw it and I have to say, it was awesome. Especially the cameo by Daft Punk :p Other than that, it had good bits of humor and didn't overdo anything. Epic in its own right.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Vault101 said:
Give it time. you give those sequels and they'll dumb down too. I just want Hollywood to know it can get indepth and advanced. that it doesnt have to. I want movies like the Dark Knight, some of the movies by pixar (Cars wasnt THAT great, and its really generalizing to say ANYTHING by Pixar is great), and i guess inception (though I had it ruined for me by average movie goers constantly asking me questions about it so i generally avoid inception like a vampyre avoids garlic dripped in holy water), to have great sequels. the Kinds that are better then the movie before. Like Empire Strikes Back was for A New Hope. and Like I said, i want tron to be the door opener, so we can get more tech heavy geeky movies out and hve them be a big name weekend opener for film companies, not an after though to pick up whatevers left that couldnt decide/didnt get tickets for what the wanted to see.

And if you want to bring up Inception, its a perfect example. do you think anyone really went to Inception for the plot? Got the little details without internet aid? No. The Answer's no. I'm not saying I did (I did go watch Inception, but I dont hold it highly, but thats more for personal reasons. I could see why someone would) but I at least tried to follow the plot and was able to fill in a good bit of holes and get into the deepness of the movie.

So say Inception 2 comes out. you know waht its going to be? Big Hall way tilting scenes, the scenes where the dreams fight back against them, the fire fights (pretty much its going to be like the south park episode made it out to be), because the average movie goer who doesnt want to look dumb for not understanding the deepness of the plot in the first movie. ANd then it will be subpar again,a nd we'll look back and say, "but it was so good, what happened..." Thats what I forsee happening to tron 3 (I can all but promise there will be one since this one is going to do great and there were so many things movie bob said in his review about cliff hangers/plot points that will need another movie to develop) and thats what I dont want, cause then hopes for the tech age in movies will come and go fast and movies will go back to be dumbed down, and no one will want to do something innovating like Inception, or a solid retelling, like The Dark Knight, or a good sequel like tron legacy for a long time.

So its more then just it being dumbed down. this, with Inception, the dark knight, movies like scottie P, and films like Up are the hopes that we can explore and do more, not just go with the flow. Like I said, its unfair of me, but I'm more or less holding the hopes of an entire genre and culture to emerge with this movie's success and hope that people dont see it as another action movie.

cause i can tell you one thing about Inception. Over half the people that asked me about it till it came out (and thats not even an exaggeration) asked me if Leonardo Decaprio was going ot be in it, and thats what sold them on going. The big name of mr. Decaprio of Titanic fame (which I think... well... thats a subject for another thread entire but I'll say his acting capabilities were grossly predetermined by the movie Titanic since thats what most everyone knows him for. I mean, Inception could have only been bigger if it was in 3D, and James Cameron helped to direct.

.... and there was a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning, with tits, that was on fire. XD (i'm way to tired to be doing this still if I'm quoting yahtzee in a movie bob Escape to the Movies thread).

So I hope that at least tells you something about how "mind blowing and great" inception was before anyone saw it, when over half decided tehy would see it on the basis that Decaprio was in it alone. The same case could be made for Batman (it was health freakin Miller, I dont know if he's ever done a bad movie, Michail Caine, and Christian Bale). And Up... well.. Up was the kiddie movie of the time, the one parents were going to take kids to see and it was in 3D. So really on their own, not many of those movies stood on the merit of them being great before it was officially released ot the public. Two were decided cause they had a good cast, one of which had a cult following through the comic book thing, and the third was the flavor of the month. And toystory... well... How do you not take your kids to see toy story. If you're 18 you grw up with it so you ahve to see it, and if you're younger... its TOY STORY! I mean... gah?
Fact is you can't change how other people think/see things

some popular things are popula becuase they are good

theres also a reason people prefer to ignore bad seaquels

besides in the end its the good stuff that gets remembered and bad stuff is forgotten (unless it has a cult following)


New member
Jun 14, 2008
It's times like this I am over whelming proud that my parents named me Kevin.

That's right, my name is Kevin Flynn.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
I'm a linux noob but in the movie when one of the files are opened I thought I saw makeinstall on the computer terminal. Also I saw a reference to root. Just throwing that out there. Don't think its a spoiler


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Wabblefish said:
Didn't the movie come out like a day ago? How did MovieBob set up his review so fast? I really liked the review though.

EDIT: The movie was pretty successful and made a lot of money, and will make more money in the next few days but your saying it's not?
almost all of bob's reviews are from midnight showings or something SPECIAL and he gets invited early or something... (just betting he goes to the midnight showing, then writes it really quick, hence no animation, just pitcures.)
What i'm confused about is... who are these mystical people he mentioned to set up for the sequel. I walked out thinking
"well... the digital world is fubar atm, killed the leader, killed someone who wanted to be leader, the resistance seemed pretty defunct... they fucked."
And "Olivia Wilde has waaaay to much eye make up"


New member
Dec 18, 2010
I'm pretty sure one of the cameos Bob mentioned was:

Ed Dilinger's son being the head programmer at Encom. Since Dilinger Sr. was the programmer who wrote the MCP that was the big baddie of the original Tron, it makes (movie) sense that his son would return in a sequel with some equally horrible program bent on world domination or something like that. That, and he was obviously a gigantic douche.

That's the "game-changing cameo" in the beginning. Who's the cameo at the end, then?


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
I hate sequel set-ups before we even know if there will BE a sequel...Whether in movies, games, or first seasons of new TV shows.

Seriously, if this magically flops and the plug is pulled on the sequel, does this still wrap up nice enough as a stand-alone film?
I'll be 100% honest: I'm not even sure what "I'll be important in the sequel" character to whom Bob is referring. I suppose I could take some guesses or vague shots in the dark, but over-all the series can end here and now and it wouldn't really leave any kind of hole in the plot that was meant to be patched-up in a movie that will never be.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
WhiteTigerShiro said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I hate sequel set-ups before we even know if there will BE a sequel...Whether in movies, games, or first seasons of new TV shows.

Seriously, if this magically flops and the plug is pulled on the sequel, does this still wrap up nice enough as a stand-alone film?
I'll be 100% honest: I'm not even sure what "I'll be important in the sequel" character to whom Bob is referring. I suppose I could take some guesses or vague shots in the dark, but over-all the series can end here and now and it wouldn't really leave any kind of hole in the plot that was meant to be patched-up in a movie that will never be.
The character he's referring to is TRON as his fate is left unknown by the end of the film. And that's pretty weird considering that he's the title character


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Im going to check this out just cause Daft Punk make an apperance.

I heard it was a decent movie. I was a fan of the first one.((not one of those raving fans, who made theyer own Tron suits *shiver*.)) So i guess i'll check this one out just to see if it is worthy of the name "Tron".