Escapist hate towards CoD and Halo?


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
InfiniteJacuzzi said:
Hipster-only forum?

'Hipster only'? Lol!

I feel like the word 'Hipster' is being massively mis-used these days.

It doesn't describe a minority of organic food eating, jean short wearing 'The XX' fans anymore but more like 'anyone I don't agree with'... same way 'troll' gets flung around in here all the time.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Everyone? Well, I can take or leave COD now (used to think it was a greatest thing since sliced bread) but I'm quite partial to some Halo. Though I only really got into that series once the games stop featuring Master Chief as a principal "character", someone who will always remain (to me) as a faceless non-entity completely devoid of any charisma or personality. The games themselves were still fun enough though.

Also, Halo multiplayer reminds me of Unreal Tournament. For those that remember when facing down your enemy in some deathmatch would result in an epic battle (often lasting as long as 8 seconds), as opposed to the over-before-you-even-know-it antics of COD.


Sep 23, 2010
You're the one making the thread about it.

I don't really care about/for Halo/CoD.

No, not because it's popular. It just isn't very interesting, and I can't say I've had much fun playing them.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well I hate CoD
But Halo?


The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
A big part of the issue are the series' more rabid fans. They will absolutely insist that every current trend or fad in FPS games was innovated by their preferred series (despite any and all proof to the contrary... some will declare that a game that came out years earlier "copied" or "ripped off" their beloved series) and that any game that isn't a part of that series just outright "sucks" for daring to be a different game. They'll also overlook any flaws or problems brought to light, usually insulting anyone who does so as "noobs" or "haters", and fanatically flame anyone who disagrees with them over the slightest aspect of the series.

Granted, just about every franchise has its fanboys, but CoD and Halo seem to have the problem in spades. (I have actually seen someone insist that Half-Life "stole" Halo's ideas about fighting aliens despite being released THREE YEARS EARLIER.)

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
I love Halo. Not the best game ever, but damn good fun, a personal favourite and I love reading up about the extended universe.

CoD's alright. I am meh towards it though.

*runs off to join Halo's Escapist group*


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Assassin Xaero said:
Call of Duty was good until Modern Warfare 2. That one started the with the shitty console ports and greediness of Activision. Not to mention the game still sucked on PS3 even. Halo, well, it was never that great. It was always just your mediocre shooter with shields that ruined multiplayer (and probably what led to all multiplayer being dumbed-down), and zero reply value for single player. The xbox players seem to treat it like a gift from god, which makes it horrible because it doesn't live up to half the hype it gets.
Zero replay value, SHIT! have I been doing it wrong?
(100 hours)
And I dont have live.
[small]I have to much time![/small]


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
EcHoFiiVe said:
Asking a question like that on CoD or Halo will usually only bring comments such as "hey fag, gtfo thi$ gam3. we dnt wnt u her faggit.".
funnily, that was (and still is to a small extent)the average CSS gamer before CoD and Halo stole that demographic.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Thaius said:
Call of Duty I understand to a point. ...
Halo simply doesn't deserve it.
You would be surprised how well that works in reverse people like me.

OT: And that's why discussing these games on the Escapist is about as pointless as commeting on YouTube videos.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
Everyone that is LVL 50 + Will call anyone under will give such constructive critisism such as "lol fag!111!!!" or, if it's a kid "-Screename Here- is a idck!!11 go to hes page and atatck teh bstaard!!1111!!".

It's just fuckin' Poinltess. And when I did want to get away from these twats, the campaigns were so short that it's not worth dealing with.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I like the Halo series, it's enjoyable and entertaining FPS. As, for Call of Duty, they tend to run from average to mediocre, especially if you don't really play multiplayer like me. But, I had fun renting COD 4: Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 for a quick run through each.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
I never liked playing Halo. It just didn't appeal to me. That doesn't make it bad. Lots of people enjoy it.

I like playing Call of Duty. Especially the first one and its expansion.

It comes down to taste and a seeming inability to realize things you don't like aren't bad. Also, a whole lot of fanboy hypocrisy.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I hate CoD 4-7 because it is too cheap online, it's too easy and essentially just turns into "run around and shoot 2 bullets for a kill". I don't have too much of a problem with the campaign and co-op stuff however.

I don't really have a problem with Halo except for Reach which was just a rehash of Halo 3.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I've read enough on the first page of this thread to what I think sums up a good enough sample of opinions from both sides other words, I dare not read anymore lest things get less um civilized haha (plus I'm just not in the mood, and it's Sunday)


New member
May 10, 2009
I emjoyed Call of Duty all the way up to an including Modern Warfare 2. Lost interest in it with Black Ops though, can't stand that game. Halo, I have enjoyed all of them so far, even Halo Wars.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
JourneyThroughHell said:
Thaius said:
Call of Duty I understand to a point. ...
Halo simply doesn't deserve it.
You would be surprised how well that works in reverse people like me.

OT: And that's why discussing these games on the Escapist is about as pointless as commeting on YouTube videos.
oh gosh YouTube comments... *shivers* bloody awful hahaha


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Well Halo is a distinctly average shooter. I was shocked when I played it, after hearing for years about how it was the best FPS around. It was just incredibly mediocre.

I don't like COD because of what it has spawned. I blame it for the fact every shooter nowadays is a clone of COD. All the classic styled run and gun shooters have been panned as its not the 'in' thing at the moment. Thank god for bulletstorm and Duke bucking the trend and hopefully we'll see a Timesplitters 4. So yeh I indirectly blame COD for stopping TS4 from being made.

Also what's all this 'hipster' stuff? Surely being a COD or Halo fan is being a 'hipster' right?


New member
Apr 3, 2011
They are the games for non-gamers to start gaming.

That might be considered a good thing, but I really don't want any more of those idiots spamming the comment section on video game reviews with "Oh, this game is gay"-type of comments and giving great games, not only a bad score, but also starting a general hate towards a game that might be the next Shadow of the Colossus.

I call it the NieR-effect...

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
When I first played Halo 2 I found the experience boring and to be honest rather mediocre - and this is with the advancements it made over Halo.

From a PC gamer perspective Halo was fairly mediocre fare, and there were many superior PC FPSs already out when it hit the shelves. The thing is on the PC the FPS genre had nearly twenty years to mature by the time Halo arrived, and by that time FPSs were generally more specialized titles. You had multiplayer exclusives like UT and Quake 3, story-driven experiences like the phenomenal No One Lives Forever, straight up run-and-gun like Serious Sam, FPS/RPG hybrids like Deus Ex, as well as other specialized titles like AvP2, Star Trek: Elite Forces, Soldier of Fortune, and Thief II. With the exception of Serious Sam, which was released eight months before Halo, all of these games had been released 1-2 years before Halo.

From this perspective Halo was simplistic and out-dated, and given the many times it had been delayed not surprisingly so.

However despite this it was a hit, and it add insult to injury this bland, uninspiring title was called revolutionary. Revolutionary? Halo? No wonder it was despised by so many PC fans.

Compared to PC fare at the time Halo was very run-of-the-mill. However as a console game Halo was rightfully considered revolutionary as it popularized the FPS genre on the console. While there were some successful console FPSs that preceded it, notably Goldeneye 007, none of them had firmly brought the genre over to consoles.

Halo's simplicity no doubt helped with its success here as many Halo fans hadn't done much with FPSs before this. Sure plenty had probably played Doom and maybe messed around with a Quake title but they hadn't played so many that they were looking for the more focused experiences that PC FPSs titles were aiming for.

While this difference in perspective was probably sufficient to develop some ire between the PC FPS community and Halo fans the situation actually reached deeper than this. Around this time gaming went from a niche activity for geeks and nerds to a mainstream activity enjoyed by lots of people. Many PC gamers blamed the changes in the medium on consoles, and Halo became the poster-boy of this. Consoles may have played a part in this but really computer use in general had gone from niche to mainstream. Many of the people 'new' to gaming also weren't new at all, most had gamed quite a bit growing up but were only now in that treasured teenage demographic targeted by the media industry.

As the industry became mainstream much of that maturing and specialization I mentioned before was thrown out the window. Most people can't just jump in to a game like Deus Ex but they hadn't followed the FPS evolution to get them to that point so developers (consciously or not) started over from the basics. For a fan of more complex and specialized titles this was a travesty.

And again, Halo was the poster child of all of this. Why aren't developers making complex titles like they used to? Because they're catering to the Halo demographic. Why was the stealth system in Thief 3 heavily simplified? Console kiddies. Why is no one making a Deus Ex 3? Because the console gamers don't want a deep and engaging . . . wait a second . . . Deus Ex 3 is in developement.

Complex mechanisms and deeper gameplay are starting to come back, and in force I think. Just as in the 80s and 90s people have been introduced to the industry through more straight forward titles and are now looking for something with more complexity, or something that specializes in a specific area. I don't know if Halo will ever get rid of its stigma in the eyes of PC gamers but I suspect the things they decried about their hobby becoming mainstream will start to lessen in the near future.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009

"Oh hey, welcome to the Escapist, what's your favor- oh. Halo? Really? My favorite game isn't even out yet. You've probably never heard of it, it's called Minecraft and it's indie as f... what do you mean you've heard of it? Whatever, you wouldn't get it because it doesn't have amazing graphics or space marines."