ESRB Dishes on Dragon Age 2 Sex


New member
Dec 7, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Ah Bioware you masterful trolls

I choose you Fox News! Fox News used Controversy... It wasn't very effective

Bioware used Free Publicity... It's super effective!

Fox News fainted
this is awesome, indeed i believe any analogy that uses pokemon is awesome


New member
May 21, 2008
this isnt my name said:
I dont see why. The only time I think sex actuall belonged in the game was the dark ritual in DAO. Aside from that it serves no purpose, unless I want an achivement...

BW games have never done romance well. At all. Why does everyone always want to bang commander shepard/hawke/warden ?Why is it the same cliche people and why do you only need to talk to them like 3 times, are they so deprived of human interaction after talking 3 times they feel like having sex with you.

Honestly people say about there is nothing wrong with sex in games. I agree. If its actually there for a reason. And ME/DA now its just expected for the same crappy fan service (it is (especially Tali) *flameshield*). You dont feel connected to the characters either, if there was a connection and the romance had depth fine, but from my experience with them (ass effect DAO) they have no depth, and aside from the dark ritual arent relevant.
So your saying that sex to drive a plot ISN'T as bad as a 'proper' relationship between characters in a game.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I do not care about it as long as it's not going to be added in pointless fashion...

"That band of bandits carried a letter ordering to kill us... And the man who ordered it is no other tha-!"
"Forget about it <Hero's name here> let's have some hot bumsex."


New member
Sep 24, 2010
JackKrauserFtw said:
Lord_Kristof said:
Dragon Age tries very much to be a 'mature' game, but it ends up being childish, with its blood splatters and sex scenes... Seriously, BioWare should stop pretending that having a 'sex' scene makes your game more mature. It doesn't. Sex is everywhere nowadays, and the kind of sex that they showed in Mass Effect can be found in most 12+ Hollywood movies.
Your very ignorant and very misinformed if this is what you truly believe, its not the sex that the players like, its the relationship between the 2 and how they relate to it. How they got to the sex is just as important as sex itself if not more. The sex isn't what is making them mature, its the fact they are willing to do it despite criticism from the media and cool kids like yourself
Umm... which part of my post did you find offensive or irritating so that you decided to attack me personally?

So you're saying that there can't be a developed relationship between two characters without a sex scene at the end? Or without sex in general? Because what I'm suggesting is that throwing in a sex scene is just a cheap catch to have the players interested in the romance. The relationships you could have with Bastila in KOTOR 1 and with some of the characters in KOTOR 2 was far more meaningful for me than in Mass Effect, exactly because it didn't end in a lame 'sex' scene, as every other Hollywood movie does (because apparently people are not involved with eachother if they don't have sex on screen).

At any rate, you're missing the point of my post here. I am only saying that a) Bioware is wrong in thinking that adding a sex scene makes a game more mature, and that seems to be their shtick in the past few years AND b) people who rate games are damn hypocrites for lashing out against the video game industry while sex is so prevalent on the streets, in TV, music and media in general. And most action flicks with a 13+ rating had a sex scene of some sort in them at one point (remember King Arthur, the movie?).

Also, I am ignorant and misinformed, but unfortunately I'm not a very cool kid :(


New member
May 28, 2009
Well, why not?

I would say that all the choice makes the game too bloated though. I remember when I was a young little gamer thinking how awesome it was that you had options to do stuff, but these days I wonder if games could be made better by a little restraint in content. I'd like it if they could refine the singular experiences more, instead of taking the shotgun approach to the market.

Then again, I can see how a game about a gay barbarian mercenary might be a hard sell to big corporations, at least for now. Guess it's good we're taking these baby steps to get people used to the idea.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
I hope at some point BioWare will make a game where they use sex in a way that fits well into the story. They aren't too bad at the moment, but there is some room for aprovement.

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Damn Bioware. I just hope that they don't have those underpants that clued to their skin. That is just weird.


Aug 27, 2010
Sex is part of most games because of mass appeal, and I usually find it stupid. But I do like the way Bioware does it. Sex is a natural part of life, and Bioware treats it as such, and doesn't cheapen it.
But Fox News will have a field day. Surprised ME got more heat than DA, maybe that'll be rectified...


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Look the ERSB has one job here, and that is to put "sexual themes" on the back of the box along with a big letter "M"

And Fox News has one job here as well, to find the person at Bioware with the worst stammer and blatantly lie to his face about something they know nothing about. Then some how avoid getting sewed for libel


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Irridium said:
meganmeave said:
Geez... well hopefully there won't be an achievement related to fellatio. I can just see that raising a few eyebrows.
And the name is "And boom goes the dynamite".
Or perhaps...

Ahhh, this could start a fun little game.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
nipsen said:
Good example. That really is the only way to talk about sex in the US after all.. :/
Does it not make my point incredibly obvious and succinct at the same time?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
mattag08 said:
Does it not make my point incredibly obvious and succinct at the same time?
..well, no.. Sexual tension can creep into a conversation without being vulgar in any way - or even overtly sexual. Not that Bioware always manages to do that. But with the example in Mass Effect 1, it's not necessarily about sex, but about your close relationship with the other character, that Shepard needs someone to support him/her for once - and the fact that the entire universe could very well be dead tomorrow anyway, and so on. So it's at least part of the narrative, with the entire segment having a purpose, instead of being just about fucking.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Though at this point the routine of it begins to look crass and gratuitous, it's still a step for video games towards the ideal of mainstream that movies represent. Putting a sex scene in every game is equivalent to the rote shoehorning of romantic subplots into movies in which they are irrelevant. It's ugly, but the more games resemble movies, the easier it'll be for the cretinous masses to take them seriously, thereby aborting future moral outrage in the womb.


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Jan 3, 2009
JediMB said:

This is what we're talking about. Not necessarily in that order.
OK, I need to quote this so I can show my friends later. Hilarious, yet accurate

Sand Engineer

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Mar 17, 2010
Assassin Xaero said:
Ahh, I can see you are new to this site. One thing, not everyone here is a BioWare fanboy like you, and we have our own opinions about things. So, next time, maybe try doing the mature thing and just accepting (or ignoring) the opinions of others, instead of doing the 12 year old thing of quoting their post to troll it by replacing what they said with your fanboyish rants.
Enkidu88 said:
Assassin Xaero said:
Looks like he (or the forum) just screwed up the quote, the guy two posts down from yours made that post. I don't think he was attempting to troll you.
Indeed, no troll attempts were involved (though it was apparently successful regardless). I have no idea how your name ended up there since I only used the Quote button (which is not even near your post o_O). No malefic intentions here.
On that note though I can certainly agree with your actual statement that the sex scenes don't necessarily make the game better for everyone, though I personally don't care either way. Hell BG2 did just fine with a simple fade to black and some snappy after-talk.

Assassin Xaero said:
If that is true, then my bad/apologies.
Accepted. My apologies on behalf of the Quote button as well. ;)

Also my previous post has been edited for posterity.

PS: Real trolls would have a field day with you Xaero, so you might want to work on raising your Trolling Resistance. :)

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Sand Engineer said:
PS: Real trolls would have a field day with you Xaero, so you might want to work on raising your Trolling Resistance. :)
Yeah, I know... it's amazing that I have been banned from the Steam forums by now with how I react to them... I have the flame shield but no troll armor. :(


New member
Mar 25, 2010
I feel like sex in some of these video games is this old, tired, probably sick animal they keep pulling out onto stage to parade around a few times before shoving it back into a cage that is too small.

It'd be like one of my favorite sci fi/fantasy authors to do an interview and have questions about sex shoved in their face, and them using those questions to hype up the book. That's not why I'm reading it! That's not why I'm playing your game. :( Please put your tired animal out into a wildlife preserve so it can have a little bit of its dignity back.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
They're probably trying to get some group upset at them and use it as free publicity, or to get the right group upset, so people will buy it out of spite at them


New member
Sep 9, 2009
nipsen said:
mattag08 said:
Does it not make my point incredibly obvious and succinct at the same time?
..well, no.. Sexual tension can creep into a conversation without being vulgar in any way - or even overtly sexual. Not that Bioware always manages to do that. But with the example in Mass Effect 1, it's not necessarily about sex, but about your close relationship with the other character, that Shepard needs someone to support him/her for once - and the fact that the entire universe could very well be dead tomorrow anyway, and so on. So it's at least part of the narrative, with the entire segment having a purpose, instead of being just about fucking.
You obviously missed the earlier part where I responded to someone saying that sex was no big deal and Americans needed to "grow up." I figure if sex is no big deal--just a biological function--then perhaps the poster would be willing to let me sate some of my urges with his partner. Resistance to such a request would indicate that there's something more than "just sex" at work.