EVE Online Geniuses Blow Up Six Years of Game Time


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Jaredin said:
Oh god...I would be soooo angry!

...But, thats such a bad way to do things, developer side...why would they put something like that at risk so easilly...I...I would be talking to some GM about it, but, I bet it will be a less than Luke warm reception
you seem to be missing the point of eve online. Its main selling point is that the players have unlimited options for how to play. The player controlled environment is the whole point, as is the risk and reward system. If you are gonna travel with several billion ISK worth of stuff in your cargo PROTECT IT.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Awesome. It's nice to see games punish idiocy, since flying around with a cargo of 74 PLEXes is nothing more than pure, unrefined idiocy. I hope CCP will keep that harsh theme in WoD Online. That's what makes MMOs fun.

Also, this calls for HTFU

PxDn Ninja

New member
Jan 30, 2008
versoth said:
You're right, I was saying Jita was known for suicide ganking because even if the guy somehow forgot he was at war, he should know not to have that much isk in cargo sitting outside 4-4.

Yes. Even morons would have known not to do what he did. He is the SuperMoron.
Ah, very true. Rolling around Jita without a tank or some cover is liking rolling around south central in a very nice car late at night. You're just asking for trouble.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
The guys that blew up the Kestrel are heroes among EVE pirates like myself.
They couldn't care less about people hating them for or crying over it. They are probably enjoying it and at most only mildly disappointed that they didn't get to loot the PLEXes.

They aren't the ones being stupid - the guy who undocked his ship with 6 years of game time was.

This was a calculated criminal act within the game's rules, but it was an awesome attempt at what could have been one of the most awesome booty ever procured by any "lowlife pirate scum" that roams the galaxy! \o/
I need to buy those guys some spirits.

And yes, CCP knew this was going to happen, they knew people were going to cry massively about it and they brought this change anyway because this is EVE.

Nothing is yours alone unless you never ever leave station with it.
1st and 2nd rules of EVE: Do not undock with anything you can't afford to lose.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Oh God that is awesome. I laughed so hard. Reminds me of my Thief on Shadowbane :D

RIP greatest pvp mmorpg evar.
*Pours a little splash of his 40 onto his desk.*


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Woodsey said:
Haha, hilarious!

I love the stories that come out of EVE: I remember reading about a corporation that spent 6 months infiltrating another, getting people in place at every tier in the corp, before finally getting the chance to attack the head of it who had a one-of-a-kind ship and a lot of money. An attack which they launched using a single word or phrase throughout every member of their corporation.

Some people just have too much time on their hands.
I disagree. I've never played it, but that is exactly the kind of thing I look for in a good game. Depth. Being able to choose my own objective, and get there by whatever means I see fit. In most games, you can work hard and make your own fortune, some games you have to kill everything else in the universe to make your fortune, but how many games actually let you subvert your enemies into submission?

PxDn Ninja

New member
Jan 30, 2008
ShadowKatt said:
Woodsey said:
Haha, hilarious!

I love the stories that come out of EVE: I remember reading about a corporation that spent 6 months infiltrating another, getting people in place at every tier in the corp, before finally getting the chance to attack the head of it who had a one-of-a-kind ship and a lot of money. An attack which they launched using a single word or phrase throughout every member of their corporation.

Some people just have too much time on their hands.
I disagree. I've never played it, but that is exactly the kind of thing I look for in a good game. Depth. Being able to choose my own objective, and get there by whatever means I see fit. In most games, you can work hard and make your own fortune, some games you have to kill everything else in the universe to make your fortune, but how many games actually let you subvert your enemies into submission?
This is how BOB was taken down. Goonswarm and BOB were at war for a long time (years) and the guy who managed paying the fees for the corp and alliance registry (money paid each month to keep the alliance alive) got pissed off, and through secret channels contacted Goonswarm. Once terms were worked out, the time came to pay up and money was sent to the guy, who then kept it and didn't update the registry, causing the alliance to laps and all their sovereignty to fail. Thus a massive assault from all of BOBs enemies began and destroyed the alliance.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
ShadowKatt said:
Woodsey said:
Haha, hilarious!

I love the stories that come out of EVE: I remember reading about a corporation that spent 6 months infiltrating another, getting people in place at every tier in the corp, before finally getting the chance to attack the head of it who had a one-of-a-kind ship and a lot of money. An attack which they launched using a single word or phrase throughout every member of their corporation.

Some people just have too much time on their hands.
I disagree. I've never played it, but that is exactly the kind of thing I look for in a good game. Depth. Being able to choose my own objective, and get there by whatever means I see fit. In most games, you can work hard and make your own fortune, some games you have to kill everything else in the universe to make your fortune, but how many games actually let you subvert your enemies into submission?
Well, I was joking, but it seems like something quite possible in a lot of MMOGs.

Exchange "corporation" for "guild" and you're doing the same thing in WoW, so that you can steal the guild leader's awesome-o armour or whatever.

They're all real players obviously, so of course you can deceive them.

Mr Snuffles

Owner of Mister Toast
Apr 15, 2009
O.O I go away for ONE day and my corp manage to fucking ruin someone's game

1 word to my corpmates - Good job =)

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that the pilot who held the PLEX purposefully used a weak ship and a ganking area? Possible revenge? Betrayal to join the other corp? Who knows, it just seems unlikely someone would do something that stupid if they had that sort of cargo unless it was for another purpose. (And wouldn't take make a nice twist?)


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Confirming I was on voice comms in a different channel when this went down.

Hilarious spin on this. It wasn't their PLEX, it belonged to their enemies, and it's better off destroyed than belonging to them. That's how it goes.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I love EVE for thing like this. The lack of moderation is actually a feature. If someone hacked and stole someone's stuff in WoW there would be mod wrath and bans (in an ideal word). In EVE it's part of the game.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Woodsey said:
ShadowKatt said:
Woodsey said:
Haha, hilarious!

I love the stories that come out of EVE: I remember reading about a corporation that spent 6 months infiltrating another, getting people in place at every tier in the corp, before finally getting the chance to attack the head of it who had a one-of-a-kind ship and a lot of money. An attack which they launched using a single word or phrase throughout every member of their corporation.

Some people just have too much time on their hands.
I disagree. I've never played it, but that is exactly the kind of thing I look for in a good game. Depth. Being able to choose my own objective, and get there by whatever means I see fit. In most games, you can work hard and make your own fortune, some games you have to kill everything else in the universe to make your fortune, but how many games actually let you subvert your enemies into submission?
Well, I was joking, but it seems like something quite possible in a lot of MMOGs.

Exchange "corporation" for "guild" and you're doing the same thing in WoW, so that you can steal the guild leader's awesome-o armour or whatever.

They're all real players obviously, so of course you can deceive them.
Not really, WoW has multiple safe guards, you cannot do a fraction of the things in WoW that you can in EVE.

PxDn Ninja

New member
Jan 30, 2008
thenumberthirteen said:
I love EVE for thing like this. The lack of moderation is actually a feature. If someone hacked and stole someone's stuff in WoW there would be mod wrath and bans (in an ideal word). In EVE it's part of the game.
If you hack or anything in Eve you get the slap down as well, just like any other game, but unlock a game like Wow, where if you fall for a scam or just do something stupid, Eve will not help you if you are an idiot, only if a game mechanic actually fails to behave as intended. Nothing in this story did not work as intended, thus legal play.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Holy shit, you can steal game-time now? I might just try it (again) now if its even easier to play for free. AND I WOULD GET TO BE A PIRATE TOO!


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So basically a griefer can now directly attack your playtime? That's a fucking retarded concept.