DracoSuave said:
everyone knows bayonetta was the better dante anyways
Seriously tho, DMC took a dive after the first one, to the point where they ditched the main character... and the best game of that style and substance was made by a completely different company with a completely different--female--character.
Change it up, for fuck sake it needs it.
Or do what 3 did.
- Add more Depth to the Character
- Made it more challenging
- Better Environments
- Very Discreet Backtracking
- Better and well designed enemies that come by the thousands
- Put Villains in the game that people actually CARE ABOUT!!
Seriously. Vergil and Mundus were the only villains anyone cared about and the only reason Mundus was relevant was because he was the Devil.
Finally Bayonetta was a game that just felt so anti-climactic in its storytelling that you honestly didn't know WTF happened even after several playthroughs.
Sorry Kamiya, but storytelling is not your strong suit
DMC 1 had a good premise for its time, but is overly cliche'd considering it was supposed to be a Resident Evil Spin Off
DMC 2 was alright in its story about a man trying to become the Devil, but copied #1's formula of creating a woman to lure in Dante (Learn from your past mistakes idiot)
DMC 3 sort of copied 2's story with another Human wishing to be like the Devil, only he's aiding Dante's Evil Twin who's hellbent on achieving ultimate power. (Strongest story out of the two, even with it's many cliches)
DMC 4's story is basically DMC 1 mixed with 2 with a new kid who dresses a little too closely to Dante. Only Difference is that the villain achieves ultimate power and poses as God
This new DmC while thank god it's an alternate universe strangely has one of the more interesting story premises. Guy can go in and out of limbo where Demons are constantly hunting him down (Cough BAYONETTA Cough) and he's aided by a chick who I swear reminds me of something you find in the nearest BDSM and Hot Topic Dumpster labeled with hundreds of Dead Kennedy Stickers "Ironically".
Still this is Ninja Theory and with less enemies and even less frantic combat I can anticipate this game on being a cross between Ninja Gaiden and God of War.....cept with LOADS LESS ENEMIES.
And no style meter!?!
WTF!? The whole point of that style meter is for not just instant gratification, but for helping evaluate a player throughout the mission which is a staple of the DMC series.
The fact that a Capcom game is not grading you on your performance is quite disturbing and somewhat disappointing.
After all I didn't just juggle five enemies in mid-air while switching between a Bazooka Briefcase, a Katana and two pistols coupled with gauntlets just to have the game look away and go, "OK They're Dead"