Even the Floor Hates the New Dante


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Must admit, if it wasn't a dmc game, I'd be tempted to give it a look.

But I hate it. The focus on air combat is stupid, it means the other enemies just gawp at you while you slice up one of their buddies. I hate how much Dante looks like Taleel and I overall hate the lack of respect and overall cockiness Ninja Theory have been displaying during the making of this game. They seriously expect this to sell 5 million copies, despite 3 and 4 only selling up to 3 million, there's just no way.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I'm just not sold on this new Dante, I miss the cocky shenanigans of the old Dante. In one aspect he seemed more realistic because lets face it... if you had all those powers you'd be a little cocky too.

This new Dante looks like he walked off the set of one of the twilight movies. He has a slightly more down to earth personality which is in some ways makes him more realistic as a person but Dante's not a person he's a crazy powerful demon... this new characterization just doesn't seem to fit him.

I can understand the reason for the change... There really wasn't much more you could do with the old Dante besides somehow stripping all of his powers away. But a reboot just seems like its a disservice to the old franchise that fans have come to know and love. I think this new guy is interesting but it would have been better to have him be a completely new character... it just seems like the writers got lazy and they couldn't think up anything new.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Warachia said:
I thought the escape trailer looked pretty cool, now all they have to do is change the name away from a series it clearly is not and I'll be interested.

EDIT: Damn, I thought people were joking when they said the lead designer designed the character to look like himself. Now I probably won't get the game just out of disgust.

That feeling when you will never have a scrap of respect for the "new" Dante.

This is that feeling.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Shark Wrangler said:
Hobonicus said:
Shark Wrangler said:
Are you guys judging something that isn't even out yet, what are nerds from the future.
You may wanna look up and study the word 'speculation'. Amazingly enough, it's actually a pretty common phenomenon.
You might want to keep your opinions about something you no nothing about to yourself. Your not on the development team, nor do you have access to a early copy. You know I am familiar with the word, who isn't. I am just sick of people bitching about something that they are probably going to buy when it comes out. It seems like trailors are just an excuse for nerds to make a thread and then cut the game that they have not played to ribbons.
I see that point made a lot, but I still don't get it. Why should someone keep their opinions to themselves on a discussion board? An opinion can't do anything if it's censored. I would never want someone to shut up and not voice their thoughts, even if I don't agree with them.

And speculation is a perfectly valid thing. We see footage that's meant to be seen and given judgement and we do just that. We maybe can't accurately judge the whole game, but assumptions based on recognition, contextual evidence, and past experience is a very real thing. Speculation is perfectly reasonable on both a subjective and objective level.

Someone may not know the whole story or have felt the combat in action, but they can still see Dante's new look and think "I don't like that". Maybe they'll change their mind later, but right now they have a feeling towards something and should not be kept silent because of someone's refusal to accept basic human insight.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Shark Wrangler said:
Hobonicus said:
Shark Wrangler said:
Hobonicus said:
Shark Wrangler said:
Are you guys judging something that isn't even out yet, what are nerds from the future.
You may wanna look up and study the word 'speculation'. Amazingly enough, it's actually a pretty common phenomenon.
You might want to keep your opinions about something you no nothing about to yourself. Your not on the development team, nor do you have access to a early copy. You know I am familiar with the word, who isn't. I am just sick of people bitching about something that they are probably going to buy when it comes out. It seems like trailors are just an excuse for nerds to make a thread and then cut the game that they have not played to ribbons.
I see that point made a lot, but I still don't get it. Why should someone keep their opinions to themselves on a discussion board? An opinion can't do anything if it's censored. I would never want someone to shut up and not voice their thoughts, even if I don't agree with them.

And speculation is a perfectly valid thing. We see footage that's meant to be seen and given judgement and we do just that. We maybe can't accurately judge the whole game, but assumptions based on recognition, contextual evidence, and past experience is a very real thing. Speculation is perfectly reasonable on both a subjective and objective level.

Someone may not know the whole story or have felt the combat in action, but they can still see Dante's new look and think "I don't like that". Maybe they'll change their mind later, but right now they have a feeling towards something and should not be kept silent because of someone's refusal to accept basic human insight.
I don't care about peoples opinions, I only get mad when people state it as fact. Get angry that I even have to explain this, come on people.
But check out all the comments before your original dig on the fans. I don't see a single one that states opinion as fact. Nearly all of them say Dante/the combat/the environment "looks" like such and such. As in, from their perspective. As in, their opinion, not fact. They're explicitly stating their opinion on how the trailer looks. In fact of all those posters only one made any attempt at guessing about the final product and he specifically said it as his opinion.

I think a more accurate explanation is that you just overlooked all that and assumed stereotypical responses because you wanted to be spiteful.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Do we have any reason as to why they changed Dante's look? How does such a change fit in the canon other than going to the salon and saying "I want everything changing please, miss."?

I really liked his look before to be honest :(.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
what the hell are people complaining about? that looked fucking awesom, i like the ingame character model, looks better then the rendered version (less douche) ninja theory now how to make buddy games and no one can deny that the fighting doesnt look like good old dmc


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I'm with the floor.

Fuck new dante, fuck this game, and fuck everyone who helped make it.

There are only two DMC games: the first one, and the third one.

Oh sure, the game LOOKS pretty, but I am an implacable fan and will not settle for anything less than my EXACT DEMANDS!


New member
Jul 23, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
When rebooting a franchise, the important thing to keep in mind is you don't give a flying fuck about the old audience
unless you want the SUPPORT of the old fanbase, who are the reason you have the money to MAKE the reboot.

That's the reason we're all so pissed about this. Everything that we LIKE about the games is being removed, and it feels like a betrayal. The best reboots are the ones who keep some elements of the old stuff, and this essentially keeps nothing that made DMC the icon it is.

Look, DMC could use a reboot. The continuity snarls, the... *painfully* stupid directions in the story... The whole tony redgrave thing... half of it doesn't make sense, and half of what does is idiotic.

So a DMC reboot would have been awesome.
But this isn't DMC. This is Devil May Fanfic, starring bad cosplay!

Half-human, half demon devil hunter
Red coat. White hair. Big Sword
Fast, over-the-top gameplay.
Lots of enemies
gothic visuals

this game has none of that, and worse, pretends to!


New member
Aug 24, 2009
ohmahgawd ima totally not gonna buy tihs he haz black haaaiiiir...
really, guys? because of his hair? did you play DMC for the hairstyle and colour?

seriously, if the rest of the game isn't as bright as this sneak-peak (although, that's something different, for a change; like these big disaster movies where the weather usually screams end-of-the-world-omg; a meteor crashing on a sunny day is quite a welcome change), it could work quite well
less FPS = potentially more stuff going on => me likey :D
and less FPS = less likely to drop

and although more frames feel a bit smoother (when they're >>30), from 24 fps on the eye sees a steady movement, so why bother

oh right, because then there wouldn't be something to cry about
i iz gam0r i haz 2 h8!!!!111111oneoneeleventyone ;)


New member
Jul 23, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
OutrageousEmu said:
When rebooting a franchise, the important thing to keep in mind is you don't give a flying fuck about the old audience
unless you want the SUPPORT of the old fanbase, who are the reason you have the money to MAKE the reboot.

That's the reason we're all so pissed about this. Everything that we LIKE about the games is being removed, and it feels like a betrayal. The best reboots are the ones who keep some elements of the old stuff, and this essentially keeps nothing that made DMC the icon it is.
I'd lije some examples of this. Good remakes, like Casino Royale and VBatman Begins, have almost nothing in common with the previous movies.
casino royale was an okay movie, and based itself on the bond books, not the film franchise. its sequel was pure shit. Batman Begins is based on the grittier batman comics. This is not the same thing as rebooting a franchise that has no other material. Devil May Cry is devil may cry, and serves as the root that the series should be returning to (which is what a reboot does)

Both your examples are still returning to their SOURCE, but this is IGNORING its source.
here's an example for MY point: Tristar's Godzilla, often referred to by kaiju fans as GINO, or Godzilla In Name Only. Instead of the deep link to the cultural thought process of the time and the emphasis on devastation, the tristar movie decided to focus on a crappy love interest and bad comedy. Godzilla is barely in the movie, and when he (it?) is, it is still centered on the humans trying to stop him, not the awesome and terrible ruination the monster from the deeps brings to that arrogant creature called man. The movie was terrible and liked by few, and outright hated by kaiju fans, the fans who should have been the biggest source of income for the movie.

I WILL grant you that the recent Star Trek reboot was fairly successful, and not bad to boot. It kept little of the idea it was returning to. BUT IT KEPT THE PARTS THAT MATTERED.

Kirk's never-say-die attitude and reckless impulsiveness
Spock's comparatively meditative nature
A funny Scot

that's NOT what we're getting from this game. We're getting dante's name, the presence of demons, and that's about it.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Griffolion said:
Do we have any reason as to why they changed Dante's look? How does such a change fit in the canon other than going to the salon and saying "I want everything changing please, miss."?

I really liked his look before to be honest :(.
We do have a reason as to why they changed his look, the lead designer, Taleel, thought it didn't look cool, and that is literally the only reason. Apparently his definition of looking cool is to make the character look almost exactly like himself as I've already put up a comparison shot.

Incidentally when asked about the fan backlash, he flat out said he doesn't care what fans think. This is one of a few cases where even if the game turns out to be the greatest game of all time I still wouldn't get it because of how much I loathe the lead designer.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
His place as a half demon who is out to kill them doesn't matter, then?

Okay, a good reboot that takes absolutely nothing from the previous? Conkers Bad Fur Day. A complete reboot of the character and the series.
Excuse me while I call BULLSHIT. Conkers bad fur day was a sequel to a gameboy game on an entirely different system, it might have changed themes, it didn't suddenly make Conker half alien or switch to focus entirely on the weaker aspects of the game.

That bit about Dante being half demon is still there, but now for some reason he's also half angel, removing any trace of the original character who was always proud of his humanity, and who started a demon hunting business because his human mother was killed by them.

Obviously the games aren't lauded for their story, but that's one of the first things you learn in the first game, and ignoring it shows you really don't give a shit about the source material.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
OutrageousEmu said:
Okay, a good reboot that takes absolutely nothing from the previous? Conkers Bad Fur Day. A complete reboot of the character and the series.
BFD wasn't a reboot. It was a sequel.

and it isn't the half-demon part of dante thats important, its the half-HUMAN part.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
s0p0g said:
ohmahgawd ima totally not gonna buy tihs he haz black haaaiiiir...
really, guys? because of his hair? did you play DMC for the hairstyle and colour?

seriously, if the rest of the game isn't as bright as this sneak-peak (although, that's something different, for a change; like these big disaster movies where the weather usually screams end-of-the-world-omg; a meteor crashing on a sunny day is quite a welcome change), it could work quite well
less FPS = potentially more stuff going on => me likey :D
and less FPS = less likely to drop

and although more frames feel a bit smoother (when they're >>30), from 24 fps on the eye sees a steady movement, so why bother

oh right, because then there wouldn't be something to cry about
i iz gam0r i haz 2 h8!!!!111111oneoneeleventyone ;)
Oh for crying out loud, people have already posted several times why this is terrible, thankfully summed up here: http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/7475/1320195833245.jpg

Please read that and come back when you can type properly.

Also Less FPS means less stuff going on, not more.

OutrageousEmu said:
Nearly all of those points are completely crap. When rebooting a franchise, the important thing to keep in mind is you don't give a flying fuck about the old audience. The old audience liked the old game, and if you were making the old game you wouldn't be rebooting it. You are making a game to appeal to a new audience.

Also, its amazing how the thing about Eva hinges entirely on Dante having absolutely no negative interactions with demons now. So, pray tell, why are they trying to kill him?
"The important thing to keep in mind is you don't give a flying fuck about the old audience" has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, if you are rebooting a franchise and don't care about the people who used to like it you've lost 90% of you're customers, and if you are making it for an entirely new audience, then make it a new IP so people think it's something new and special, by identifying it with the older series you alienate people who didn't like those games for whatever reason, and making it quite clear you don't care about them you alienate the original fans.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
TheDooD said:
katsabas said:
I really, really like the concept of the city being out for your blood. I only wish it wasn't like Uncharted. I want to go up against buildings trying to flatten me. I am sort of looking forward to the game.

They have to take this further. Give me an entire demonized Empire State Buliding to fight, damn it!
That was in DMC2 and that boss was badass. Hell people just didn't notice quite a few of DMC2 bosses were extremely badass just limited to the PS2's current power and also AI coding knowledge.

Hell I want my HD DMC2 with updated Combat controls for Dante, Lucia and Trish.
Oh, riiiiight. That giant monster thing that came out of a building on which Dante fought a helicopter. What was its name, Nefasturis ?