Ever Been caught?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
I can't remember how old I was, but based on the friends I had at the time, and that I didn't have my own computer yet, I think I was about 10-12 years old when my dad asked me to stop downloading pictures of naked women onto the computer. And I even did a good job of hiding them, but he's computer savvy.

On a related note, when I finally did get my first computer, I ended up having put so much sleazy porn on it that the hard-drive couldn't even be formatted. Don't know how it worked, but that's the truth. It sure did teach me about safe porn surfing though.

Now, of course, I have a 100GB porn collection, so it'll be a while before I'll have to go on the internet for it again, and in the meanwhile I'll enjoy not having to worry about getting malware on my computer.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Yea, the day before I turned 18 I was on my laptop watching some ahem high quality mature adult films. I had my lap top set up so I could see out the front window since no one else was home. Low and behold my mom comes back home, but enters through the back door, no pun at all, and screams "What are you looking at" I shut the screen and go nothing. She says "Then open it" I yank out the back cord, and she forgets that laptops have batteries.

Then at dinner she says to my father, "So how was your day, etc. So, your son was looking at gay porn on the computer."
"No, I wasn't"
"I saw a man!"
"Strait porn has men in it."
My father, the preacher, "He's right, it does."


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Marik2 said:
Aby_Z said:
No, I'm sneaky about my viewing.
That's what they want you to think.
The only time that came close was never mentioned and that was at my dad's house.

At my moms', I've mastered the art of super-hearing. That, and the fact that the garage door is fairly loud.


New member
Sep 16, 2008
Just a tip. If you use a router it most likely keeps a log. So if you really don't want to be found out clear that as well as your browser history.
It will probably be for most people in your address bar: after which you type in your username and password. If you have the defaults you should change them for security reasons.

Edit: I better answer the topic question as well. No, I have never been caught. I'm very good at avoiding detection despite many attempts to discover me by siblings.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
No. There was one time that was close, but I had it in another window and managed to X out both instantly so that my mom didn't notice.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Nope, nevers. Just wipe your history as soon as you finish.

Blow your pipe, have a wipe, that's what Peep Show taught me.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
searron said:
Yea, the day before I turned 18 I was on my laptop watching some ahem high quality mature adult films. I had my lap top set up so I could see out the front window since no one else was home. Low and behold my mom comes back home, but enters through the back door, no pun at all, and screams "What are you looking at" I shut the screen and go nothing. She says "Then open it" I yank out the back cord, and she forgets that laptops have batteries.

Then at dinner she says to my father, "So how was your day, etc. So, your son was looking at gay porn on the computer."
"No, I wasn't"
"I saw a man!"
"Strait porn has men in it."
My father, the preacher, "He's right, it does."
O my God thank you sir. You just made my terrible night a little bit better after that


New member
Mar 1, 2010
WrcklessIntent said:
TriggerUnhappy said:
WrcklessIntent said:
TriggerUnhappy said:
WrcklessIntent said:
Ok so recently and I'm talkin like 40 min ago my dad decided to talk to me about the porn that he knows i've watched. Skipping a whole awkward conversation later he basically just told me to stop and to be honest i've tried but i mean I am a teen and it is kind've expected of me.
Question for thread is have you ever been caught and have they ever talked to you about it?
Wait, your dad told you to stop masturbating? Is he extremely religious or something?
Not really just to stop watchin porn which i have tried severel times but damn its tough.
So he's not very religious? What's his problem with porn then? If this persists, keep on watching, but be sure to delete your history, problem solved.
Yea doesn't work. I deleted my history and my dad works for IBM programming/software division. He made back ups or recovered it i don't know what exactally but deleting history doesn't work for me
He looked at the cache or the cookies probably.

Nyan Cat

New member
Jun 7, 2009
I'm sure my parents know, but they haven't confronted me yet. So I guess I'm in the clear.


Oct 20, 2009
Never been caught, no. I always make sure that either no one is at home or everyone else is asleep before I check out the sites I check out. Plus it helps that I'm the only one that uses this computer.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Furburt said:
Nope. But then again, my parents are rational, perceptive folk, and I'm a teenage boy. It's fair to assume that they've made the connection.

They wouldn't mind at all anyway. If they don't mind me doing drugs, I'm pretty sure they don't mind me looking at pornography.

Hell, I joke about it with my parents. Also, if your dad tells you to stop, tell him that it's actually unhealthy for you not to. It can lead to mental problems later in life if you don't masturbate when you're a teenager.
There is actually a reason to do it!?! Wow i now have an excuse if it ever happens again.
Apr 29, 2010
Disaster Button said:
Nope, been close though.

Ironically, and rather awkwardly, I have caught my dad a few times. The mental scars still hurt.
I know how you feel. I've caught my step dad a few times as well. Worst of all, each time I did, his door was open. You'd think he would learn.

I've only been caught once. My mom forgot about it the next day.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
My mom found porn on my computer a few years back, very uncomfortable. Though I have also found a box full of porn DVDs in my dad's closet, so that made my feel batter(and laugh my ass off).


New member
Mar 1, 2010
WrcklessIntent said:
searron said:
Yea, the day before I turned 18 I was on my laptop watching some ahem high quality mature adult films. I had my lap top set up so I could see out the front window since no one else was home. Low and behold my mom comes back home, but enters through the back door, no pun at all, and screams "What are you looking at" I shut the screen and go nothing. She says "Then open it" I yank out the back cord, and she forgets that laptops have batteries.

Then at dinner she says to my father, "So how was your day, etc. So, your son was looking at gay porn on the computer."
"No, I wasn't"
"I saw a man!"
"Strait porn has men in it."
My father, the preacher, "He's right, it does."
O my God thank you sir. You just made my terrible night a little bit better after that
I do what I can, I've got lots of fun stories like this. Like the time I made my roommate in college watch deep throat. My mom called me, my response "Can't talk, making Kevie watch deep throat." I had a similar response when she called me at a strip club. "Can't talk, watching ladies remove their clothing for dollar bills." "WHAT?!!" *click*


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I'm now at that age (twenties) when your parents (who i visit frequently as i live down the road), don't care. In fact just the other day i was chillin with my dad, and he goes 'so your a computer person and surf the net alot...have you come across any good free porn sites?' i literally sat there for a minute stunned like id just been struck with the blunt end of an axe, and then just said 'yes, but i'm not going to tell you, nyah!'. then we laughed our asses of for ten minutes.

after we calmed down my mum comes out and asks 'what was that all about?' then we lost it again.

Good times


New member
May 25, 2010
People shouldn't snoop on viewing history. If someone snoops, they WILL find something bad or awkward that you've looked at. If you stumble across something, surely the least awkward thing for both parties is to keep your mouth shut, why do people have to talk? And being told off about it is stupid too. Wish people (generally parents and females) would realise that there's nothing wrong with looking at porn.

I haven't been caught. I clear history and don't save any of it anywhere, because it's so easily accessible online. But hate grows inside whenever someone goes on my pc.