Everyone's hating on Nickelback


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Why would you care? I mean, really? I like a couple of their tracks, despise a couple, and am mostly positive about them. They're generic, and not excellent, but that on it's own hasn't ever made anything bad (And the musical tastes of those who dislike them don't exactly scream "indie").

If you like some of their stuff, go ahead. Listen away. What other people think should be of no concern to you.

Although, I do get mildy annoyed by their choice of subject material. Their earlier stuff tends towards a blander indie-rock type thing (Nowhere near that of course, but that's what they try to come across as) singing about hopeless love and heartbreak, then they turn to hard-rock stuff, singing about fucking and strippers and drinking (And to be fair, some of those songs are kind of fun), and then they turn back to being all nicey, but also taking a social stance with a pussified version of activism and punk with songs with nonsense lyrics like "When we stand together".

I mean, jeez. Kumbayah, we'll all get along if we all get along, and that'll make the world nice? Who are they trying to fool. I think a lot of the backlash is their overexposure, but also due to their tendency to riff on other genres. They don't do original or groundbreaking stuff, they just do versions of other genres, and change which one from album to album, and if you're a fan of the better stuff, you generally don't like those who come in, more popular, and sell a bunch of records with their feel. If you're hardcore about that, you're not going to like it. But then again, those people tend to be more insular in their genres anyway, so they're not the audience anyway. Nickelback are a soul-less musical entity, but, since pretty much everything I hear on the radio is that, they're a step above their competition.

Some people rag on Kroeger's voice a bit, but I don't mind it, and to be frank, their calls about how he's always gravelly or screaming seem out of place when most vocalists have a style that they use most of the time. If you don't like it, sure, but that's still not an objective measure. That'd be like getting mad at a death metal vocalist for growling, or hardcore punk for screaming or yelling, or Nicki Minaj for being an autotuned twat (Low blow. I'll admit that). And hey, compared to some things, doing what he does actually takes some effort, so there's that.

But really OP, stay classy with your rap hatred and apparent homophobia. That's really going to make people care for your opinion.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
I've never understood it. I think they're amazing. I mean sure, not the deepest band around, but they've got some catchy tunes and they sure put on a kick-ass live show :)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
lacktheknack said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OhJohnNo said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nicklelback are the very definition of generic rock music.

Generic lyrics, generic sound, there's just nothing genuine about the music either, on the one hand they sing about fucking shit up, then on the other, they're saying we all need to stand together to make the world a better place.

I hate the term 'sell out', but they're right up there with Linkin Park.
"Sell Out"? Linkin Park didn't sell out. If anything they did a Radiohead and voluntarily sacrificed hugeness to do the music they want. Respected 'em more ever since A Thousand Suns (beautiful Floydesque album, btw).

OT: Nickelback are way overhated IMO. Far from the worst band around right now - just a sort of average one. I'm fine with them really, their songs are catchy an' all. Also, Rockstar has a tad more smarts to its name than people give it credit for.
So Linkin Park didn't make a track exclusively for the release of Medal of Honour?

Wait, they did ¬_¬
<link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_of_Glass>Nope. Lisa Miskovsky didn't "sell out" when she allowed EA to attach her song to Mirror's Edge, either.

In Linkin Park's case, Castle of Glass was the best part.
Except this isn't a case of merely licensing the music to the game.

They made it for the game.
The song was was written and released on "Living Things" back in June.

The attached-to-the-game version was released in October.

That's why I included a link. -_-

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Nickelback is the definition of "Eh. It exists." for me.
I don't especially love them or hate them. I barely pay any mind to them, and their music is precisely the kind of stuff I can completely tune out.

So, I just don't get the hate.

CpT_x_Killsteal said:
Now I get why people started getting all uppity about Justin Bieber when he became famous (because he's got more money and girls than you will ever have in your life)..
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want a legion of pedophiles lusting after me as his fanbase has done for much of his "career".
Pedophiles with horrid taste in music, no less.

Money? Well, yeah, but there are far bigger douchebags to be jealous of if you're going to hate on their bank account.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Well, for me it's a by-product of living in Alberta where it seems they're on the raido as much as possible. I wasn't a fan to begin with, but even the songs I liked got overplayed to the point of wanting my eardrum gouged out.

Snake Plissken

New member
Jul 30, 2010
I've never really understood the unbridled hatred for Nickelback and acts like Nickelback. By that, I mean anybody who can be ultra-popular while lacking a whole lot of originality. I don't take issue with the existence of them, or Justin Bieber, or Katy Perry, or Flo Rida, etc. Sure, they're pretty fucking boring as entertainers and there is nothing special about their music, but I truly don't understand why people call for their heads on a fucking stake. They discovered a formula that works, and now they never need to work another day in their lives. This really isn't any different than the rise of the boy bands in the late 90s or early 00s. To be honest, it really isn't any different than how Led Zeppelin's peers felt about them.

For the record, Nickelback is not a band I enjoy, but I suppose I can see why people like them. My issue with them isn't the fact that they are generic. My issue is with them is the fact that it almost seems like they WANT to be generic. It's not like they've never heard this criticism before a million times. They just keep on doing the same stale shit and it doesn't seem to bother them.

On a positive Nickelback note, Chad Kroeger does have the tone of God. The shit he plays is weak, but I can guarantee that he's spent plenty of time perfecting his guitar rig for perfect tone.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
Now I get why people started getting all uppity about Justin Bieber when he became famous (because he's got more money and girls than you will ever have in your life)
Implying I really give a shit about being wealthy, and also implying I'd rather be a man-whore than live happily with the one I married.


I don't like Bieber because his music is terrible. Simple as that.

...but Nickelback has been around for ages.
Yeah? So has U2, and I don't really like U2 either. Age doesn't automatically make them great.

So please enlighten me Escapists, why does everyone hate Nickelback all of a sudden?
Implying that my dislike of Nickelback is 'sudden.' I've always disliked Nickelback, ever since their first album. Why? Same reason as Bieber. Their music is terrible, simple as that.

It's like the music equivalent of McDonald's. Billions served doesn't necessarily mean it's of good quality.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
that lately, hating on Nickelback seems to be a trend.
Lately? Did we slip into the past? I have to warn the world about 9-11!

But seriously, the whole "recently" thing aside, Nippleback are one of the few groups I understand the hate for. I'm pretty laid back when it comes to Babyface Bieber, don't care about Carly Rae, and mostly just roll my eyes when I see people I don't like. But Nickelback's bland, uncreative, rehash songs a million times theme combined with Chad Kroeger's constipated growls really do get on your nerves. I'd like to live and let live, but they are pretty awful.

And still, I don't bring it up unless asked. But I seem to be more of an adult than most people. and that scares me.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
I don't really hate Nickelback, but I think they're a bad band that makes music so mediocre it's offensive. They're bad, but there are worse things you could listen to.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
lacktheknack said:
Daystar Clarion said:
OhJohnNo said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nicklelback are the very definition of generic rock music.

Generic lyrics, generic sound, there's just nothing genuine about the music either, on the one hand they sing about fucking shit up, then on the other, they're saying we all need to stand together to make the world a better place.

I hate the term 'sell out', but they're right up there with Linkin Park.
"Sell Out"? Linkin Park didn't sell out. If anything they did a Radiohead and voluntarily sacrificed hugeness to do the music they want. Respected 'em more ever since A Thousand Suns (beautiful Floydesque album, btw).

OT: Nickelback are way overhated IMO. Far from the worst band around right now - just a sort of average one. I'm fine with them really, their songs are catchy an' all. Also, Rockstar has a tad more smarts to its name than people give it credit for.
So Linkin Park didn't make a track exclusively for the release of Medal of Honour?

Wait, they did ¬_¬
<link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_of_Glass>Nope. Lisa Miskovsky didn't "sell out" when she allowed EA to attach her song to Mirror's Edge, either.

In Linkin Park's case, Castle of Glass was the best part.
Except this isn't a case of merely licensing the music to the game.

They made it for the game.
As far as I know they released Castle of Glass way before the new MoH game, the only song I think they ever "made" for something was New Divide, which was for the 2nd transformers movie. If anything they decided it would fit well with MoH, kinda like the catalyst from a thousand suns. I would still rather have Linkin Park over almost any other band, because they at least do good things with their money. From what I remember they still do a bunch of charity work and actually care about people other than themselves like a lot of other artists. So to me, even if they do "sell out" as long as they make good music and keep doing good things that's all I really care about.
I guess I should post something on topic...

I like and hate Nicklelback, all the songs like; if everyone cared, photograph and all those other ones like it I find are great songs. But I hate all their fratboy party music because I find it irritating stupid and dumb (Yay for redundancy!) but that's just me


New member
Oct 17, 2011
I haven't heard a Nickelback song in years. Back when I was listening to them just 'cause I still listened to the radio what I remember thinking was not that they were bad so much as they were boring. Perhaps this has changed, but I distinctly remember hearing multiple songs off of one of their albums and having a difficult time distinguishing between them. So I'd say that it's not that they play badly, they just don't play anything particularly unique or interesting and thus people are annoyed when they are essentially rewarded for being dull.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
Nickelback's singer sounds like a wussy version of batman trying to sing. Honestly, he sounds like he smokes a pack of cigarettes before he sings each song, it's awful.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I like Nickelback. Always have.

But then I'm pretty used to enjoying stuff everyone seems to hate.



New member
Mar 26, 2011
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
So I was walking around the bush listening to Nickelback when I remembered, that lately, hating on Nickelback seems to be a trend. Now I get why people started getting all uppity about Justin Bieber when he became famous (because he's got more money and girls than you will ever have in your life) but Nickelback has been around for ages. I thought it might be because they suddenly became popular, which is why alot of people began a phase of hating Linken Park, but I haven't heard of them standing out lately.

So did I miss something? Did the group fly to Botswana and start torching children with flame-throwers?

Or did they not choose the "fag life" and don't say "***** nigga fuck monay titties ass" in every one of their songs like alot of rappers?

So please enlighten me Escapists, why does everyone hate Nickelback all of a sudden?
Personally, I don't hate them. I have a few of their songs on my ipod, but I really don't have any strong feelings one way or the other. They're just... kinda there. I think that's the issue most people have with them. They aren't terrible, but they aren't spectacular either, and they really don't take many risks. They sing about partying, and drinking, sex and fighting and that's the bulk of their content. There's a few odd songs here and there of course.

They're just a very safe, somewhat generic these days (with Theory of a deadman and the various other bands that have kinda moved in on Nickelback's sound) band who knows what they do well and generally doesn't try to reach outside the box. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, especially if you do enjoy that party rock kinda genre.

I do think the hate people direct their way is a little much, although I can understand the frustration when people (usually younger people) go on about how great Nickelback is. My own view is that Nickelback is an alright band to like, but if you go around saying they're you're favorite or one of the best ever, then you might need to try and broaden your horizons a little. Papa Roach, Disturbed, Drowning Pool and a few other bands kinda fall into this mid-tier for me. Some songs I like, but generally just overly safe and kinda samey when looked at as a whole.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Spiridion said:
Perhaps this has changed, but I distinctly remember hearing multiple songs off of one of their albums and having a difficult time distinguishing between them.
A while back, a friend of mine told me that her favorite radio station- in order to prove a point about Nickelback- played three of their most popular songs (at the time) overlaid atop each other. She told me that the chords and general "flow" of the songs matched up almost perfectly.

And so yeah, I think that's part of the hate right there. I don't care much myself, personally, and I don't buy into the hatedom, but I can see where a lot of their critics are coming from.


Itchy Witch
Apr 24, 2011
I'm subscribing to the "mediocre" trend here. Nickleback would be pretty badass somewhere around the '80s. Right now, it's just so... I've heard all of this before, come on! It's kind of sad. I'm especially sad about their singer. The guy has a good rock voice, he could do harder stuff, something more intense. There's a promise of that awesome hard rock scream there. But no. They just do this baby's first rock band routine since I can remember.
I don't actually hate them. I'm disappointed in them.

Linkin Park, I don't like them, and it's not about the music, either. The music is fine. I'm having issues with their lyrics. Granted, I haven't heard their latest album, but I remember, even when listening to Hybrid Theory, I kept thinking, I wrote better angsty lyrics back when I was 13 and still cut myself. Just my opinion, tho. I'd never judge anyone on whether they like certain bands or not.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
I really like them. I don't care if people think they sound generic or unoriginal. I listen to songs because they sound good, not because of how original or meaningful they are.