Ye but that still isn't evolving from apes. Evolution is change eventually. In some cases like the banana. Yes it is more specialised things like say the artic fox and the red fox in places like Ireland.Danzaivar said:We evolved from what apes evolved from. Evolution isn't change, it's specialisation.Glademaster said:We can't really evolve from apes when we are apes. That is a bad statement to make. To say we evolved from apes is more to say we evolved to monkeys ie have tails. I do see what you are but it is badly put across.
Also I would like to say that thinking something is fine just because it is fact by science is not a good idea. We should always strive to improve on theories like Evoultion so we can build a more complete model of what it is. Building on previous theories is necessary. Without it we wouldn't have relativity or the idea that light is a photon.
I hope I made what I was trying to say a lot clearer.
Well that is more what I was saying. I don't agree with people stating things like Evolution as truths when they are not. There is plenty of evidence around to suggest such scientific facts like Evolution and the Big Bang theory(red shift of universes for one thing, certain radio static). That was more what I was saying with just a theory.ZeroG131 said:Well, a theory is simply an idea with a wide range of evidence supporting it that someday may be truly and fully accepted into the scientific community. As you stated, we have a similar common ancestor with apes. Technically making apes our cousins. And I never really thought about it like that. The whole ancestor things, usually stops at the first lifeform ever to exist on this planet. A.K.A every species TRUE common ancestor. BUT if you take it apart, break down the cells, dismantle the eukaryotes, sort the smaller prokaryotes, dismantle the planet, unhook the star system and simply keep going and going and going...You pretty much get the source for EVERYTHING in the universe. Nothing but dust...Glademaster said:The thing is Evolution is only a theory(wouldn't be called a theory otherwise) and not fully complete and of badly put across in modern society. Although the general idea of it does exist we can't really say we can from apes. I am sure we have a similar ancestor going back millions of years but then again if you go back far enough we all came from space dust.
Did you even bother to read past the first page or do you just jump on something without even bother to read the thread? I have already answered this already. I never disputed evolution and said it was wrong which what you seem to be thinking. I said it was only a theory and not a truth like some people think which it is. In fact Relativity is just a theory and not a complete one at that. The great thing about Science is there is always something else to add always one more step to take. Being happy with one theory is stupid.Ben Hussong said:I hate when people who obviously don't understand science try to disprove science. "'?noun, plural -ries.Glademaster said:The thing is Evolution is only a theory(wouldn't be called a theory otherwise) and not fully complete and of badly put across in modern society. Although the general idea of it does exist we can't really say we can from apes. I am sure we have a similar ancestor going back millions of years but then again if you go back far enough we all came from space dust.
a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity." Theory does not mean unproven, unless your stupid enough to think that we can fly because " gravity is just a theory, herp derp"
If we were content with the first theories we would still think light was particles and would of never found out it was a wave(Young's slits[dirty experiment name]). If we stuck at that Einstein would have never of found out light is not really a wave in the classical sense but made up of packets of waves or photons. We also wouldn't have Quantum Physics or Relativity. Something I have also already said but the plum pudding model.
If we didn't look into things we wouldn't know that Atoms(a bad name as it comes from Atmos meaning indivisible in Greek) are made of protons, electrons and neutrons and mostly empty space. If we didn't look into that we wouldn't know Protons and Neutrons are made of Quarks. Even to our current understanding things like Electrons and other Leptons and Quarks are elementary particles but this may in time prove false. Our understanding is always changing
So I am not saying Evolution is wrong just an incomplete work that still has evolving to do. Saying otherwise is a bit stupid.
So I do think I understand science I just don't think you understand what I was saying in my post.