I don't think he means that it has any corelation to race, rahter that blaming violence on video games is *like* racism, illogical and stupid.
The article makes a lot more sense to me now, thanks to you, though the presentation definitely could have been better on this. Half the time, when I see a headline with the word "racism" in it, I think that someone is a bit over reactive or paranoid, and I skip right by it, depending on the context of the statement.Princess Rose said:Snip it, snip it good!
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. I've heard people called racist for pointing out that certain schools fail to provide a good education. It's a cheap, strained rhetorical trick and all it does is make it harder to take real cases seriously.Dr Snakeman said:Indeed. While I applaud this guy for trying to bring people to their senses regarding games, you're skating on very thin ice by calling this "racism". I guess the logic makes some sense, but still.EverythingIncredible said:Racism? Really? We're going there?
That is stupid.
I would hardly call that the case, politics are still a major role. The media's been using the ol' 'we found copies of (insert fringe political philosopher here, in Norway's case Ayn Rand) in his house' tactic. There's been a ton of journalists demonizing him and arguing that it was Randian 'hypernationalism and anti-immigration' that lead to the massacre. It's gotten so bad that the Cato Institute had to recently release an article detailing how these people have no idea what they're talking about and have never actually read Objectivist philosophy.ddq5 said:There certainly is a double standard in the media. When an Arabic person perpetrates an act of terrorism, everyone jumps on Islam's tits. When a white person commits a violent act of similar magnitude, they immediately attack video games. I guess they'd rather demonize games than Christian Conservativism.
That's delightful, gave me a good laugh.bootz said:I see the point
"Assumed" Reasons for shooting by race
Middle Eastern = "Terrorism
African American ="Gang/Drug Related"
Caucasian = "Video Games"
Japanese = "Whaling" or "Bad sushi"
Orc = "Griefing noob Gnome mage"
no its not. he's saying that if a school with 80% minorities (like mexicans, asians and african americans etc) and 20% white has a shooting (probably one of the minorities because theres so many (80% chance)) then people dont blame games.EverythingIncredible said:Racism? Really? We're going there?
That is stupid.
It's because nobody asks questions when the shooting is in an African-American majority population (I guess everyone assumes it's gangs?) And when it's perpetrated by middle easterners, everyone assumes it's extremist Islam. Whenever it happens in white majority populations, the default boogyman is vidja games.GaltarDude1138 said:You hear that, Fox? You're racist!
Seriously though, how does that make any logical sense? He says himself 95 percent of boys have played violent videogames, and I'm pretty sure that would be regardless of color of skin or country of origin, so someone explain to me how this makes sense in his mind....
*Minorities tend to be a part of gangs and therefore have an excuse to shoot up their school, but otherwise spot onTrilbyWill said:no its not. he's saying that if a school with 80% minorities (like mexicans, asians and african americans etc) and 20% white has a shooting (probably one of the minorities because theres so many (80% chance)) then people dont blame games.EverythingIncredible said:Racism? Really? We're going there?
That is stupid.
if the school is 20% minorities, then the shooter with probably be white (80% chance) and everyone blames videogames. so basically, he's pointed out people believe
-minorities just decide to shoot up their schools.
-white kids need to be tempted by games.
which is racist.
Actually, I don't find it stupid.EverythingIncredible said:Racism? Really? We're going there?
That is stupid.
I can see where you're coming from but I disagree that the main reason the media emphasizes video games as the cause is down to race. It's usually brought up when there's a high number of victims or the killing is particularly violent so they can say games lead to dehumanisation : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/3934277.stmbinnsyboy said:Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:First off: I read the article. I understand his argument behind the racism accusation. And it doesn't make sense. I know for a fact that people brought up Seug-Hei Cho's playing of Counter Strike. Seung-Hei Cho being Asian, not white.To be fair, "obsessive gamer" is also an Asian stereotype. Primarily towards Japanese or Korean males, but a lot of people choose not to differentiate between different Asian origins. And he was on a course at a tech university, further perpetuating the stereotype. Besides, that's one shooting in many. In terms of the majority, he's right. It is kind of racist. (key phrase there, kind of)kyoodle said:Clearly he's never heard of Virginia Tech. Games are blamed for mass killings, not whenever a white person shoots someone else.
See the link above, I don't understand why people are so eager to see racism everywhere.Avistew said:When the person is from a minority, their violence is blamed on the fact they belong to that minority.