BarbaricGoose said:
Heavy Rain had plot holes? This is news to me.
I don't like to admit it, but it kinda did.
Edit: got carried away typing in the captcha and didn't finish my post before hitting enter.
There was a bunch of things that were kind of left unexplained then passed off as plot twists in the endgame... which was like 95% awesome but there were a few niggling threads of "what is this I don't even".
Did they ever explain how Madison just happened to run into Ethan? I mean she was tracking him because his son was missing, but she just happened to wind up at his hotel and commence stalking him. It was all very sweet how she gave up thinking he was the Origami Killer midway, but there was a hole there.
Not to mention Ethan's blackouts, dreams about water, and coming out of a fugue state with an origami figure in his hand. All red herrings to make us suspect Ethan, never actually explained.