As much as it pains me to say this, my friends has Blops. My sister played it as well and she told me the game was buggy. AI is crap, explosives are hard to work with, and in some areas, you might be inexplicably dragged back, like your legs are on a playback-repeat switch. So from what I understand, from my third-person view, the game isn't all what it's cut out to be. So how do my friends come into this? They don't play the main story, just the online multiplayer...and they love it, blissfully ignoring many of the problems. Me? Not a fan of the war games, save maybe Halo, but it seems to be, if you truly love something, you can forgive him/her for the faults they have that annoy you, and I think that is what's going on. That game, for all it's worth, may be truly bad, but people still love it, and that's what's happening. It has nothing to do with actual merit, and that, that my fellow why I feel like burning down some of these fanboys' houses.