Extra Punctuation: Roleplaying Homosexual in Dragon Age 2


New member
Oct 30, 2010
A great article, truly some greater in-depth focus to the romance options etc.

What is all this about the game forcing Anders on you? You can simply refuse his advances and boom 100% straight action all the way, or just not have a healer like I myself did not 90% of the time (I only had him when the devious attack speed de-buff totally started raping my Rogue Hawke's rear-end) Poultices and proper position aka running away and cluster-fucking them with AoE works super. (FYI; I was playing on Nightmare-Hard, I admit nightmare was too hard when you couldn't avoid getting fucked by your own magic)

Doragon Shinzui

New member
Dec 7, 2009
I always like your written columns Yahtzee, they add another facet to both the personality we get from you and my own thoughts.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Well written piece.

I always take issue with the idea that games can somehow create romantic "conquests" for "everyone" since companionship and human sexuality is complex as all hell and while Dragon's Age 2 takes us a step in the right direction, games may never be able to reach those levels of inclusiveness.

But, baby steps, I suppose. Better to try than to not.

jawakiller said:
But seriously, I have gotten into fights with gays who think its cool to hit on me. Why? Because I have to prove I'm manly and not gay. I know I'm not into homosexual stuff but the ladies don't. And yes, its necessary.

I wish it wasn't like that but thats just how it is.
I am sure you're getting tired of being quoted by now, but frankly, this whole post is too hilarious to not respond to. Sorry if this is long, but there is a lot to work with, I think.

This may come as a surprise, but most gay men are like straight men in that they like to get laid. As such, spending their nights trying to bed straight dudes is a waste of time. I too have been chatted up by gay dudes, and once I realized where it was going a simple "Sorry, I'm straight" was enough to send them on their way. Unlike what some people might think, gays aren't out to "convert" us straight guys. After all, you wouldn't spend your night trying to chat up a woman who rejected you, would you?

Additionally, your post is steeped in the typical hetero-normative nonsense, where being gay is to be feminine (PROTIP: it isn't, gays, like all people, run the gamut). Thus, if girls think you're gay because you got hit on by a dude or that you are willing to tolerate such an insult to your straight pride ("Dear God, he though I was one of them, all girly and whatnot! Can't let this stand, lest the women think so too! Must be a proper man! Fisticuffs it is!"), they will not think you're a proper man (after all, gays are girly, right?) and reject your sorry ass. Why they would assume that you're gay because of that has yet to be revealed, but to be on the safe side, you must assert your dominance over them by bashing them. After all, women need to be impressed! Still, God help you if you ever get hit on by a gay bodybuilder or something. Then the women would really think you're gay.

Funny thing is, I used to have a similar mentality, the typical "gays are alright, as long as they don't bother me" type of thing. Not surprisingly though, I grew up and realized that like all people, gays just want to get along in life as much as any of us do. They have just as much right to hit on people as any of us, and unless you propose segregation (I fucking hope not) you getting hit on once in a while will be the result. Let me assure you though: it isn't a big deal.

And I wish your mentality wasn't the way things are, but acceptance takes time. We'll get there eventually.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Why exactly is this such a big deal? Why is homosexuality such a big issue among people?

Use the Morgan Freeman racism tactic.
Stop talking about it.


New member
Mar 30, 2008
I definitely agree with Yahtzee here, to the point that I would extend it to all characters. All of their dialogue is so well written and surprisingly well delivered I found it hard not to care more about whoever I was romancing. Regardless of sexual orientation, Dragon Age 2 really has set the bar for romantic subplots in RPGs. So much so that I'm excited to see if Bioware continues this trend in Mass Effect 3.

And you can keep your smelly Anders, liked him better in Awakening anyway.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
As far as the whole 'everyone is bisexual' thing, I do kinda agree that was a bit lazy on Bioware's part (though bisexuality is a whole lot more common then people think but I won't break out the Kinsey scale), but I totally see where they were going with it. They wanted everyone to have option to play through any of the subplots they wanted to on the first try. It would be nice though to have a bit of a range of sexuality in their next game.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Healing magic lets you last longer... in battle.
Why? What else do you think I was talking about?


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Bioware romances are mature and very well written...


New member
Dec 6, 2007
The most shocking part of this whole article is that after bashing DA2 mostly, he LIKES ANDERS? The worst character in the game? =O

As for the rest of the article, pretty sound to how I feel. While I've experimented once with other girls, I still love men far more, and only seek their company. Did that stop me from romancing Merrill? God no, she's just so damn cute and innocent in the game. A sidenote, if you use the party of Merrill, Varric, and Isabela you get easily the funniest series of dialogue in the game. Especially Merrill's reaction the Isabela's fanfic of Aveline. I laughed until it hurt at that. (In general Isabela causes some of the best conversations in the game, despite being a selfish asshole.)

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
well that was very insightfull
i mostly agree with what he said except i dont indulge in the Homsexual romances in DA2
mostly because i dont like the two options given Fenris is a dick, and Anders is...too preachy

i simply liked the women options more as characters before i ever decided what type of person i was gonna rolepay as

but give me a male romance option i actually like and id defenintly go through all the options just because i like the romance


New member
Feb 21, 2010
In Fallout New Vegas, I had Boone and Arcade Gannon in my hotel room. Arcade had awkwardly stumbled in front of Boone, and Boone just glared at him in a stand-off. I was a little worried that a homophobic Boone was going to commit a hate crime on my niave gay doctor. I wanted to whisper to Arcade, "Dude, he's NCR... Don't Ask, Don't Tell."


New member
Feb 21, 2010
arikata said:
As far as the whole 'everyone is bisexual' thing, I do kinda agree that was a bit lazy on Bioware's part (though bisexuality is a whole lot more common then people think but I won't break out the Kinsey scale), but I totally see where they were going with it. They wanted everyone to have option to play through any of the subplots they wanted to on the first try. It would be nice though to have a bit of a range of sexuality in their next game.
I found it kind of weird that Alister was "bi-sexual." My first female character awkwardly romanced him, but he easily dumped her after crying so much about the Duncan he adored. Then the second time I discovered the gay Alister, and it felt a bit more natural. Seriously, Alister is totally gay: He totally wants someone quite masculine.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Evalo John said:
The great Yahtzee once so proud and not afraid to put as it is while giving the finger to political correctness has finally succumbed to the pressure of society telling that calling fags, fags is wrong and that we are all the same and all the other bullshit we are fed day in day out.
Uh... He failed to call a homosexual a cigarette, and that's weak?


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Awesome Extra Punctuation. I've gained a whole new respect for Yahtzee, a journalist I had quite a bit of respect for to begin with anyway. Well done and well said, Yahtzee!


New member
May 28, 2011
I love this article. Glad to see this refreshing point of view. Especially from someone so generally negative! (kidding! well, actually he is pretty negative)I found myself having quite the "awwwww" moment on the second page as well.


New member
May 28, 2011
Too bad you couldn't just bang everyone in this game, like you could in Origins! Go trough everyone in the whore house, then that Isabella woman in the whore house too, Leilana, Zevran and Morrigan... Anything goes!

Hm, did I miss someone? Well didn't play as woman, so could do that Alistair, but that's fine.