"Facts" about movies/shows/games most people don't know.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
The man who does the voice for Johnny Bravo also did Illidans voice in World of Warcraft (not Warcraft 3).


New member
Feb 17, 2011
only one black hawk helicopter was used during production of Black Hawk Down
Martin Sheen suffered a heart attack on the set of Apocalypse Now
The mechanical shark in Jaws didn't work half the time
Ripley from Alien was susposed to be a man
Sigourney Weaver was nominated for an oscar for her role in Aliens
Sigourney Weaver's real name is susan
Close encounters of the third kind came out the same month the first star wars movie did
Speilburg and Lucas made a bet on who's movie would make more money
Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion was made due to massive death threats from the fan base
After NGE: EoE premired, there were several dozen suicides and one case of someone killing their mother
Out of the three original star wars movies, george lucas only directed one of them
Stanley Kubrick had all of the sets and props of 2001 space odyssey destroyed after production of the film
Megumi Hayshibara was a nurse before she became a pop idol/voice actress


New member
Apr 7, 2011
HeySeansOnline said:
Jason did not appear in the first Friday the Thirteenth, and didn't get the mask until the Third.
Except for when he totally does at the end. That lake scene scared the hell out of me as a kid.

Anywho, the disc Neo sold the people in leather at the beginning of the Matrix is just some software to get rid of the guy's speeding tickets.


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Mar 16, 2010
Aris Khandr said:

Similarly, David Bowie actually had someone else behind him for the contact juggling scene in Labyrinth.

Yeah it was Michael Moschen, an absolutely amazing juggler. Best known for the contact juggling but his steel triangle routine was awesome as well. Thus:



New member
Aug 27, 2009
The scene in Let The Right One In where one of the bullies whips Oskar and starts crying is legit. The boy actor actually started crying on set, something which was not intended but it worked well so they decided to keep it in.


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Apr 17, 2009
britmike said:
HeySeansOnline said:
Jason did not appear in the first Friday the Thirteenth, and didn't get the mask until the Third.
Except for when he totally does at the end. That lake scene scared the hell out of me as a kid.

Anywho, the disc Neo sold the people in leather at the beginning of the Matrix is just some software to get rid of the guy's speeding tickets.
I always thought of that as a dream sequence, but I guess your right, should've rephrased that as "wasn't the main killer".


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Apr 17, 2009
SeaCalMaster said:
Donkey Kong was originally supposed to be a game about Popeye.

The voice actor for Wakka and Kimahri in Final Fantasy X also does the voice of Bender on Futurama.
John Dimaggio also voices Marcus is Gears of War, the Brutes in Halo 3 - Reach, and Jake on Adventure Time.


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Apr 17, 2009
HellenicWarrior said:
The original Japanese Sailor Moon had a major lesbian relationship. Completely removed in English translations. Also, in Pulp fiction, the briefcase has diamonds... That simple :)
Not only was it changed, but they were made into cousins ...


New member
Jun 2, 2008
HeySeansOnline said:
HellenicWarrior said:
The original Japanese Sailor Moon had a major lesbian relationship. Completely removed in English translations. Also, in Pulp fiction, the briefcase has diamonds... That simple :)
Not only was it changed, but they were made into cousins ...
I think they should have done one and not the other.


New member
May 13, 2010
octafish said:
Ricardo Montalban is NOT wearing a prosthetic chest in The Wrath of Khan.

The first interacial kiss on U.S. television was between Kirk and Uhura on Star Trek.
Actually, the version they used on TV wasn't actually a kiss. It was an "almost kiss", shot to look like they were kissing, but they didn't. They shot an actual kiss, but they didn't use it in the episode.

Steven Hill, the older man who played the District Attorney in Law and Order, was the star of the first season of Mission Impossible, not Peter Graves. He left the show because he was an Orthodox Jew, and refused to stay late on Friday nights to finish filming episodes because the Jewish Sabbath runs from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, and the Orthodox take this very seriously. Bruce Geller, who had hired him, was extremely irritated by this, and fired him at the end of the year. There are also several episodes where Steven Hill doesn't show up, or only shows up at the beginning, because Geller was "punishing" him for his attitude.

Incidentally, Martin Landau and Barbara Bain were also Jewish, but not Orthodox, so they had more leeway in this.

The foreign language that appears in signs in Mission Impossible are not based on any real language- they are meant to be understood even by Americans, who can generally only understand English (Gaz for Gas, and so on). The crew termed this language "Gellerese", and it was used in all the foreign language signs for the series.