Fallout 4


New member
Aug 20, 2009
it,s impossible to use a hummer due to the lack of fuel (unless it,s battery operated) it,s done by a modder.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
SalamanderJoe said:
I still want Fallout:London with a ghoul Royal Family ruling over the city with mutated corgis.
Wouldn't work. The Fallout series has worked in the United States because there is a slim but omnipresent chance of people managing to survive a nuclear war for sufficient time to try to rebuild some sort of society. With Britain having the densest spread of potential nuclear targets in the world, the country would be largely annihilated with the effect of the bombs, let alone the starvation and disease which would follow.

In fact, there are perhaps two developed countries besides the United States where a Fallout game could be plausibly made: Australia and South Africa.

I was going to counter your statement, but then I realized you said developed, in any case I doubt South America wouldnt even notice the Fallout of a Nuclear War.

Would Still like Fallout Brazil, Cuba or Mexico.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
SalamanderJoe said:
I still want Fallout:London with a ghoul Royal Family ruling over the city with mutated corgis.
They already have mutated corgis, they're called Deathclaws.

It would be nice if someone else made Fallout 4, Bethesda has proven time and time again that they couldn't write stable code if their lives depended on it.


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
SalamanderJoe said:
I still want Fallout:London with a ghoul Royal Family ruling over the city with mutated corgis.
OK, that settles it: I'll never buy another Fallout game until they make this.

Seriously - LONDON!

Cobbled streets! Ancient masonry! A vast network of underground tunnels! (Much like the subways from Fallout 3, only bigger and MUCH more varied!) Junkyards overflowing with the rusting remains from 500 years of industrial development! Dark, fog-shrouded alleys patrolled by mutant corgies (orange-furred Yao Guai?) who see EVERYTHING THAT MOVES as a threat to their mouldy masters!

It will probably be the closest possible thing to post-apocalyptic steampunk! AND we'll finally see what's happening outside the USA!


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May 31, 2011
Fallout kinda needs to take place in America. It's seeped in so much 50's American culture that changing now would be a death sentence on the series, the reason for this being that much of the art direction is based on the 1950s American idea of the future. Uprooting it would wipe the slate clean, and Fallout fans would hate that immensely.

Basically it wouldn't work because there is an established sense of identity in the Fallout version of America, which really wouldn't work outside the United States.


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Aug 31, 2009
Akisa said:
Fallout 4 was released, it's just called New Vegas >.>
Technically, that would be Fallout 5. Everyone forgets about Tactics. I think there was also a Brotherhood of Steel game on the PS2 so that would make New Vegas #6


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May 16, 2011
GentlemanFist said:
Fallout kinda needs to take place in America. It's seeped in so much 50's American culture that changing now would be a death sentence on the series, the reason for this being that much of the art direction is based on the 1950s American idea of the future. Uprooting it would wipe the slate clean, and Fallout fans would hate that immensely.

Basically it wouldn't work because there is an established sense of identity in the Fallout version of America, which really wouldn't work outside the United States.
I agree. The only other country I think might work is Canada and that's because there could still be themes of strong Americanism, considering that Canada was annexed by the states. The 1950's American culture of Fallout has a slight propaganda craze, just imagine how much pro-American propaganda would be in a recently annexed country.

I think it would be slightly different without changing the theme much, like you said. That and it might be nice to have some different terrain.


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Dec 14, 2009
Theron Julius said:
San Fransisco has nothing to offer. They should go to Alaska. A change from arid desert to frozen wasteland would be interesting. Plus you could have mutant yeti-like monsters. What's more awesome than shooting yetis?
I was thinking something like that. Or maybe Detroit and southern Michigan putting the "winter" back in nuclear winter lol


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Australia...it would be pretty awesome, it would be more open roads though and there would be boats,cars and mabey vertibirds...also mutant Kangaroos.

Hamish Durie

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Apr 30, 2011
characterA: havent we already visited the west coast throught the eyes of fallout before?
characterb:why yes we have it was called Fallout tactics and it was awesome


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Nov 15, 2010
I would like to see what the rest of the world looks like. Maybe they should set it in a different country. Unless there is some kind of lore reason not to move it to another country.


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Aug 19, 2010
People keep saying it must be taken abroad. Perhaps this will happen, but China, Japan and Russia are all out. Wherever they take it would be a native english-speaking country so as to avoid the silly accent solution, the subtitle solution, the usual "everyone just speaks english everywhere on the planet anyways" solution and still not change markets.
As mentioned above, South Africa and Australia would be likely candidates.

Another thing is that they want landmarks that the players will be familiar with. This was what made DC so perfect.

USA is such a good choice still. Americans love it because it's familiar, and the rest of us love it because we like seeing the US burning :)


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Mar 28, 2010
Now, this is going to be the thermonuclear bomb of all video game/politics/moral warrior outrage...but I'd like to see a Fallout game done in the deep South. Practically anywhere along the Gulf would be awesome, but I'm eyeballing Houston, New Orleans, or the Everglades as prime candidates. Heck, with a New Orleans setting in Skyrim's engine you could make the game's map the Mississippi delta and a good chunk upriver. Just imagine what the guys responsible for the flora and fauna in Morrowind could do in a nuclear post-apocalyptic game set in the Everglades.

It would be a great idea to completely take the piss on FO2/NV standbys, by having a New Confederacy that embraces slavery and antebellum culture juxtaposed with retro-futurist aesthetics, tribals and "raiders" who make up an underground railroad and embrace technology in the absence of the BoS, mutant rednecks a la Point Lookout, and even some hilariously-mutated animals...mutant opossum or armadillo, anyone?

Heck, even deconstruct the typical FO origins and such. The southern Vault Dwellers were the ones who built the New Confederacy, and the PC is a slave who escapes somehow. That could let the player select race opposed to being forced to play human.

Either way, I don't really care as long as they add vehicles and vehicular combat. Heh.


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Sep 4, 2009
ultrachicken said:
Fake, and I'd like to see the next Fallout set in China. Show the other side of the story.

Also, incorporating a frozen wasteland in there would be cool, too.
The entire point of Fallout is America after the end of the world, there wont ever be a Fallout set in another country


New member
Oct 3, 2010
No. Setting Fallout in another country would ruin the series trademark feel of "Hey look it's american dream gone awry". And that exact feel makes Fallout stand out from other RPG's.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
If a Fallout's going to be set in another country, I could only imagine it either being Canada (Toronto's been mentioned in Fallout 3) or parts of Mexico if it takes place in the desert again. One of the key aspects of Fallout is the heavy use of post-war/space age American culture, and it wouldn't be Fallout without that.

As for the trailer, I didn't think it looked that good (not that bad either, just not professional quality), and the #1 thing that made it an obvious fake, at least for me, was that they used the old Spiderman font PLAYSTATION3 logo at the end, which hasn't been in use for almost two years.