Fallout: Australia?


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
I would actually be quite interested if the fallout games showed us other sides of the world in general to show us how they were affected


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Would be bad if Fallout left USA.

All of the iconic enemies were created in post nuclear USA from stuff that inhabited USA before that (be it mutations, remnants of previous powers, or just FEV). Outside of USA - No supermutants, no nightkin, no deathclaws, no Brotherhood of steel, no NCR, no Enclave... sure there'd be other beasts to kill.. but really? No thanks

Also all of the fallouts were in USA before, so it gives us chances to see the results of our previous adventures (thanks for nothing Fo3 and FoT), which is always nice. Having a clean slate at this moment wouldn't prove much improvement.

Why would you want to walk the country that had literally no involvement in the conflict that ended the world as we know it? There's no severe history to learn there, nothing significant happened, no real war to learn of...


New member
Dec 1, 2009
rb26dett said:
Would be bad if Fallout left USA.

All of the iconic enemies were created in post nuclear USA from stuff that inhabited USA before that (be it mutations, remnants of previous powers, or just FEV). Outside of USA - No supermutants, no nightkin, no deathclaws, no Brotherhood of steel, no NCR, no Enclave... sure there'd be other beasts to kill.. but really? No thanks

Also all of the fallouts were in USA before, so it gives us chances to see the results of our previous adventures (thanks for nothing Fo3 and FoT), which is always nice. Having a clean slate at this moment wouldn't prove much improvement.

Why would you want to walk the country that had literally no involvement in the conflict that ended the world as we know it? There's no severe history to learn there, nothing significant happened, no real war to learn of...
Wait, a country that had no involvement in the end of the world? I gee, I thought the end of the world involved every country on earth. Way to put me back in my seat.

And would you actually be content with playing the same game over and over again? With the same backstory and region? Just because it was good at some point?


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Fallout: Canada would be stupid, even if the country hadn't been annexed by the U.S.; so why would Fallout: Australia be any less stupid? What could happen there that would matter in the Fallout universe, that we haven't learned before?

I think Fallout: London is a cool idea, but it'll never, ever happen. I think the same era humour and self-referential country parody could only be applied to that one place outside the U.S., and it would be a shame to miss it, but that's just how it is. The idea of a non-American Fallout is an unpopular one, therefore it will never be made. Deal with it.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
What is it with you guys and wanting a Fallout game outside the USA? It would strip Fallout of pretty much everything you associate it with. A game in Australia would have mutated animals, and that's it. Nothing else associated with the Fallout series could exist there. I understand why you'd want a post-apocalyptic game in your country, but why Fallout?

Seriously, think of one major thing you associate with Fallout. Odds are it can't exist outside the USA.

And before you say "we need some diversity in Fallout", remember that America is an incredibly diverse country. You could span across a dozen games with going through the same environment.


New member
May 10, 2009
Australia doesn't need radiation and viruses to be a deadly wasteland of death and poison.

Three words: Bird. Eating. Spiders.

And no mutant could ever be as bizarre as the Platypus.

Besides I'm half convinced Australians are immune to radiation... and poison... and bullets. Pretty much just invunerable really.

Basically nothing would have changed.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Leximodicon said:
Fallout outside the USA would never be as charming. The art style is all based on the 1950s American vision of the distant future of 2002.
The whole 50s thing was honestly a creation of Bethesda in Fallout 3. Certainly there are some thematic throwbacks to the 50s from the beginning, but in Fallout 1 and 2 it was supposed to be America and the world as it was, extrapolated to a future that was completely possible from where we are right now. The whole alternate timeline thing was something Bethesda created because a lot of people were very uncomfortable with a full 3d rendering of Washington DC being demolished so they wanted to put some distance in there. From what I understand, in Fallout 1 and 2 the 50s throwbacks were more a cultural commentary, suggesting that modern society hadn't come that far from the regressive 50s, and that we were just as much at risk of apocalypse today as then. This being the 90s, everyone was filled with optimism during the brief lull between the cold war and 9/11. They were trying to be downers. At least that's my interpretation, I could be wrong.

In any case, the only thing keeping a Fallout game from being set anywhere outside the US is obstinate adherence to tradition for its own sake. I personally hope that one day everyone can experience their hometown in post-apocalyptic wonder. I grew up around DC - the vault is situated almost exactly on the neighborhood where I grew up. It was one of the most entertaining video game experiences of my life, and I hope everyone can experience it one day.

I think some of the best locations would be:

New York - a series of fortress enclaves fighting over pieces of old technology, ghoul and mutant infested subways that are the only way to travel without dealing with territory and politics - great potential

Mexico - centered around Mexico City, it would be especially interesting if it wasn't directly hit, and was actually doing better than the US, though it would still have been covered in radiation and have all kinds of strange wildlife (chupacabras, anyone? They may not be real now, but no reason they won't be after enough radiation...)

Australia - reasons posted above, though like with Mexico maybe it wasn't directly hit but still had to deal with nuclear winter and no vaults

China - see how the other side of the war went, with a Chinese version of the Enclave ruining everyone's life - maybe even have a situation where the Enclave is openly taking over everything, and stuff is more bleak - no NCR out here to fight the man. Could lead to some interesting moral choices - do you help the Chinese Enclave, even though they're oppressive, since they provide people with basic order and protection? Or do you fight the system, joining with slavers and other undesirable enemies of the state and possibly destroy entire communities in the name of your Anarchic crusade?

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Well if you look on the news it's already looking like an apocolypse over there so all Bethesda need to do is just photograph the place..

OT: It looks too much like the desert in NV so its a no from me :/


New member
Mar 1, 2009
It has Mod tools go make it. Someone was working on a version that took place in Egypt.

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
I'm (a) from Australia, and (b) imbued wih a deep-seated contempt for America, but I actually have to agree that FO is intrinsically American. From the first game onwards, a major element of the series has been the 1950s retrofuturism, and that's a really US thing - it was a time when the US was growing economically and leading the world in standards of living, and so you have this patriotic jingoism laid over a post-apoc setting.

If you put it in Australia you'd have nothing but ordinary post-apocalyptic, which is quite a different feel and setting. That kind of ultra-modernist nationalism is completely alien to Australia - if someone was to pull out a flag and start waving it about in 1950s Australia, they'd get told to stop acting like a '**** yank'.

Besides, we already have out own post-apocalyptic setting: Mad Max. Now Fallout 1 and 2 had a lot of Mad Max elements to it - specifically from the 2nd Mad Max film (The Road Warrior), with dogmeat, the design of the metal armour, the town barricades, the idea of tribals (from the end of the film) and the design of the spears and so on. Even the leather armour is taken from what Max wears in MM2. The car in FO2 is US rather than Australian 50s, but a lot of the fan clamouring that a car be included in the second game was, at the time, because of all the car battles/chases in Mad Max 1 (there's the huge road battle at the end of 2nd one, but it's not really the same idea).

In that sense, there are Australian elements in the first two Fallouts. But once you take away the US jingoism (and really, there simply isn't an Australian equivalent of that - for us, the flag-waving stuff is pretty much the domain of racial hatred and other far-right groups) and you've got Mad Max rather than Fallout.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Most of Fallout's charm comes from the ongoing joke of people's perceptions of America; the conspiracy theory style military organisations, the gun crazy locals and the self important nature of the populace allows the game many avenues to explore whilst seeming somewhat plausible.
Fallout: Australia wouldn't have as many guns, the people would try to reach political solutions and we'd all be down at the pub drinking side by side with the mutants. Maybe head'n out to shoot a few mutant 'roos with beer in hand. 4 people on the back of a Ute, crashing through the bush shooting anything scared out of hiding by the sound and the searchlight.

In Fallout: Soviet Russia the mutants hunt you!


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
tkioz said:
So, inspired or stupid? or both!

It sounds painfully cliched and hackneyed.

Besides ... Australia already has battery acid lakes and 80% of the landmass is already barren with lots of venomous things. You don't need anything else to give you a picture of a world that hates you and want you dead.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Would work with their trend of desert stuff, but only if they have mutant glow words, and a giant mutant glow worm boss like they had with the ant queens.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Fallout: Anywhere but USA, everyone is dead no vaults instant gameover, would you like to retry and level a radscorpion? 5 minutes and you get sucked underneath the earth, or are stuck in a wall. Have fun.