Fallout: Australia?


New member
Oct 22, 2010
Well I think it sounds awesome, kangaroo mutants, a ghoul infested sydney opera house, and I micheal Atkinson tomb stone that says I called it.and then describes in 3 paragraphs how this is video games fault.


New member
May 10, 2009
Xiado said:
Australia is already a wasteland filled with mutated humans and strange animals. I want a Fallout: New York. It could be entirely city-based, have a faction control each borough, and a bit of upstate and Jersey. You could start out in yonkers or something. Make up an excuse as to why the bombs didn't directly obliterate the city, and it's all set.
I'd like a New York as well. Not being American I'd like to hear some more about the outside world, but at the same time I recognise that the Fallout franchise is quintessentially American, and that removing it from that environment probably wouldn't be successful. We know that, at least, there are survivors in Britain because of Tenpenny and, for the same reason, they have the technology and organisation to cross the Atlantic. It's not farfetched to consider Europe having an equivilent to the Vault system, but unlike the USA's, not a social experiment. Follow on from that and Europe could be as ordered as the NCR with technology approaching that of the Enclave.

Regardless, New York is a perfect opportunity for some exploration of post-war Europe while remaining in America. Traditionally it was the first city people crossing over saw, so if one rogue British guy could make it to DC there's bound to be a larger presense there.


New member
May 17, 2009
Can we stop with these threads, it's getting quite annoying and ridiculous that people still aren't accepting that the Canon of the series would be completely Shattered and the Franchises years of back story building completely tossed into the bin if it was set anywhere but America.

Please just respect that fact that canonically Fallout has to be in America or else it's not Fallout, it's like me saying they should make a Halo game set in Hungary where you don't fight the Covenant but you're still the master chief. It goes against all Canon and would therefore just destroy all the back story that the Halo games have built (though rather poorly).

I'm not saying a post apocalyptic game in Australia would be crappy in fact I think it'd be damn fun but just make a separate IP for that, or make an series that would canonically/back story wise allow you to travel all over Europe and South America/Antartica/Whatever continent you please.

Seriously someone should get to work on that I'm now actually wanting to see what could be done with that, and in the mean time can we stop with this silly idea of Fallout being able to still be 100% Fallout outside of America...Please? :>


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
Flig said:
I doubt that Fallout is going to be leaving the states anytime soon, they'd have to abandon the entirety of the backstory they've generated so far from the past 3 numbered titles(plus NV, Tactics, BoS, and whatever spin-offs I'm missing), since it never mentions anywhere except the U.S. in any sort of detail. If they plan on leaving the U.S. my bet's on either annexed Canada, or China.
China is gone. Fallout: Extreme covered that.

Well considering that Extreme never made it past concept development...

Besides you were only suppossed to go exploring in a small section of China, near endgame, so there's plenty of landmass left.

But, yeah, like I said before placing it outside the U.S. would strain the backstory, I mean it's possible, but improbable. Though I would enjoy visiting Hawaii to see how those little islands faired...


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Xiado said:
Australia is already a wasteland filled with mutated humans and strange animals.
Interesting. I wonder why I've never met any of these mutated humans.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Its already been done..hell it pretty much defined the genre its a movie called Mad Max


New member
May 12, 2010
two words: mad max.
i think it would work and the mutated ozzy outback out to get you defiantly an interesting concept


New member
Dec 11, 2008
LordCuthberton said:

You might be blind, so I'll let you off.

The main theme of the Fallout franchise is 'Can the American Dream still be achieved after atomic war'

To ignore the impact of the American setting is to ignore the blade on the knife.
True down to every word.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I would rather see Fallout Canada. Be hilarious, but interesting with the back-story about US annexing Canada.


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
Australia? No. China? Yes. If someone else was going to have a Vault-esque tactic of preserving a pure strain of humanity, it's going to be the prime enemies of the US in the era the war was fought. If Fallout is going to leave the US, it has to be somewhere else rich in the lore, and the only other country that gets mentions that are beyond a passing interest is China.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Fallout:Canada. Moose, Polar, Grizzly, and black bears? Mountain lions? Snow.
In one of the Scandinavian countries would be interesting too.
Australia could be neat.

I don't see any reason why they couldn't move out of America, still set games in America of course, but I want to see how the rest of this really interest universe turned out.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
martin said:
I don't see any reason why they couldn't move out of America, still set games in America of course, but I want to see how the rest of this really interest universe turned out.
I'm more targeting this at everyone than just you, but it needs to be said again.

The rest of the universe didn't turn out as anything but ashes! Europe blew itself to hell, then got nuked. The Middle-East and Africa were destroyed by Europeans fighting over them. Australia...what about it? It likely got nuked just the same as anyone else, but there was nothing interesting going on over there anyway. Ditto Russia and the other Eastern European countries.

China got smashed by the entire U.S. arsenal. If anything is left, it'll only be a small section of it like New Vegas. And even then, canon has already stated that the Chinese already tried to rebuild, and collapsed again. There isn't really anything left, no factions or anything. It would be as if the Enclave took over the Wasteland, and then they all got killed by raiders.

People aren't saying that the series shouldn't leave America because they are American nationalists who want to keep it to themselves, we are saying it because the story really can't work outside of America due to both thematic and logical reasons. You are operating under the false assumption that a Fallout set in your location of choice could still retain Fallout's distinct (and already discussed, American) feel while somehow incorporating your country's culture and such. It simply can't be done. Either you end up with a game that is just Fallout with some labels moved around, or something that simply isn't Fallout. And I'm pretty sure you don't want either of those.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Nietz said:
I'd have to say that Fallout: Australia is probably as inspiring as any fallout:*location* game. Heck, I'd actually go out on a limb here and say that everyone(who likes fallout) wants a fallout game set in their general location. Who doesn't want to see one's own landmarks reduced to cinder from the atomic war.
I kind of have to disagree. As much as I like the general area of upstate New York, it doesn't really strike me as a good place to set the game (and Manhattan would be the point where the series has folded its arms and died). Besides, I go to the institute in Rochester, and if a torrent of nuclear arms was able to destroy this city any further, then I would be more impressed than distraught.

The Fallout games are doing well to experiment with unique locations, at the very least. DC I thought was an excellent choice, and the atmosphere made by Bethesda was great. Vegas as well is and has always been a place with no substitute, Macau be dammed. I'd be hard pressed to think of any other really significant locations to set a game that don't sound like someone's general hometown/residence's fan fiction. So for that reason I'd try setting a game in a place America-y enough to keep the theme, but without being (let's face it guys,) the second banana of American culture. Basically, I would like to see it in Hawaii. A place like that could be host for all sorts of fun experiments with the plot, seeing as it won't need to be necessarily connected with the original cannon mostly concerning stuff starting/happening on America's west coast. It could even be a sort of crossroads between America and China (seeing as the majority of people on the islands are Japanese and I think 300 years of fictional history can allow a little slip like that) in the postwar environment, and the conflicts inherent within would be quite a potentially creative endeavor.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I think a spin-off in australia would be cool (also, I'm not saying that because I'm from australia) but because not all of australia is a desert. there are some pretty heavily wooded areas. plus mutant kangaroos and echidnas would be awesome!

Also, for all those who have, stop saying stuff like 'it would be an improvement' or 'it wouldn't be much different'. I find that offensive.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
As a HUGE Fallout fan, and an American, I would like to see this actually.
I think it is a neat idea. Other countries are never mentioned, and there is a whole world out there that would most certainly be effected by the bombs.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I'd like Bethesda to try and make a Fallout:Australia. Not because it would be that different (sorry =P) but because I want someone, ANYONE to make a game set in Australia. I MEAN COME ON! I can't think of a single good game set in Australia.
Aeshi said:
Wouldn't work because a nuked Australia would be an improvement.
I hope you're trolling or joking because otherwise, Fuck You.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
tkioz said:
I just had this really awesome, or perhaps stupid, thought; there is that rumour going around about a Fallout: London, but really wouldn't it be better to do a Fallout: Australia?

And I'm not just saying that because I'm Australia, I'm saying it because think of all the seriously cool mutations they could put into the game!

I mean seriously rabid dogs and scaled up insects with the occasional cool beast like the Deathclaws, the UK would be just more of the same! Not so with Australia, we're already as close to a <a href=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathWorld>Death World as you're going to get on this planet, now imagine mutated platypuses jumping out of rivers trying to ear your faces, swinging their poisoned paws!

Rabid Kangaroos bounding along, kicking you in the guts (I've seen that happen, it's not fun).

Or how about Kolas scaled up trying to rip your face off (they already do it now, imagine them the size of a grizzly!), it would be like Dropbears brought to life!

So, inspired or stupid? or both!
I could've sworn that being Australian WAS a mutation! /dives behind her desk to avoid being beaten half to death.

Personally I'd prefer to see a fallout in Canada.