Fallout: Australia?


New member
May 17, 2009
DMonkey said:
As a HUGE Fallout fan, and an American, I would like to see this actually.
I think it is a neat idea. Other countries are never mentioned, and there is a whole world out there that would most certainly be effected by the bombs.
..But other countries are mentioned especially in the Fallout Bible's seriously read those and all the reasons why there can't be a non America set Fallout will become clear as day and can never further be disputed because they were written by the man that helped to create Fallout..

Really the only thing the canon would allow outside of America would be Ghouls because they're just created by intense radiation, everything else had FEV involved and FEV is strictly an America only virus.

Once again as stated in my post earlier in this thread, if you want a Post-Apocalyptic game in Australia ect then all the power to you just make it an original IP. I mean honestly who wouldn't like to see mutated Koalas?


New member
Aug 22, 2009
As been said they already done a fallout:australia, its called Mad Max. A large chunk of the themes of the game being taken from that movie series.

Since there is no argueing for a country outside of the US, as its the only country that supposadly can survive a nuclear war, atleast make fallout in unique places like they did with New Vegas. Something like New York would be horribly boring....

Edit: How about taking the entire game out of a FPS/RPG and making a RTS/RPG, revert the graphics to Fallout Tactics and have you control a group of people trying to survive. Create something similiar to Mount & Blade


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Yeah, I'm not sold on the idea of Australia there'd be interesting places to see post war although being over west they're probably all too far apart to be reasonably fit in but I think that's mostly out of being interested in seeing things set in a local area.
So far as London I don't know why but I always figured that they'd have gone all stiff upper lip and completely ignored the devastation and just carried on and kept calm.
You could maybe get some mileage out of somewhere like Singapore or other South East Asian countries with large Cities but fitting it into canon would probably be troublesome.

I don't think it would be impossible to set a Fallout game somewhere outside of the US but I'm not sold on weather it would work it is a pretty American setting up till now and it'd probably be too jarring to move it.


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
I rather see a Fallout:New Tokyo though....Imagine Samurai Power Armor.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I think a post apocalyptic Australia thing could work out really well though maybe not as a Fallout game. Going along with the Fallout theme would probably make it too much like New Vegas. Also, to those people who are saying there's nothing to nuke in Australia, you do realise that it isn't all a desert wasteland right? We have major cities just like any other country. Having a game like this set in Sydney would be pretty cool or maybe Brisbane.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
I had an idea the other day for a Fallout in Japan. It would take place after New Vegas and you would be an American sent over seas to Japan to see if anybody is still alive over there. You learn that a huge amount of Japanese people live in these huge underground complexes that are all super high tech and beat the crap out of the USA Vaults. These vaults would be huge and multi tiered with shopping centers, apartment complexes, high tech equipment, and very white and shiny. Also, they would be completely peaceful.

Not exactly sure how the story would go but it would be pretty cool if you would sometimes go to explore the surface or if they are starting to build outside civilizations.
Nov 24, 2010
Well we (Australians) have some of the most deadly creatures in the world and some of the most treacherous environments so it would make sense.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Fallout isn't just about America though. The games may haves stories based in America, but its based on an entire world conflict that destroyed almost every civilization and how the world is starting to be rebuilt. In my opinion it should start to branch out to the rest of the world.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Giantpanda602 said:
Fallout isn't just about America though. The games may haves stories based in America, but its based on an entire world conflict that destroyed almost every civilization and how the world is starting to be rebuilt. In my opinion it should start to branch out to the rest of the world.
Clearly you don't know much of the Fallout lore, as many others will tell you. All other parts of the world were blown to bits:

Ordinaryundone said:
I'm more targeting this at everyone than just you, but it needs to be said again.

The rest of the universe didn't turn out as anything but ashes! Europe blew itself to hell, then got nuked. The Middle-East and Africa were destroyed by Europeans fighting over them. Australia...what about it? It likely got nuked just the same as anyone else, but there was nothing interesting going on over there anyway. Ditto Russia and the other Eastern European countries.

China got smashed by the entire U.S. arsenal. If anything is left, it'll only be a small section of it like New Vegas. And even then, canon has already stated that the Chinese already tried to rebuild, and collapsed again. There isn't really anything left, no factions or anything. It would be as if the Enclave took over the Wasteland, and then they all got killed by raiders.

People aren't saying that the series shouldn't leave America because they are American nationalists who want to keep it to themselves, we are saying it because the story really can't work outside of America due to both thematic and logical reasons. You are operating under the false assumption that a Fallout set in your location of choice could still retain Fallout's distinct (and already discussed, American) feel while somehow incorporating your country's culture and such. It simply can't be done. Either you end up with a game that is just Fallout with some labels moved around, or something that simply isn't Fallout. And I'm pretty sure you don't want either of those.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I disagree because USA bears no resemblance to post nuke USA except for names.Also Australia is roughly 100x more interesting then America kangaroos ftw! Just my opinion.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I think they could just set a game in Australia without resorting to nuclear mutation and it would already closely resemble Fallout.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
During the mounting nukes between the USA and china whose to say their was not a spy or a separate Masters army project being controlled across continent.Water born strain of FEV. Their are so many ways to work FEV into any area.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I don't think Fallout would work in Australia. An apocalypse game by all means, but not Fallout, because we've seen how amazing it could be with Mad Max 2, and a game would have to be at least as awesome as that. I'd spend 10 minutes in Fallout Australia and wonder where are the bike gangs, the V8 interceptors, the dune buggies and tanker trucks, the autogyros, the vehicular mayhem of every kind.

Hell that's what I think whenever I play Fallout 3 anyway.