FANBASES! Do they affect you?

The Geek Lord

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well, it's been a while since I've posted a topic. Short borderline essay-ish thing time!.. Ahem.

There are a lot of games I love. More accurately, game series[footnote]Or would it be serieses? Is that even a word? God English is fucking weird.[/footnote]. Tales of, Zelda, Shin Megami Tensei, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, BlazBlue... Pretty much the only things that can ruin these games for me is if the games themselves sucked.

There is, however, one thing that comes extraordinarily close to ruining all these games for me. So very, very, very close.

For those of you who can't read titles, it's the fanbase. The fanbase of each and every one of of these games... If I ever met 90% of them in real life, I'd enter towards-down-towards-punch right in their face.

Most of the time when I look at these people, they're arguing over what their favorite game in a series was. They'll argue over whether or not the new DMC game is going to suck[footnote]It will. Shut up, that trailer did not look cool. It was fucking retarded. But that's a story I can rant about when it's actually released and I can yell "I TOLD YOU SO" in everyone's ears.[/footnote]. They'll argue that TIS GAEM IZ PURFUCKT AND ANY1 HOO DISAGRE3Z WIT ME SHUD DYE.[footnote]I'm looking at you, fans of Final Fantasy. Oh how I'm glaring at you over the internet.[/footnote]

But, at the end of the day I ignore these people. Anyone who's going to try grouping me together with some inbred retard who's incapable of using the shift key or who's space bar gets magically stuck every single god damn time they use any punctuation just because I happen to enjoy Wind Waker seriously needs to look at the world around them.

So, I'm curious, Escapees/Escapists, have you ever felt the slightest bit of shame over liking a game when the vast majority of the fanbase can't spell the word "the?" Or do you, like me, just shake your head, sigh, and continue playing Persona 3 without a care about what that makes others think of you?

(EDIT: Fixed the title. Good fucking god, why do we have to words that sound exactly the same and mean insanely similar things? The english language sucks. And it's the only one I know.)


New member
Dec 23, 2007
On a small scale, negligibly. It is common that one critic or another may have a sway in my opinion, but I take a certain enjoyment in it being a majority vote of my personal opinions as opposed to jumping on bandwagons.

On a large scale, inevitably. Society is its own fan-base, and society affects the individual.

Steppin Razor

New member
Dec 15, 2009
No, not really. I feel no shame, only disdain for the fucking stupid people that like the same things I do.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Must.. resist... urge to correct grammar in title...

OT: Yes, they get to me if I pay attention to them, so I try hard to ignore them so my favorite things aren't ruined for me.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Fanbases affect me in a different way actually. When a game I've never played before has a completely insane fanbase that constantly tells me I "NEED 2 PLAY THIS GAME!", it makes me completely uninterested in playing said game. Games like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound have become some unappealing to me due to their intolerable idiotic fanbases that any interest I might have had in playing them has long since vanished.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
If you want to see some stupid comments about games, go look up the comments on all the IGN reviews, it will make you kind of ashamed to like any games in general.

But that's why I'm glad this site exists, it always calms me down to know that there are smart people on the internet.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Yeah, a bit.

Getting a good look at the people who share your tastes can be... rather unpleasant.

For example, I enjoy RPGs on the PC. But when I look around at the other people who enjoy PC RPGs [], I just want to shrivel up in shame.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I prefer to say "sereii".
You know: just to fuck stuff up.

OT: I've honestly never met a BB fan in real life. I have seen the damage wrought, but BB and MH fans are tiny blips on the radar compared to the other fanbases.
At least the BB and MH fans will correct you with technical language and in-depth knowledge about cancelling BnBs with a 6C to a Drive, or just post porn, but whatever.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Only when they launch the missles and send the shock troops after me. Otherwise, those fanbases never have a thing on me. The walls aren't even that high and all the snipers are really bad shots. And every time someone says "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!", they forget that the damn thing is built on LAND.

Or did you man...the basis of fanhoods? Ah...ummm...whoopsy.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
The fanboys turned me off Mass Effect, which is a bit odd considering its a singleplayer game, so I guess they did something quite right.

Halo's fanboys didn't turn me off Halo, they just made me go from disliking it to outright hating it. (EXCEPT FOR CE)

Call of Duty's fanboys didn't affect me all that much, probably because they aren't often yer face-ish as others.

I probably wouldn't hate anime as much as I do now if it weren't for the fans. I'd still hate it though.

I hate basically almost all 'music' of this century both for just being shit and for having massive fanbases they don't deserve.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
No it doesn't but then again I don't really involve myself that much with the fanbase. If I involved myself more with the fanbase then it may put me off but where I am right now I doubt it.

P.S. I like Naruto, if I can still like that anime and manga despite the obsessive fanbase then I think no fanbase will bother me.


Aug 24, 2009
Most of the time I ignore the fanbase as much as I ignore the hate. I just sit back and enjoy the games I enjoy. I don't care what other people think.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Only when they launch the missles and send the shock troops after me. Otherwise, those fanbases never have a thing on me. The walls aren't even that high and all the snipers are really bad shots. And every time someone says "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!", they forget that the damn thing is built on LAND.

Or did you man...the basis of fanhoods? Ah...ummm...whoopsy.
It's a Land-Kraken. Yes, they have those now. Genetic engineering and all that. It's basically a Kraken that can breath air. So... yeah, have fun now. :D

OT: GAMING fanbases have never really affected me. I don't interact with them. And honestly, they never really scare me cause they're all just a bunch of dweebs on the internet.

Now, fanbases for everything ELSE scare me. Fanbases for things such as Bieber, or Twilight. Those are PHYSICAL fanbases. They're also almost entirely female. Rabid Fangirls[footnote]Not to say Fanboys are better. But Fangirls are worse. What fangirls lack in simple obsession, they make up for in ferocity.[/footnote]. Think about it. Find me the nearest Nuke bunker, please, it's gonna get rowdy outside...

EDIT: So, the point of this post is that it's not the fact that they're there that scares me, it's what they can DO to me that does.

The Geek Lord said:
Well, it's been a while since I've posted a topic. Short borderline essay-ish thing time!.. Ahem.

There are a lot of games I love. More accurately, game series[footnote]Or would it be serieses? Is that even a word? God English is fucking weird.[/footnote].
No, serieses would not be a word. Series is just one of those words that is its own plural. Like sheep. Or Deer.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I couldn't care less about any fan-base reaction to something I like. I get how it could ruin a good thing, though. It just doesn't do that for me.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
The fanbase does annoy me, but it makes me happy when I tell them that I like a certain game that they hated, makes have a joyous feeling telling them that and watch them twitch. I like FFXIII and there's nothing those fan kiddies can do to make me think other wise.

Also when I tell them I didn't like a game that they love, I wait for them to calm down before I can explain why, like Halo.

Normally I tend to ignore them, I either like a game or not, and they can scream all they want, it won't change my opinion of it.

Steppin Razor

New member
Dec 15, 2009
LobsterFeng said:
But that's why I'm glad this site exists, it always calms me down to know that there are smart people on the internet.

I shouldn't have to tell you this since it's fairly obvious, but this place isn't the bastion of intelligence that some people make it out to be. It's exactly like every other forum on the internet, except that every other forum on the internet doesn't have its head stuck up its arse and congratulate itself every five minutes over how much better it is than other places.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
ya have you seen my little pony fan base
i tell you now every time i see celestia i curse


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Vryyk said:
Must.. resist... urge to correct grammar in title...

OT: Yes, they get to me if I pay attention to them, so I try hard to ignore them so my favorite things aren't ruined for me.
What grammar in title? The author merely wants to know if you are set into motion by fanbases.

As for me, I try to ignore such things as much as I can.