Far Cry 5 Teaser Trailer Welcomes You to Hope, Montana


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
For the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen this yet:

I still know better than to be interested in an Ubisoft game, but it is fun seeing this piss off all the right people.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
Zhukov said:
For the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen this yet:

I still know better than to be interested in an Ubisoft game, but it is fun seeing this piss off all the right people.
haha isnt it.. im almost gleefully looking forward to it.. im easily amused :D


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Zhukov said:
For the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen this yet:

I still know better than to be interested in an Ubisoft game, but it is fun seeing this piss off all the right people.
Oh, that cover alone. The salt must flow!

I do feel torn. On one hand, it's a UBISOFT game and I'm wary enough of those. OTOH, the sheer amount of salt and screaming that will engender from so many shitty people will be amazing.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Zhukov said:
For the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen this yet:

I still know better than to be interested in an Ubisoft game, but it is fun seeing this piss off all the right people.
Oh nice! Damn, if this was late mid 90s, they would be skewered by the press for this one. Charismatic cult leader piggybacking religion and patriotism will hit a little too close to home for some I imagine​.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
lacktheknack said:
tfw I'm now the enemy in a video game

I don't know how I feel about this.
I kind of like the idea of shooting myself in the face... Conceptually that is. I don't know if the setting will feel that much like home. I come from a different rural bible place.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Hey, quick note, if anybody needs a Montanan friend so they can say "I have a friend who was born, raised, lives in, and/or loves Montana, and they say these bad guys are okay, so slow your roll SJWs", well, I'm your guy. As a straight, white, Christian cis-male, I don't often have that ability.


New member
Oct 14, 2014
How many districts will I have to liberate? How many towers will I have to climb?
These are important questions.
Arnoxthe1 said:
> Far Cry 5
> not in Russia

As to the trailer, I'm honestly getting more Resident Evil 4 vibes from this than anything. Maybe a little Bioshock Infinite as well.
Don't remind me that STALKER 2 will never happen. It'd be sweet to have an open world FPS set in siberia with interesting and crazy slav weapons. Make the secret weapons some of the batshit Korobov rifles and I'd play it.

Instead we get americans and AR-15's. Oh joy.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
after watching sovereign citizens on youtube being tasered i really hope this game has tasers... damn you ubisoft im hyped for this game and i hate your stuff!!!!


New member
Aug 21, 2012
The Rogue Wolf said:
But does it have towers? I mean, it just isn't a Far Cry game unless it's got towers you have to find and climb! Does Montana even have a lot of towers?
Exactly! I mean look at all that Open Space, where is the stealth action happening? Yeah it will be interesting to see where they plan to run with this, hopefully better result than other guy running in the field.

Oh, maybe the player works for the phone company and your job is to put up the cell towers hmmm.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
altnameJag said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
While I have no doubt this game will be as blatantly anti-American and/or anti-southern as you can get, there's part of me that nurses the hope the game's about an American liberating his state from Antifa by any means necessary. After all, unlike said fascist thugs, I prefer to take out any anger I may have on one and zeroes rather than innocent people.
Mate, we've got veins of white nationalists trying to make Montana their white, racist Mecca. Between Neo-Nazis, Soverign Citizens, Anti-Government militias, and general crazies, we've got plenty of fascist analogues to brain.

And you know Montana isn't even remotely Southern, right? I mean, I live here, so I'd know more than most, but still.

pookie101 said:
anyone else gleefully waiting for fox news to latch onto this haha
I'm literally going out to buy a popcorn machine.
That many? Holy shit, how is it those groups haven't killed each other by now?!


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Omey said:
Darth_Payn said:
And now to address the elephant in the room:
Would it be MORE or LESS controversial to set it somewhere in the Middle East with extremist Muslims as the villains?
Just stop and think about how many video games have already been made about loonies in the middle east. What makes you think that another game with middle eastern Muslim terrorists as the bad guys is going to be more controversial? That IS the norm. Asking this question is either bait that I caught or you are really really oblivious.
I'm pointing out how setting Far Cry 5 (or 6? Didn't Primal count?) in rural Montana is itself bait for controversy, what with caricatures(?) of Christian fundamentalists as the antagonists. If it was set in a war-torn Middle Eastern country with somebody like ISIS as the bad guys, the controversy there would be that it's already an all-too-real nightmare for too many people.


Elite Member
May 31, 2012
iwinatlife said:
See when I think Hope, Montana I think of the U.S.'s first great victory in World War Z. With a proper Raj Singh Square
That was New Mexico, not Montana. And I will never forgive Hollywood for not giving us the ridiculously great "Primary Enticement Mechanism" thing. I wanted a montage sequence of those. Brits lining up in the fog, a horde of zombies shambling closer, and at the front of the infantry lines, some mad ************ in full Highland regalia with a set of bagpipes, howling out Loch Lomond or something. ANZAC guys doing the Haka, luring a mass of dessicated zeds out of the desert. And of course the Americans setting up in New Mexico, with a bunch of massive speakers blasting The Trooper [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G5rfPISIwo], how the fuck do you not include that in a movie?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Darth_Payn said:
That many? Holy shit, how is it those groups haven't killed each other by now?!
Fourth largest state in the union with only a million people living here. Imagine, say, Japan with less than 1% of the population of Japan.


Nov 9, 2010
A vaguely interesting setting isn't going to convince me to buy your game Ubisoft. You did it with Wildlands (and while I enjoyed it for it's guns, it was shallow and Microtransaction filled outside of that) so I shan't be burned again.

Hell the only reason I enjoyed Far Cry 4 was because it was free, and even then the Golden Path were insufferable. My brother and i were craving a campaign where you could join up with Pagan Min.

But no, this will be Far Cry 3 and 4 but like you're like a Wiccan who is being oppressed or something and you become a Sovreign Citizen to combat the theo-state the town has become.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
sagitel said:
lacktheknack said:
tfw I'm now the enemy in a video game

I don't know how I feel about this.
wellcome to the club mate
It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out in the gaming community.

I mean, seeing some caricature of "yourself" as the bad guy might give some gamers a smidgen of empathy for folks who aren't as well represented in general. Could be eye-opening.


New member
Sep 1, 2014
I would like to imagine that ubisoft knows what they are doing considering the controversy over the cover of 4, but, I'm really not sure they do.

That said, I guess I'm the only one who like Ubi's games. I like Assassins Creed, Far Cry, and even watchdogs. This might be the first ubisoft game I buy new, we'll see what else comes out that month...
Sep 24, 2008
altnameJag said:
sagitel said:
lacktheknack said:
tfw I'm now the enemy in a video game

I don't know how I feel about this.
wellcome to the club mate
It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out in the gaming community.

I mean, seeing some caricature of "yourself" as the bad guy might give some gamers a smidgen of empathy for folks who aren't as well represented in general. Could be eye-opening.
Actually, I'm just kind of interested of what will happen when the inevitable backlash blows up and scores of people saying it's portraying their background in a really skewed, negative manner... I want to see how they will react when people put up statistics about the crimes that white america commits. From racism, xenophobia, homophobia, or just plain greed.

I predict those people who are greeted with that will go ballisitic. But will they get that scores of others do the same thing for minorities, or will they just yell "SJW!!!!!!" and not get that all people are capable of crime and it's just in the same vein of their demonized SJWs to ignore the negativity in their own ranks and point the fingers at everyone else.

altnameJag said:
Hey, quick note, if anybody needs a Montanan friend so they can say "I have a friend who was born, raised, lives in, and/or loves Montana, and they say these bad guys are okay, so slow your roll SJWs", well, I'm your guy. As a straight, white, Christian cis-male, I don't often have that ability.
Hey, speaking as the "Black Friend", I hope this time will be fleeting for you. It gets old. Soooooo quickly.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
It's absolutely hilarious seeing how all the people who went "lol SJWs mad about a game cover" for Far Cry 4 are screaming "OMG SJWS WANNA MURDER ALL WHITE PEOPLE" now. Poor snowflakes need a safe space to calm down.


New member
Jun 14, 2016
All i know is i wish i was at the meeting when they pitched this idea and if they don't have honey badgers i will be fine.But honestly this is brilliant marketing controversy creates free publicity kinda taking a page out of trumps playbook. in the end i would not be surprised if the sequel is Far Cry:Chicago.