Favorite Discontinued snack/drink?


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Seven pages and no mention of Butterfinger BB's? Ya'll disappoint me, Escapist.

Also, Mountain Dew Live Wire. I still remember the day that first came to my school, 9th grade, I intercepted the maintenance guy and bought one on the spot right from him as he was loading the machine. It was warm, but damn it was good.

Oh, and Chocolate Oranges. A solid ball of chocolate, molded as and the same size as an orange, and you were able to separate the ball into sections by slamming the end of it on a table. Those were so epic. Tasted like chocolate and orange. Best combo ever.

Steppin Razor

New member
Dec 15, 2009
Julianking93 said:
I miss vanilla Coke personally.

No place has it anymore ;~;
Bahahahaha, that's what you get for taking away our bloody Dr. Pepper in Australia.

On topic: Dr. Pepper. Damn you drink companies *shakes fist*


New member
May 16, 2009
Steppin Razor said:
Bahahahaha, that's what you get for taking away our bloody Dr. Pepper in Australia.

On topic: Dr. Pepper. Damn you drink companies *shakes fist*
They took away Dr Pepper in Australia? o_O

That... doesn't make any sense to me >>

Steppin Razor

New member
Dec 15, 2009
Julianking93 said:
They took away Dr Pepper in Australia? o_O

That... doesn't make any sense to me >>
Of course they took it away. They are monsters. Monsters and fiends that delight in taking away a drink just because it isn't selling all that well. Bastards!


New member
May 16, 2009
Steppin Razor said:
Of course they took it away. They are monsters. Monsters and fiends that delight in taking away a drink just because it isn't selling all that well. Bastards!
Remind me to never go to Australia :3


New member
Aug 25, 2008
thewinner194 said:
This isn't really a snack, but...

Waffle Crisp cereal. That was the best cereal I have ever had. I still remember going to the grocery store one day and searching for it in futility.
We still sell it at my store. The majority of your misfindings of items are due to the distribution sites. Some just don't have them. Like Code Red is all over, I myself miss Jones soda but they stopped carrying it here.

The one drink I really miss I can't remember the name, I think it was like Elemental or something. The flavors were called like Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and then it went on and one. Then one day all the stores stopped carrying them. I tried searching for them but all I got was WoW links. Anyone know what I"m talking about please quote me....I know ways to get supplies into stores.

I Also miss Torengos. They had an awesome nacho cheese one that was orgasmic to eat. Course when I used to buy them they came in boxes, not pringle-like cans.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
its not pepsi crystal, but pepsi blue. It was the only pepsi I ever drank except for cherry.

for those that have no idea what i'm talking about (because appearantly its a myth or soemthing):
0_o I remember those I had one or two during their limited sale and I wasnt the biggest fan but it was different enough and I feel nostagic and want one since you mentioned them

Aylaine said:
I'm not sure if it's discontinued, but they don't sell it around here anymore and that's close enough for me:" Mountain Dew Code Red. That was a gooood soda. x.x
Its not hard to find out where I live. I very easily could go get one tomorrow at work if I was so inclined

OT: I have no idea what it was called by it was a soda and thier were some cartoony looking penguins on the can....it was ages ago so for all I know it coulda have been some special holiday pepsi......anyone have any idea?

Swny Nerdgasm

New member
Jul 31, 2010
Aethren said:
Seven pages and no mention of Butterfinger BB's? Ya'll disappoint me, Escapist.

Also, Mountain Dew Live Wire. I still remember the day that first came to my school, 9th grade, I intercepted the maintenance guy and bought one on the spot right from him as he was loading the machine. It was warm, but damn it was good.

Oh, and Chocolate Oranges. A solid ball of chocolate, molded as and the same size as an orange, and you were able to separate the ball into sections by slamming the end of it on a table. Those were so epic. Tasted like chocolate and orange. Best combo ever.
Don't know where you're from but I get those chocolate oranges all the time here in Jersey


New member
Oct 13, 2010
I'd just have to say Dr Pepper. It's not discontinued in Sweden (my homecountry) but it's underrated and hard to get. Same with Cherry Coca Cola. These drinks are just fraki'n avesome!


New member
Aug 15, 2010
fleacythesheep said:
<img src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3204/2388978851_e61cee73b8.jpg>
IT HAS JELLY BALLS, Oh Brad please try this
This was one of those things from my Child hood that I would have never remembered... unless of course someone on a message board posted a picture.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Vanilla Coke is EVERYWHERE (Insanely popular too) here in Western Australia, Crispy M&Ms disappeared for a time and I was heartbroken but they made a return! (Why discontinued the best kind of M&M?)

Also Dr. Pepper is terrible! TERRIBLE I SAY! Good riddance and never come back to Australia fiend!


New member
Sep 15, 2008
SoBe is still around; they just might not sell it where you live. My personal favorite is the orange carrot drink.

BTW, SoBe is no longer sold in glass bottles; they moved onto plastic. And now it kinda tastes a little funny to me. Same reason I only buy Pepsi in a metal can or get the Mexican import in glass bottles of it.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
Mydnyght said:
Meh, I like it. Someone still has to explain what Crystal Pepsi is, cause it sounds like a generic Pepsi attempt at mountain dew.
Crystal Pepsi was Pepsi's attempt at another popular (now discontinued) soda: Fresca.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
its not pepsi crystal, but pepsi blue. It was the only pepsi I ever drank except for cherry.

for those that have no idea what i'm talking about (because appearantly its a myth or soemthing):
Oh I remember it, not what it tasted like, but I remember it. Do you remember if it had a different flavor from regular Pepsi, or was it just blue?

The reason I ask is that there is a type of Big Red called Big Blue. It tastes exactly like Big Red, the only difference is that it is blue.