Favorite Discontinued snack/drink?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
meowchef said:
Echer123 said:
Sodas with real sugar in them, but they do have Mountain Dew and Pepsi Throwback for a limited time.
Dr. Pepper as well.

The ones with real sugar get flat in a matter of minutes though.
My local grocery store sells Mexican bottled Coke and Pepsi. Not only do they use real sugar, they use more than the throwback brands did. It's not cheap at around a dollar a bottle, but absolutely delicious.


Jan 15, 2009
Four Loko!!!
Haha no I actually never got a chance to try it but can someone show me an alchoholic beverage that tastes like Purple Kool Aid/Soda?


New member
Dec 29, 2010
A brand of jerky that i could never remember the name of that had over one and a half pounds of strips that were all perfectly flavored and proportioned and it was about 20 bucks for a BOX of the BAGS that were all one and a half pounds. mmmm.... good old days.... *sigh*


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Its been said, but christ i miss vanilla coke!!!!!!

oh, and lucky charms. apparently u can get them in the states, but ironically, u cant get the leprachaun themed cereal in Ireland anymore. i has a sad :(

They might still be knocking around, but i havent seen solero shots in years, so im gonna assume they're a valid addition to the list.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
TrevorGruen said:
So no crystal pepsi fans eh? I still wish they would bring it back so i could try it. I was a kid of the 90's so i never got to try it out.
Oh! Oh! Me! That's what I was gonna say! lol, they really need to bring that stuff back, it was the greatest.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
zelda2fanboy said:
Mountain Dew Pitch Black 1 and 2
Cupcake Pebbles (You burned so brightly so quickly)
Oreo O's (too much sugar made it way too good)
White Chocolate M and Ms (Maybe the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie will bring them back)
Hidden Treasures breakfast cereal (I can still taste it)
123 Jello (To this day, I'm not entirely sure what the fuck this stuff even was supposed to be)
Halloween Mojito Jones Soda (Almost drove me to start drinking)
Iron Beer (a rare Cuban softdrink I found in Florida - it's like cream soda, but not)
Lol dood, iron beer is still sold in cases at my local market. I have most of a case in my closet cuz i dont drink it often.


New member
May 22, 2010
zelda2fanboy said:
meowchef said:
Echer123 said:
Sodas with real sugar in them, but they do have Mountain Dew and Pepsi Throwback for a limited time.
Dr. Pepper as well.

The ones with real sugar get flat in a matter of minutes though.
My local grocery store sells Mexican bottled Coke and Pepsi. Not only do they use real sugar, they use more than the throwback brands did. It's not cheap at around a dollar a bottle, but absolutely delicious.
Where do you live that around a dollar counts as expensive? Where I live (in the U.S., so we aren't talking inflated prices ala Australia), even the store brand is over $0.75 most places, and the only place you can get name brand soda for less than $1.75 (regular price, sales are cheaper) is Walmart.

chuckman1 said:
Four Loko!!!
Haha no I actually never got a chance to try it but can someone show me an alchoholic beverage that tastes like Purple Kool Aid/Soda?
I'm sure there's a mixed drink out there that does what you want. Jello shooters might be what you're looking for, although I can't say, having never tried them.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
mistergobbles said:
Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Oh my GOD that stuff was good.
Right here. I can't imagine why Mountain Dew would shoot itself in the foot by developing an awesome flavor like Game Fuel and then never selling it again.

I guess they have a fear of money.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
TrevorGruen said:
So no crystal pepsi fans eh? I still wish they would bring it back so i could try it. I was a kid of the 90's so i never got to try it out.
I remember Crystal Pepsi, but I suspect 75% of the forum users here are just too young to remember its existence. I'm almost 34 and they stopped selling it here when I was 9.

I just wanted to add I miss Hires root beer, Crown Royal cola (I have no idea what that crap is their peddling now, and calling it RC, but its not what I grew up with) and Tab. I remember someone trying to bring Tab back, but I don't think it took off; which was odd, because it actually DID taste like the Tab I grew up drinking... but, maybe that wasn't such a great thing; because it wasn't really that good it you were looking for a sugar high.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
fleacythesheep said:
<img src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3204/2388978851_e61cee73b8.jpg>
IT HAS JELLY BALLS, Oh Brad please try this
Holy crap THIS. I loved these as a kid! Now they're just not around anymore, and that makes me sad.

Also, Hershey Sidekicks. Those were just made of awesome.


New member
May 21, 2009
Cheetos Mighty Zingers.

Honestly, what happened to them? They may stll make them (seeing how they were still advertising them a month ago), but I can't find them anywhere now. They were really damn good.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Monster: Dub Edition.

That drink is heavenly. The only place I've ever seen is a 3-hour drive from CT to New York in the back of a Indian Ma&Pop owned newspaper store where they have every energy drink available. They even discontinued the 32. oz battery-top can and only sell them in (somehow less delicious) 24 oz. import cans. I used to have my cousin send me them by mail from New York.

Same with Slap, though I have yet to try that. The same store has the cooling berry flavored one and I've always wanted to get it.

OT for actually discontinued items: Matrix Powerade. As an elementary schooler, that stuff was amazing. Me and my friends would always go get them after school.

The Code

New member
Mar 9, 2010
I'd have to go with Chili Cheese Pringles. The damn things have been discontinued for a few years now, and my room still stinks of them to this day. I have so many fond memories of those yummy canned chips...


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Hansen's "Energy" soda and Coca Cola. Sure, you can argue that they exist but they do so in the same way that the zombie of your loved ones "exist". That is to say they are sheer mockeries; built up so that you may understand what you have lost.

Con Carne

New member
Nov 12, 2009
I'm not sure if it was discontinued or not. But my vote would have to be Blue Jolt and the Red (non-cola) Jolt.


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
Pretty much alot of chips and drinks of the 90's - Truly a great time to be young.

Also Cheeto PAWS