Favorite Discontinued snack/drink?


New member
Mar 5, 2009
For snacks and drink, both from the microwave line. I think it was called MicroMagic.

The microwave french fries in the container like a mcdonalds one, but each fry had an individual sleeve.

And Microwave Milkshakes. Yes they existed. I would go find an image, but I don't know how to post images here. F*****g microwave milkshakes... Ah the 80's.

(and Pepsi Clear)


New member
Nov 26, 2010
This isn't really a snack, but...

Waffle Crisp cereal. That was the best cereal I have ever had. I still remember going to the grocery store one day and searching for it in futility.


New member
May 22, 2010
TrevorGruen said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
TrevorGruen said:
stone0042 said:
Yahoo chocolate milk. Can't find it anywhere, but damn I loved that stuff as a kid.
Check in the soda aisle, its still widley available (atleast it is in FLORIDA!)
That's assuming he means Yoohoo!, and not Yahoo. As far as I know, Yahoo was the non-copyright infringing expy of Yoohoo! from Hey Arnold!.
Ok 1. How do you remember stuff from Hey arnold? lol i respect your memory.
2. Did they ever make a real life version of it? cuz i think he isnt talking about a fictional drink. If fictional drinks count then can i request some of the foods from harry potter and star wars?
For the first point, thank you. Hey Arnold! wasn't all that far back for me, though -- if I had to guess, I'd say it was on while I was in middle school, or late late elementary at the earliest. That said, I remember the Yahoo thing specifically because I loved to drink Yoohoo!, and the names were similar. As for the second part, I don't think they made a real life version of Yahoo. My guess is that the poster in question either got Yoohoo! mixed up with the stuff from Hey Arnold!, or, more likely, got it confused with the similarly named search engine.

P.S.: I just checked, and Hey Arnold! ran from 1996 to 2004, so while I was really young for the first part of the run, I was a teenager for its last two seasons -- and that's not counting any reruns, which most likely ran after the end of the new episodes.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
CptJackRabbit said:
For snacks and drink, both from the microwave line.

The microwave french fries in the container like a mcdonalds one, but each fry had an individual sleeve.

And Microwave Milkshakes. Yes they existed. I would go find an image, but I don't know how to post images here. F*****g microwave milkshakes... Ah the 80's.

(and Pepsi Clear)
Do you mean Crystal Pepsi?


New member
Apr 5, 2009
<img src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3204/2388978851_e61cee73b8.jpg>
IT HAS JELLY BALLS, Oh Brad please try this


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Wild Berry Poptarts. They supposedly still exist but I can't find them anywhere :( Those and Pepsi Blue. I would say Vanilla Coke, but I recently found a store near me that sells it and keeps it in stock ^_^


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well Pollywaffles, I miss Pollywaffles. It's an Australian thing, you wouldn't understand.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Cookie Crisp and Waffle Crisp are no longer sold in Canada. I loved them both as a kid. I didn't like Flutie Flakes but they are novel enough to include on this list.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Cleverplane said:
Dunkaroos. They were these little graham crackers in kangaroo and basketball shapes that came in a plastic container with icing attached for dipping. I haven't seen them in years, but when I was younger, they were just about the most valuable thing you could have on the playground, aside from smuggled-in Pokemon cards.
Edit: Also that berries and cream Dr. Pepper.
Edit edit: And Chupa Chups. They're not even in the US anymore; I came so close to buying massive barrels of them straight from...Vietnam, is where I think they make them?
The dunkaroos I know are not discontinued because I ate about a box of those when i was really drunk last week. aw they were awesome.
It could just be location thing.

Blair Bennett

New member
Jan 25, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
Its still sold here too. And its not even season like Live or whatever the orange one is.

its not pepsi crystal, but pepsi blue. It was the only pepsi I ever drank except for cherry.

for those that have no idea what i'm talking about (because appearantly its a myth or soemthing):
You sir, just continue to impress me.

OT: I don't really think I've ever been too into any product that's been discontinued. I haven't really been around long enough to have compiled a library of foods/beverages that I miss.

...Well, it's not discontinued or anything, but, living in Canada, it's literally impossible to get L&P here. My mother, who was born and raised in Auckland goes through withdrawal every now and then.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
TrevorGruen said:
stone0042 said:
Yahoo chocolate milk. Can't find it anywhere, but damn I loved that stuff as a kid.
Check in the soda aisle, its still widley available (atleast it is in FLORIDA!)
I'm in upstate NY, and haven't seen it in years, unfortunately


New member
Sep 28, 2008
Nedoras said:
Wild Berry Poptarts. They supposedly still exist but I can't find them anywhere :( Those and Pepsi Blue. I would say Vanilla Coke, but I recently found a store near me that sells it and keeps it in stock ^_^
That's right I bought some wild berry pop tarts about 2 weeks ago, they're my favorite kind =D

As for me I miss crunchy M&M's, not this newfangled crap with the pretzels in it, I hate those.
Also one of the flavors of Gatorade Frost that I can't remember the name of, but it was the teal colored one. Actually looking it up to try to find out the name practically none of those frost flavors exist anymore... and those were the best ones.