Favorite Game of 2011 Survey!


New member
Oct 2, 2010
My choice isnt even on the poll. Xenoblade Chronicles was far and away the best game of the year for me. Originally I was only buying it because I liked what the Operation Rainfall guys were doing and wanted to show my support. In the end I got a game that was some of the most fun I've had since the Mass Effect series. The environments were breathtakingly beautiful, the characters and the story made me care what happened next, the music was... Oh god that music. Although I haven't finished Xenoblade yet, while I'm running around in Skyrim I find myself wanting to go back to the Bionis, and if any game can do that - That's a supreme game


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
50 games and no Forza 4?

I know it's no Duke Nuke'em Forever (scoring a bland 91 on Metacritic rather than a remarkable 49), but it's been released to critical acclaim and is widely regarded to be the console racing King.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I had to choose Skyrim, no other game has givin me as much enjoyment as that game in a long time.

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009

To pick only one out of ALL of those amazing games D: there should really be a time restraint so people can't make an impulsive vote. At first i thought "well of course skyrim" but that's only because it's so recent. I had to take a step back to be fair about it and really think of which game i enjoyed the most.

I decided that was Batman: Arkham City :) that ending will beat ANY moment i could possibly have in Skyrim.

Skyrim = Fun romp through a big world(Oh yeah, full of glitches)

Arkham City = The story i've been waiting for a game developer to show they can make in a "game".

OT: So are we all just gonna assume that the real winner is the game that comes in second place?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Richardplex said:
What exactly is the point of this? Every person on this website knows damn well that Skyrim is going win by a landslide, regardless of whether it is actually worthy.
Well of course. It just came out, and as it's an open world RPG everyone who's got it will vote for it because they're still playing it. Regardless of that, I still voted for it, as I haven't felt like this about any of the other titles this year, except maybe DE:HR and Batman:AC, but then again, neither of those games really held my interest for very long. I mean, I completed both of them, and got bored of the find the riddler things in AC, and DE:HR just ends when you finish it...

So yeah Skyrim gets my vote as it's held my interest for longer than the rest.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
NovaCascade said:
My choice isnt even on the poll. Xenoblade Chronicles was far and away the best game of the year for me. Originally I was only buying it because I liked what the Operation Rainfall guys were doing and wanted to show my support. In the end I got a game that was some of the most fun I've had since the Mass Effect series. The environments were breathtakingly beautiful, the characters and the story made me care what happened next, the music was... Oh god that music. Although I haven't finished Xenoblade yet, while I'm running around in Skyrim I find myself wanting to go back to the Bionis, and if any game can do that - That's a supreme game
It's because it's an American site...Catherine ain't out yet over here and I haven't even heard of some of these games. Xenoblade will be on next years list if it has one.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
I would have rather had to pick three, but I voted TES V because it's pretty damn excellent, and because it's held my solid attention for 3 odd weeks since release, after I picked it up kinda on a whim (never played an Elder Scrolls game before, saw the trailer and thought it looked decent - hadn't really been following the hype much either).

I've got Skyward Sword too, and from the little I've played it's damn excellent, but I just couldn't keep away from Skyrim. Loving Zelda as I do, though, when I get round to playing it my opinion may well change.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Yep, Skyrim will win, just as it has won everything this year.

I voted Deus Ex. Best damn game I've played in quite a while, with an engaging storyline, highly immersive gameplay and a definite sense of being really polished. I'm on my third playthrough and I've encountered virtually no bugs, something I doubt a lot of Skyrim fans can attest to...


New member
May 9, 2010
Skyrim's poor optimisation is really the only thing stopping it from being my GOTY. So I decided to go with Batman.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
As Skyrim is going to run away with first place the real battle is for second place. So I'm happy that my vote for Portal 2 is helping the game to sit in silver position, it really is the best it can hope for due to Skyrim's popularity.

Garyn Dakari

New member
Nov 12, 2011
I've only played 3 of those, Arkham City, Portal 2, and Minecraft. I got Minecraft last year, and consider it a 2010 game, so I didn't vote for it.

Arkham City gets my vote, it's easily the best action game I've ever played. At least, it WAS the best action game I've played until GFWL deleted my save game...I'll restart one of these days...

But yeah, Batman still gets my vote :p


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Oh, man. Am I really the only person who like Rayman Origins. That sucks.

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
I went with Skyward sword because you can actually play it after putting in more than 60 hours.

[sub]Well, that, and I am a massive fanboy.[/sub]