Favorite/Least Favorite Final Fantasy Protagonist


New member
Jan 23, 2011
I tend to like the majority of the characters and dislike very few of them. Admittedly I never played much of Final Fantasy 12 and I've never played Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy 3 or Final Fantasy 5 but I'm sure I'll be able list enough characters.

Favourites: Rydia (young), Edward Chris von Muir, Kain Highwind, Yang Fang Leiden, Cecil Harvey (Dark Knight), Relm Arrowny, Shadow, Yuffie Kisaragi, Cat Sith, Vivi Orunita, Eiko Carol, Adelbert Steiner, Quina Quen.

I added last names in order to make them more identifiable though some will need some additional explaining. I like Rydia (young) but found the concept of an older Rydia to be pointless, why couldn't they simply have her get stronger naturally. I also preferred Cecil when he was a Dark Knight, both his design and his stats. My favourite of all the characters is Vivi.

Least favourite: Rosa Joanna Farrell, Balthier.

Balthier I simply don't like but Rosa I found to be annoying as heck. Whenever she joins the party she is unneeded (I would use Rydia, Edward or Cecil to heal) and she is completely oblivious to Kain's feelings despite how obvious it is, showing great displays of affection in turn to Cecil.

Lectori Salutem

New member
Apr 11, 2011
So far (still gotta play some of them)
Fave: FF1 Black Mage
Least: Vaan, threw him out of the active party as soon as possible. Shame he still is the main character.


New member
May 24, 2011
nbamaniac said:
Favorite: The original Warriors of Light; Bartz; Terra, Locke, Celes and every character from FF6; and Chocobos

Hate: Pretty much everyone after 6..

Though I have to add into favorites: Kain, Cecil and Rydia


New member
May 24, 2011
MaxPowers666 said:
Favourite: Zidane
Least Favourite: Cecil - you were so badass as a dark knight, then you became a little ***** ass paladin.

Defense said:
Julianking93 said:
Defense said:
How was Cloud whiny?
He did nothing but ***** the entire game.
What? No he didn't. His attitude was uncaring, not whiny, and I hardly expect a mercenary to care. The only time he really whined was when Aerith got killed in front of him, and that's kinda expected.
He barely even knew her, she got killed off so early in the dam game I find it hard to believe anybody gave a shit about her.
I never understood that whole Aeris worship myself. Her and Cloud had barely developed any emotional involvement, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. She was an undeveloped character that got killed off early in the game and I felt no sort of emotional attachment to her.

Someone Depressing

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Jan 16, 2011
Favourite: Cecil and Terra
Least Favourite: Hope and Rydia (I really can't remember her name that well..)

There's just something about that kid that I can't stand. It's probally just because she's one of the most naive characters in the Final Fantasy universe, and that's pretty bad when being compared to Hope and Cloud.


New member
May 19, 2009
Favourite: Cloud, that sword is just baller as, and the Zack/Cloud mindfuck thing was fantastic. I find him the easiest to relate to of all the FF chars.

Least Favourite: Squall. Maybe because it came directly after FF7, but Squall was just boring and a bit of a dick tbh. Zidane and Tidus had some personality at least.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Favourite: Snow/Hope/Vivi
Dislike: Vaan, Yuffie

So I liked Vivi because of the fear he had, that he wasn't real, which was really well developed. And was a big fan Snow and Hope, as they worked out to be fairly great deconstructions of the Action Hero and the 'fantasy' kid.

As for the dislikes, those two stand out in my mind as really not needing to be there. Though that applies to the cast of quite a few games EG 10

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Favorite - Squall and Lightning when they were aloof and cold. And Cecil when he was a Dark Knight.

I acutally like personalities like Squall's he reminds me so much of myself, and I wish a character would act like that and stay like that. I guess thats why I feel like I'm the only person that likes current Sasuke in Naruto and...oh sorry off topic.

But I always wondered why people dont find those brooding characters cool? Normally in whatever media they are displayed in they are seen as cool by the other characters, ex. Sasuke again.

Least Favorite - The entire cast of FF6 and Bartz.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
Hope, DIEDIEDIEDIEDIED. Everytime he looked at that stupid knife I wanted him to kill himself with it. God he was so annoying. I've never hated a video game character as much as I hated Hope.

Favorite would be Ramza Beoulve, does FFT count?


New member
Nov 30, 2010
Favorite: Terra, Basch and Zidane
Least Favorite: Tidus and Vaan, Mostly because there both stupid lumps who add absolutly nothing to their respective games

Best villian: Kefka
Worst Villian: Sin has a terrible boss fight (I hate that I can't lose) But the most annoying is Sephiroth, not because of anything in game but because of his fans.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
MaxPowers666 said:
Favourite: Zidane/auren/vivi
Least Favourite: Cecil - you were so badass as a dark knight, then you became a little ***** ass paladin.

Defense said:
Julianking93 said:
Defense said:
How was Cloud whiny?
He did nothing but ***** the entire game.
What? No he didn't. His attitude was uncaring, not whiny, and I hardly expect a mercenary to care. The only time he really whined was when Aerith got killed in front of him, and that's kinda expected.
He barely even knew her, she got killed off so early in the dam game I find it hard to believe anybody gave a shit about her.
Nah, shit like that happens in real life. Plenty of people have met people and liked them without really knowing their character.
Mackheath said:
Defense said:
How was Cloud whiny?
...Good joke.


Fave; Vive, Zidane, and Yuna. And Auron, if you could him as a protagonist, which I don't; more of an interesteed observer.

I would also say Gabranth, but eh. He's a villain for most of the game.

Least; The entire cast of FF7, except Barret (and even then only for Mr T stereotypes), and Shantoto. God-fucking-damn...
I'm afraid you're the one joking here.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Favorite: Yuna. I hardly felt the urge to slash he throat open.

Least favorite: Vanille. She's annoying and is the reason (other than Super-Pope) why events went the way they did.

This has to be the funniest captcha ever.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
favs: Balthier
hated: Squall. (well, all of 8's characters actually. God that one sucked.)


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Favorite: Cecil. And since others have also added their favorite supporting character, mine would probably be Rydia, Rosa, Auron, Yuna and Rikku.
Least Favorite: Cloud. Least favorite supporting...Edge and Wakka.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Oh, dear. Y'know, I'm in the belief that every game in the series after VII sucked, and there are a LOT of protagonists in the series that I hate. However, I did quite enjoy IV and VI...

Favorite: Locke. I think his story is fascinating; he displays a chivalrous, unafraid treasure hunter attitude, when on the inside, he's quite insecure and is struggling in various ways - the world is in some ways counting on him, he must choose between his wife and Celes, he feels responsible for his wife's "death". The depth of his character isn't really exposed too much in the game, but it doesn't take much thought to realize.

Least favorite: Tidus. He was literally always, always whining. He has this perception that the whole saving of the world revolves around him, but in reality, he's not that important. I just hated everything about him, and also about X.

Let the hate mail come in.